Self (archive footage)
¿Qué pasó después de que Einstein huyera de la Alemania nazi? Este docudrama usa imágenes de archivo y sus propias palabras para sumergirse en la mente de un genio torturado.
a cat is racist on discord and learns its bad
a cat is racist on discord and learns its bad
Self - Politician (archive footage)
En 1945, dos jóvenes soldados estadounidenses, los hermanos Budd y Stuart Schulberg, reciben el encargo de recopilar pruebas filmadas y grabadas de los horrores cometidos por el infame Tercer Reich para demostrar los crímenes de guerra nazis durante los juicios de Núremberg (1945-46). La historia de la realización de «Núremberg: una lección para el mundo de hoy», un documental histórico de primer orden, estrenado en 1948.
Secluded deep in the Bavarian Alps, Hitler, his family, and closest allies hid away- issuing orders for armies across Europe while they relaxed, dined, and enjoyed an otherworldly peace.
Self - Politician (archive footage)
Durante la guerra civil española (1936-1939) y la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), en torno a tres mil personas lograron burlar a sus perseguidores, y probablemente también evitaron ser asesinadas, gracias a los heroicos y muy eficientes esfuerzos del Equipo Ponzán, un valiente grupo de personas —guías de montaña, falsificadores, encargados de casas seguras y muchos otros—, liderado por Francisco Ponzán Vidal, que logró poner a salvo su vida, tanto a un lado como a otro de la frontera entre España y Francia.
Self (Archival Footage)
Epopeya romántica sobre tres amigos que se ven envueltos en una de las tramas secretas más impactantes de la historia de Estados Unidos. Basada en hechos que se mezclan con ficción.
Writers' Production
Tired of the verbal abuse of fans, Nikocado decides to go to the world of Minecraft and take revenge on The Rock, what follows will shock you, Waltuh.
Self (archive footage)
It was arguably the deadliest conference in human history. The topic: plans to murder 11 million Jews in Europe. The participants were not psychopaths, but educated men from the SS, police, administration and ministries. The invitation to the meeting at Wannsee came from Reinhard Heydrich, head of the Reich Security Main Office. The Wehrmacht's campaigns of conquest in Eastern Europe marked the beginning of the systematic murder of Jews in Poland and the Soviet Union. In mid-September 1941, Hitler made the decision to deport all Jews from Germany to the East. Although there had been transports before, Hitler's order represented a further escalation in the murderous decision-making process. Persecution and discrimination had been part of everyday life since 1933. But as a result, the living conditions for the Jews in the Third Reich became even more difficult, among them the Berlin Jew Margot Friedländer, born in 1921, and the Chotzen family.
Self (archive footage)
Himself (Archival footage and pictures)
En plena Segunda Guerra Mundial, un grupo de jóvenes refugiados judíos son enviados a un campo secreto de prisioneros de guerra cerca de Washington D.C. Los recientes refugiados pronto descubren que los prisioneros no son otros que los principales científicos de Hitler.
Self (archive footage)
Basado en el libro del mismo nombre, "Anotaciones sobre Hitler" explora la personalidad de Hitler y la ideología nazi con el telón de fondo de la nueva ola del supremacismo blanco.Un ensayo que expone que los humanos podemos cometer los mismos errores del pasado y que pone de manifiesto nuestros fallos a la hora de asumir nuestra historia.Rodada en nueve países, la película recorre las diferentes etapas de Hitler en su ascenso al poder y los escenarios históricos en los que fue protagonista.
Himself (archive footage)
Self - Politician (archive footage)
Germany, 1929. Helmut Machemer and Erna Schwalbe fall madly in love and marry in 1932. Everything indicates that a bright future awaits them; but then, in 1933, Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party rise to power and their lives are suddenly put in danger because of Erna's Jewish ancestry.
Self - Politician (archive footage)
Durante más de una década, el Reichsmarschall Hermann Göring, mano derecha de Adolf Hitler durante el infame Tercer Reich, reunió una colección de miles de obras de arte que fueron meticulosamente listadas en un inmenso catálogo. Pero ¿cómo se hizo con estas obras? ¿Por qué robó colecciones enteras, principalmente aquellas que pertenecían a familias judías, finalmente víctimas de la Shoah? ¿Fue para satisfacer sus ambiciones estéticas y su insaciable codicia personal o actuando en favor del beneficio común de los gerifaltes nazis?
Self (archive footage)
Self (archive footage)
Self - Politician (archive footage)
España, 14 de abril de 1931. Nace la Segunda República. Desde el principio, el escritor Miguel de Unamuno es considerado uno de los pilares éticos del nuevo régimen. Cinco años más tarde, el 31 de diciembre de 1936, pocos meses después del estallido de la guerra civil española (1936-39), Unamuno muere en su casa de Salamanca, capital del bando rebelde, liderado por el general Francisco Franco, y principal centro de difusión de su aparato propagandístico.
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
Countless people around the world know the pictures from Leni Riefenstahl's films, even if they have not seen them in their entirety. The work of the German director has burned itself into the collective memory. Even decades after the end of the Nazi era, she showed no remorse and presented herself as an apolitical, naive follower of the Nazi criminal regime. Her artistic service for the cinema was always recognized. But book author Nina Gladitz shows after decades of research that Hitler's favorite filmmaker was not only a follower, but also a perpetrator during the Third Reich, who instrumentalized other filmmakers such as the brilliant cinematographer Willy Zielke in order to gain fame for herself.
Self (archive footage)
In a collection of intimate interviews with some of America's most provocative black conservative thinkers, Uncle Tom takes a unique look at being black in America. Featuring media personalities, ministers, civil rights activists, veterans, and a self-employed plumber, the film explores their personal journeys of navigating the world as one of America's most misunderstood political and cultural groups: The American Black Conservative. In this eye-opening film from Director Justin Malone and Executive Producer Larry Elder, Uncle Tom examines self-empowerment, individualism and rejecting the victim narrative. Uncle Tom shows us a different perspective of American History from this often ignored and ridiculed group.
Self (archive footage)
This is the story of an incredible rise to power, the most comprehensive documentary on Hermann Goering ever made. He was a man of many faces: vain, ambitious, more brutal than any other of Hitler's minions, yet the most popular Nazi official of all, at times even more popular than Hitler himself. He embodied the jovial side of the Third Reich. Yet the same man who organised dissolute bacchanals also founded the Gestapo, set up the first concentration camps, and had his own comrades murdered in the purge of 1934. These unique personal records form the largest and most important single film find from the Nazi era in past years.
Self (archive footage)
Antisemitism in the US and Europe is spreading and is seemingly unstoppable. Andrew Goldberg examines its rise traveling through four countries to follow antisemitism and their victims, along with experts, politicians and locals.
Self - Politician (archive footage)
El oficial de las Waffen-SS Otto Skorzeny (1908-75) se hizo famoso por su participación en audaces acciones militares durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. En 1947 fue juzgado y encarcelado, pero escapó menos de un año después y encontró un refugio seguro en España, país gobernado con mano de hierro por el general Francisco Franco. ¿Qué hizo Skorzeny durante los muchos años que pasó allí?
Self - Politician (archive footage)
Tucson, Arizona, septiembre de 1996. A petición de su hijo Martin, George Goldsmith recuerda su pasado en la Alemania nazi como miembro de una familia de músicos judíos y la extraña historia de la Jüdischer Kulturbund, una organización judía patrocinada por el ministro del Reich Joseph Goebbels.
Self (archive footage)
This richly illustrated historical documentary investigates the mechanism of nationalist feelings that radicalise. It shows how fascism was on the rise even a decade before the founding of the NSB, due to a number of anti-democratic initiatives led by a millionaire with a predilection for one-legged women, a market vendor, a cleric, and an artist. Historians, writers and collectors of fascist curios reveal how an initially marginal and fragmented movement grew into a radical populist party.
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
Jojo Rabbit es un niño viviendo en plena 2ª Guerra Mundial. Su única vía de escape es su amigo imaginario, una versión de Hitler étnicamente incorrecta que incita los ciegos ideales patrióticos del niño. Todo esto cambia cuando descubre que su madre Rosie está escondiendo a una joven judía en su ático.
Self - Politician (archive footage)
September 1st, 1939. Nazi Germany invades Poland. The campaign is fast, cruel and ruthless. In these circumstances, how is it that ordinary German soldiers suddenly became vicious killers, terrorizing the local population? Did everyone turn into something worse than wild animals? The true story of the first World War II offensive that marks in the history of infamy the beginning of a carnage and a historical tragedy.
Self - Politician (archive footage)
September 3rd, 1939. Britain and France declare war on Nazi Germany, only two days after the Wehrmacht invades Poland. This day, the sad date when the fate of the world changed forever, the Phoney War began: eight months of uncertainty, preparations, evacuations and skirmishes.
Self (archive footage)
An account of the last two centuries of the Anthropocene, the Age of Man. How human beings have progressed so much in such a short time through war and the selfish interests of a few, belligerent politicians and captains of industry, damaging the welfare of the majority of mankind, impoverishing the weakest, greedily devouring the limited resources of the Earth.
Himself (archive footage)
Ireland, June 1944. The crucial decision about the right time to start Operation Overlord on D-Day comes to depend on the readings taken by Maureen Flavin, a young girl who works at a post office, used as a weather station, in Blacksod, in County Mayo, the westernmost promontory of Europe, far from the many lands devastated by the iron storms of World War II.
Self - Politician (archive footage)
In 1935, German scientists dug for bones; in 1943, they murdered to get them. How the German scientific community supported Nazism, distorted history to legitimize a hideous system and was an accomplice to its unspeakable crimes. The story of the Ahnenerbe, a sinister organization created to rewrite the obscure origins of a nation.
Self (archive footage)
From the British Empire, to the French Revolution, to the Spanish Inquisition, the conquest of the Aztecs, the Protestant Reformation, the Rothschild banking dynasty, the American Revolutionary War and beyond, Apotheosis of Evil will take you, the viewer, on the most exhaustive, awe-inspiring and unbelievable journey through the history of Europe, through its many ups and downs, arriving at the present day. The full length documentary epic covering European history in its entirety, exploring previously unexplored avenues of history and dispelling many myths along the way. It's time to rethink everything you thought you knew.
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
How could Hitler and Stalin, sworn ideological enemies, come to a secret pact in 1939? The captivating and detailed story of the diplomatic fiasco that led to the signing of the Nazi-Soviet pact and its devastating consequences.
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
Estados Unidos, década de 1970. Seguimos al brillante Jack durante un período de 12 años, descubriendo los asesinatos que marcarán su evolución como asesino en serie. La historia se vive desde el punto de vista de Jack, quien considera que cada uno de sus asesinatos es una obra de arte en sí misma.
Self (archive footage)
El comandante Hugo Chávez se erigió a sí mismo como un caudillo redentor que acabaría con las mafias del pasado y refundaría a Venezuela. Una vez que llegó al poder gradualmente se fue convirtiendo en un déspota que persiguió y encarceló a la oposición política, enconó a la sociedad, expropió empresas y llevó a uno de los países más ricos del mundo a la ruina. El propósito de Chavismo: la peste del siglo XXI es desenmascarar una de las mentiras políticas más devastadoras y dañinas de la historia de América Latina. El documental “Chavismo: la peste del siglo XXI” no persigue fines de lucro, fue patrocinado por la fundación Humano y Libre y sólo busca crear conciencia sobre el terrible drama que ha sufrido Venezuela en el período regido por el régimen chavista.
Adolf Hitler (archive footage)
Self (archive footage)
On May 2, 1945, Soviets take control over the Fuhrerbunker. On May 5th, they find bodies of Hitler and Eva Braun buried in the garden near the bunker. Investigation of Hitler's death was kept secret until now.
Self (archive footage)
Hasta ahora nadie ha sido juzgado ante un tribunal por los crímenes cometidos durante la guerra civil española o la dictadura de Franco. Ahora, una iniciativa argentina ha puesto en marcha un intento de juzgarlos ¿Tendrán éxito?
Self - Politician (archive footage)
The convoluted and moving story of Russian writer Vassili Grossman (1905-64) and his novel Life and Fate (1980), a literary masterpiece, a monumental and epic account of life under Stalin's regime of terror, a defiant cry that the KGB tried to suffocate.
Self - Politician (archive footage)
An account of the troubled life of Richard Sorge (1895-1944), a Soviet spy of German origin who played a decisive role in the outcome of World War II.
Self (archive footage)
Documentary about the life of Giovanni "Gianni" Agnelli, an influential Italian industrialist and principal shareholder of Fiat.
Self (archive footage)
Adolf Hitler no terminó la escuela ni tuvo ninguna formación profesional. Ocasionalmente vivió en refugios para indigentes o en la misma calle, negándose a buscar un trabajo estable. Aún a día de hoy parece inexplicable que pudiera llegar a Führer del Reich alemán, uno de los hombres más poderosos del siglo XX, y ser responsable de la muerte de millones de personas. Alemania lo adoró y lo siguió con fe ciega al abismo de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. A pesar de todo, mantuvo sus orígenes y su vida privada en el mayor de los secretismos. Ahora los contemporáneos de Hitler, desde su nacimiento hasta su muerte, nos ayudan a arrojar luz sobre la gran cuestión pendiente: ¿Quién fue en realidad Adolf Hitler?
Self - Politician (archive footage)
Winston Churchill, one of the most revered men of the twentieth century. Adolf Hitler, one of the most hated leaders in contemporary history. Between 1940 and 1945, these two enormously contradictory personalities faced each other in both politics and war. A clash of giants whose story begins in the trenches of the World War I and ends with the debacle of the World War II.
Self - Politician (archive footage)
The intricate history of UFA, a film production company founded in 1917 that has survived the Weimar Republic, the Nazi regime, the Adenauer era and the many and tumultuous events of contemporary Germany, and has always been the epicenter of the German film industry.
Himself (archive footage)
Brian, a simple shovel salesman, thinks Alice is the girl of his dreams, but she's the stuff of nightmares: a shape-shifting alien bent on destroying the human race through sheer reproductive power. Brian soon gives birth to a half-human infant, the first of an alien master race. With the help of a psychotic private detective and an archaeologist with a mysterious past, Brian races to save the world from certain destruction. But as the bond between mother and child grows, will Brian be capable of making the ultimate sacrifice to save his species?
Himself - Politician (archive footage)
The story of Italian cinema under Fascism, a sophisticated film industry built around the founding of the Cinecittà studios and the successful birth of a domestic star system, populated by very peculiar artists among whom stood out several beautiful, magnetic, special actresses; a dark story of war, drugs, sex, censorship and tragedy.
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
La historia del famoso guitarrista y compositor Django Reinhardt, el primer músico de jazz europeo que llegó a ser tan influyente como los grandes artistas americanos. Además, también se centra en su huida de París en 1943 debido a la ocupación alemana. La familia del artista fue perseguida y acosada por los nazis debido a su origen gitano.
Self (archive footage)
The Obersalzberg retreat was the summer residence and retreat of Adolf Hitler, Eva Braun and his closest confidants in the Nazi regime. The public are mainly familiar with fi lm footage and photographs from the alleged Nazi idyll. For the first time, eye witnesses are willing to talk about their experiences in Obersalzberg.
Self (archive footage)
Roseanne es una anciana que ha vivido recluida en una institución mental desde hace 50 años, acusada de ser una promiscua sexual y de haber matado a su hijo recién nacido. Con motivo de la construcción de un hotel de lujo, comienza el desalojo de los pacientes, y el director de la institución se ve obligado a recurrir a un psiquiatra que evalúe a la paciente. El doctor Grene y una enfermera escucharán, por primera vez, la vida y el testimonio de Roseanne, quien siempre ha negado todas las acusaciones contra ella. Su vida supone un recorrido por la historia secreta de Irlanda. Una historia de odio hacia los ingleses o hacia la población protestante, y donde prevalecen las desigualdades de género, el control y los prejuicios.
Self - Politician (archive footage)
El periodista y crítico de cine Rüdiger Suchsland examina el cine alemán desde 1933, año de la llegada de los nazis al poder, hasta 1945, año de la caída del Tercer Reich. (Secuela de «De Caligari a Hitler», 2015.)
Self (archive footage)
On the 29th September 1945, the incomplete rough cut of a brilliant documentary about concentration camps was viewed at the MOI in London. For five months, Sidney Bernstein had led a small team – which included Stewart McAllister, Richard Crossman and Alfred Hitchcock – to complete the film from hours of shocking footage. Unfortunately, this ambitious Allied project to create a feature-length visual report that would damn the Nazi regime and shame the German people into acceptance of Allied occupation had missed its moment. Even in its incomplete form (available since 1984) the film was immensely powerful, generating an awed hush among audiences. But now, complete to six reels, this faithfully restored and definitive version produced by IWM, is being compared with Alain Resnais’ Night and Fog (1955).
Self (archive footage)
How Germany was when its people entered the nightmare of World War II? Despair and fear lead a hungry population to follow the chilling call of just one man to world domination. A real-life horror story, an ominous tale of violence and deception, which takes place from 1919 to 1934. (Entirely made up of restored, colorized archival footage.)
Documentary about the attempts to assassinate Franco
Self - Politician (archive footage)
A captivating and personal detective story that uncovers the truth behind the childhood of Michaël Prazan's father, who escaped from Nazi-occupied France in 1942 thanks to the efforts of a female smuggler with mysterious motivations.
Self (archive footage)
La historia de Hans-Thilo Schmidt, ingeniero berlinés que, en la sombra, contribuyó a ganar la guerra de los servicios de inteligencia contra Hitler y a alterar el curso de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, al revelar a Francia los secretos de Enigma, la máquina que hace indescifrables los mensajes alemanes. Asche, nombre con el que es conocido por los franceses, se afilia al partido nazi y desde su puesto de funcionario comienza a pasar información sobre el rearme secreto de Alemania y el calendario de las futuras invasiones.
Self (archive footage)
The story of Hitler’s final hours told by people who were there. This special features exclusive forgotten interviews, believed lost for 65 years, with members of Hitler’s inner circle who were trapped with him in his bunker as the Russians fought to take Berlin. These unique interviews from figures such as the leader of the Hitler Youth Artur Axmann and Hitler’s secretary Traudl Junge, have never before been seen outside Germany. Using rarely seen archive footage and dramatic reconstruction, this special tells the story of Adolf Hitler’s final days in his Berlin bunker.
Self - Politician (archive footage)
England, 1940, during World War II. An MI5 officer, codenamed Jack King, infiltrates a network of conspirators, a British fifth column sympathetic to Nazi Germany, in order to control the organization and destroy it in the event of a German invasion. But who was he? A single person or several?
Self (archive footage)
'Unity' es un documental que explora el por qué de la (supuesta) imposibilidad de que los seres humanos nos llevemos bien entre nosotros. Su director y guionista, Shaun Monson, lanza una propuesta esperanzadora: ¿y si mutásemos de la premisa que el ser humano debe 'matar para vivir' a la de 'amar para vivir'? ¿Es posible ese cambio? Cien celebridades forman un elenco único (y unido) y exploran esa posibilidad esbozada.
Self (archive footage)
On the 29th of August 1949, the USSR set off their first atomic bomb, just four years after the Americans. The speed with which they achieved this surprised the world. What nobody knew was that it was the result of espionage. At the centre of the operation was a very unusual female spy, Elizabeth Zaroubin, in a story worthy of the best spy novels ever written.
Self - Politician (archive footage)
The life and work of German political philosopher of Jewish descent Hannah Arendt (1906-75), who caused a stir when she coined a subversive concept, the banality of evil, in her 1963 book on the trial of Nazi war criminal Adolph Eichmann (1906-62), held in Israel in 1961, which she covered for the New Yorker magazine.
Self (archive footage)
En 1945, después del final de la Segunda Guerra Mundial y la caída del régimen nazi, los derrotados, fueron maltratados atrozmente, especialmente aquellos alemanes étnicos que habían vivido pacíficamente durante siglos en los países vecinos de Alemania, como Checoslovaquia y Polonia. Una desgarradora historia de venganza contra civiles inocentes, la historia de actos tan crueles como la ocupación nazi durante los años de guerra.
Self (archive footage)
In the last 250 years, free-market ideology has played a central role in the development of the logic and rhetoric that have influenced the daily life of populations throughout the world. It was cornered for a few decades during the twentieth century in favor of a social economy for the public interest, and then returned to the limelight in the last thirty years of the century to dominate the logics that drive world economies, doing the favor of the elites at the expense of 99%. Through the testimony of six people informed about the facts, Laissez-faire offers a historical and ideological perspective through which to identify the fundamental problems of the economic mechanism on which societies are based.
zo záznamu
Self - Führer und Reichskanzler (archive footage)
The real reasons and orchestrators behind Hitler, to an incredible theory of the JFK assassination, all the way to 9/11 and the current age of the terrorist. Taken from an historical perspective starting around World War 1 leading to present day.
Self (archive footage)
A new look at the public and private life of one of the most important statesmen in the history of Europe: Winston Churchill (1874-1965), soldier, politician, writer, painter, leader of his country in the darkest hours, winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature, a myth, a giant of the 20th century.
Himself (archive footage)
The documentary "Reza Shah" begins with the rise of Reza Khan to power and looks at his reign from beginning to the end.
Self (archive footage)
Self (archive footage)
A documentary about the political entanglement between the Wagner Family and the leadership of the Third Reich.
Self (archive footage)
Adolf Hitler's Nazi megalomania knew no limits. The most daring of his plans World War II involved German fighter planes crashing into Manhattan's skyscrapers as living bombs, like the Japanese kamikazes. Hitler understood the huge symbolic power of Manhattan's skyscrapers. He believed suicide bombing would have a devastating psychological impact on the American people and the U.S. war effort.
Self (archive footage)
Lo que Stone tenía en mente era un documental de una hora, que con el paso del tiempo ha ido evolucionando hasta convertirse en un proyecto que ha dominado sus ratos libres durante los últimos cuatro años y medio, “hasta convertirse en este monstruo”, explica el director
Self (archive footage)
Jesse Owens details Jesse's early career; describes Adolf Hitler s outsized ambitions for the 1936 Olympics; explores the movement in Western democracies to boycott the event; and explains the pressures on Owens to attend. The film also explores why, despite his success in Germany, Owens struggled to find a place for himself in a United States that was still wrestling with its own deeply entrenched racism.
Adolf Hitler
Self (archive footage)
By early in the twentieth century, Nuremberg was regarded as the most anti-Semitic city in Europe. By 1929, Hitler had decided to make Nuremberg the "City of the Party Rallies" and a symbol representing the greatness of the German Empire. Even today, it is possible to see signs in Nuremberg of the megalomaniac proportions that the system was to assume.
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
Self (archive footage)
Based on the story of Americas enigmatic career of one of the revered architects of the modern world - icon, screen star, and two-term president, Ronald Reagan.
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
Rayne (Natassia Malthe) se verá forzada a luchar contra los nazis en la Europa de la II Guerra Mundial, encontrándose cara a cara con Ekart Brand (Michael Paré), un líder nazi que intentará inyectarle a Hitler la sangre de Rayne. De esta forma, convertiría a su líder en un Dhampir, es decir, un inmortal, mitad vampiro mitad humano. Tercera y última película de la saga "Bloodrayne", basada en una serie de videojuegos homónima.
Self (archive footage)
Seventy years on, brothers Colin and Ewan McGregor take viewers through the key moments of the Battle of Britain, when 'the few' of the RAF faced the might of the Nazi Luftwaffe. As they fly historic planes, meet the veterans, explore the tactics and technology, Colin and Ewan discover the importance of the Battle and the surviving legacy of the 1940's campaign for the modern RAF.
Self (archive footage)
Un relato de la breve vida del escritor Albert Camus (1913-1960), francés nacido en Argelia: su origen español en la isla de Menorca, su infancia en Argel, su carrera literaria y su lucha constante contra los pomposos intelectuales burgueses franceses, su compromiso comunista, su amor por España y su oposición a la independencia de Argelia, ya que causaría la pérdida de su verdadero hogar, su alejamiento definitivo.
Self (archive footage)
Fall Of The Republic documents how an offshore corporate cartel is bankrupting the US economy by design. Leaders are now declaring that world government has arrived and that the dollar will be replaced by a new global currency.
Self (archive footage)
La Guerra Civil española ejerció un fuerte impacto en los artistas de Hollywood. Muchos de ellos apoyaron campañas contra la política de no intervención del gobierno de Estados Unidos, participaron en mítines o pagaron ambulancias para el bando republicano. El documental muestra cómo se utilizó el conflicto en la meca del cine entre 1937 y 1975.
Self (archive footage)
About the researcher Wilhelm Reich, who wanted to prove and compare life-energies in global experiments and searched for basic principles of life. His transformation from the model student Freud to the questionable UFO researcher is also addressed.
Self (archive footage)
Self (archive footage)
Aunque Hitler y Stalin nunca se encontraron cara a cara estuvieron obsesionados el uno con el otro durante toda su carrera. Su enemistad rompió radicalmente con toda relación precedente entre ambas naciones. Por primera vez este documental hace un doble retrato de ambos dirigentes y de la intensa lucha que mantuvieron separados por miles de kilómetros de distancia. Al profundizar en el material de archivo de batallas de la Segunda Guerra Mundial procedentes de Moscú, Leningrado, Stalingrado y Berlín, se puede sacar la conclusión de que el conflicto entre Alemania y la U.R.S.S. tomó un cariz personal entre ambos dirigentes que recrudeció la lucha hasta límites insospechados. Ambos eran radicalmente opuestos en cuanto a ideología, pero estaban hermanados en cuanto a crueldad y sed de sangre. -información de la distribuidora
Self (archive footage)
Dark Fellowships attempts to uncover the truth about a bizarre occult group, whose members allegedly included many leaders of the Nazi Party, even Hitler himself.
Las insistentes reclamaciones de Hitler sobre el territorio de los Sudetes en Checoslovaquia precipitaron una grave crisis en el verano de 1938. En septiembre, el primer ministro británico Neville Chamberlain, el jefe de gobierno francés Édouard Daladier y el Duce italiano Benito Mussolini se reúnen con el führer en Munich y aceptan todas sus pretensiones. Toda Europa celebra unos acuerdos que parecían garantizar la paz mundial. Sin embargo, un año después Hitler invade Polonia y se desencadena la II Guerra Mundial. Desde entonces, "Munich" se convirtió en sinónimo y de una política de exteriores débil ante dictadores peligrosos. No obstante, cabe preguntarse si realmente es esto lo que ocurrió allí. En este espacio, fascinante y lleno de suspense, se examinamos los antecedentes, los hechos y los personajes de una de las decisiones más importantes de la historia.
Self (archive footage)
Fifty years ago, at the height of the Cold War, the USSR launched Sputnik, the first satellite to orbit the earth, bringing America to its knees in awe - then fear. Initially thrilling as a marvel of science, Sputnik was soon viewed by America a weapon of mass destruction.
Self (archive footage)
Self (archive footage)
Directores y académicos hablan sobre la mitología de la saga Star Wars y del impacto de estas películas en nuestra sociedad. Emitido por History Channel. (FILMAFFINITY)
Self (archive footage)
Stealing Klimt recounts the struggle by 90-year-old Maria Altmann to recover five Gustav Klimt paintings stolen from her family by the Nazis in Vienna. From the end of the War up until last year, these paintings hung in the Austrian National Gallery. The film covers Maria's early life in glittering fin-de-siècle Vienna, her dramatic escape from Nazi terror and her courageous fight to recover the five Klimt's against all the odds. Maria's fight to reclaim the paintings eventually took her to the United States Supreme Court and pitted her not just against Austria but also against the US Government which asked the Supreme Court to reject her case. After Maria finally emerged victorious in 2006, one of the paintings - the "Golden Portrait" of Maria's aunt, Adele Bloch Bauer - was sold to cosmetics tycoon Ronald Lauder for $135m, becoming the world's most expensive painting ever sold. The other four paintings were recently auctioned at Christie's for record prices.
Self (archive footage)
Praga, Checoeslovaquia, durante el período de entreguerras. Jan Dítě, un joven y avispado camarero que quiere hacerse millonario, llega a la conclusión de que para alcanzar su ambicioso objetivo debe ser diligente, escuchar y observar todo lo que pueda, ser siempe discreto y usar lo aprendido en su propio beneficio; pero las turbulentas mareas de la historia se interpondrán continuamente en su camino.
Adolf Hitler spent over 1,000 days on the Obersalzberg, his mountain holiday refuge near Berchtesgaden. It was there he made his decisions about war and destruction. The producers, through special permits, explore the abandoned concrete tunnels in search of the relics of history of Hitler’s mountain and to tell almost forgotten tales of the people who lived there, high up in the shadow of power.
Self (archive footage)
Un documental dividido en dos partes que narra la historia del fascismo italiano, desde su inicio hasta su desastroso final. Cuenta con imágenes de archivos en color, entrevistas y recreaciones históricas.
Self (archive footage)
A finales de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, en enero de 1945, los hombres del sexto batallón de Rangers, a las órdenes del teniente coronel Henry Mucci, llevaron a cabo una peligrosa misión en Filipinas: recorrer 30 millas a través de un territorio dominado por los japoneses para intentar rescatar a 500 prisioneros de guerra. Inspirada en hechos reales.
Self (archive footage)
Documentary using only original colour footage charts the 12 years from Adolf Hitler's rise to power to the fall of Berlin in 1945. Complemented by eyewitness material, tracks the dramatic transformation of Germany into a Nazi state, looks into Hitler's relationship with his lover Eva Braun and replicates pivotal events, including Nazi rallies, the invasion of Poland, Hitler's meeting with Lloyd George, the horrors of Buchenwald concentration camp, Warsaw's Jewish Ghetto, the Battle of Britain and the fall of Berlin.
Self (archive footage)
A documentary about the life of Errol Flynn, with recollections from friends and family.
Self (archive footage)
Adolf Hitler the fighting man is the subject of this engrossing feature, chronicling the future dictator’s combat experience as a foot soldier in World War I. Excerpts from Hitler’s letters from the front, recollections of regimental comrades, and evaluations by his officers offer a revealing portrait of a brooding, fearless loner who preferred battlefields to brothels, frontline service to home leave, and kept the men he frequently risked his life to protect at arm’s length. In a world of death, hardship, and discipline, Hitler sought comfort in the companionship of his English terrier, and in sketches and watercolors he rendered during lulls. It speculates on the influence wartime service exercised on his personal and political development, filling a critical gap for any sincere appraisal of Hitler’s psyche, motives, and subsequent actions.
Self (archive footage)
Self (archive footage)
An examination of the paranoia, cold-bloodedness, and sadism of two of the 20th century's most brutal dictators and mass murderers: Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin.
Self (archive footage)
In September 2001, respected German historian Lothar Machtan dropped a bombshell on the world of Hitler studies: Hitler was secretly homosexual. His highly acclaimed and explosive book "The Hidden Hitler" ignited a storm of controversy. With information from the bestselling book, award-winning filmmakers Fenton Bailey, Randy Barbato and Gabriel Rotello explore areas of the Führer's private life.
Self (archive footage)
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
Recreación de la matanza perpetrada por dos adolescentes en el instituto Columbine. Es un día cualquiera de otoño, y todos los estudiantes hacen su vida rutinaria: Eli, camino de clase, convence a una pareja de rockeros para hacerles unas fotos. Nate termina su entrenamiento de fútbol y queda con su novia Carrie para comer. John deja las llaves del coche de su padre en la conserjería del instituto para que las recoja su hermano. Pero ese día no será como los demás...
Self (archive footage)
Documental canadiense dividido en tres partes en la cual se analiza la evolución y el comportamiento de las corporaciones multinacionales modernas.
Himself (archive footage)
Famoso documental que aborda la cuestión de la violencia en América. ¿Por qué 11.000 personas mueren cada año en Estados Unidos víctimas de las armas de fuego? Los "bustos parlantes" vociferan desde la pantalla de TV echándole la culpa ya a Satán ya a los videojuegos. Pero, ¿en qué se diferencia Estados Unidos de otros países? ¿Por qué Estados Unidos se ha convertido en responsable y víctima de tanta violencia? "Bowling for Columbine" no es una película sobre el control de la venta de armas, es una película sobre el miedo de 280 millones de norteamericanos que se sienten más seguros sabiendo que la tenencia de armas es un derecho consagrado por la Constitución.
Self (archive footage)
Tercera parte de la trilogía formada por Koyaanisqatsi (1982), Powaqqatsi (1988) y Naqoyqatsi (2002).
Self (archive footage)
The 1972 Olympic men's basketball final, in which Team USA was accorded their first ever loss since the sport was adopted in competition, was one of the most controversial events in history the history of the Games.
Self (archive footage)
Home footage plus reenactments of the life & times of Hitler with his mistress, Eva Braun. Their early days of happiness followed by long separations due the war causing much loneliness for Eva. Up until their suicides in the Bunker as the war was drawing to its inevitable conclusion.
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
A look at the parallel lives of Charlie Chaplin and Adolf Hitler and how they crossed with the creation of the film “The Great Dictator,” released in 1940.
Self (archive footage)
A documentary about the influences on Tolkien, covering in brief his childhood and how he detested the onslaught of industry through the idyllic countryside, moving on to describe his fighting experience from WWI, and closing with a look at the Finnish inspiration for the scholar's self-invented languages of Elfish. In between are interviews with the cast of the films and some clips, by far the most from "The Fellowship of the Ring", but a few glimpses of Rohan riders (from "The Two Towers") are provided. Also, there are interviews with a range of the filmmakers.
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
Rafe y Danny crecieron juntos en una zona rural estadounidense y su amistad se ha prolongado a lo largo de los años hasta las filas del ejercito del aire, donde los dos son pilotos de combate. Rafe encontró en Evelyn, una valiente enfermera, al amor de su vida, pero pronto es llamado a servir en la fuerza aérea británica para combatir a los nazis como representante del ejército estadounidense. Mientras tanto, Danny y Evelyn son enviados a la base aérea de Pearl Harbor en Hawai. Una vez allí, ambos se enamoran mientras Rafe es derribado en combate. Para sorpresa de ambos, Rafe sobrevive y regresa a Pearl Harbor pero todo se complica cuando se produce un mortal bombardeo por parte del ejercito japonés.
Self (archive footage)
A history of the Nazi movement in the United States. In a feature length survey of Nazism in the USA, we trace the history from the fairly benign organizations that gave structure to newly arrived German immigrants to today's neo-Nazis who breech the borderline of free-speech by using radical action to force their agenda of Aryan Purity.
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
Un retrato de la vida y carrera del infame diseñador estadounidense de dispositivos de ejecución y negacionista del holocausto.
Self (Archive)
In June 1941, Hitler broke the golden rule of warfare never to fight on opposite fronts and marched into the Soviet Union. What would drive him to make the most catastrophic mistake of World War II? This acclaimed four-part series investigates what led to the largest military operation in history - and the bloodiest. Assisted by leading historians and granted unique access to Eastern film archives and to both Soviet and German participants, War of the Century is the definitive series on a war that shaped the borders and attitudes of Europe for the second half of the 20th Century.
Self (archive footage)
The historical documentary Hitler Youth explores Adolf Hitler's maniacal construction of the titular organization - one comprised of young Aryan men who would rule the world by fear, intimidation and violence. Via a compendium of terrifying archival footage, the program documents the establishment of the Hitler Youth, its escalation from a membership of 13,000 to 10,000,000 within fifteen years, and the death of the organization following Hitler's suicide in 1945.
Self (archive footage)
Human Remains is a haunting documentary which illustrates the banality of evil by creating intimate portraits of five of the 20th century's most reviled dictators. The film unveils the personal lives of Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, Joseph Stalin, Francisco Franco and Mao Tse Tung. We learn the private and mundane details of their everyday lives -- their favorite foods, films, habits and sexual preferences. There is no mention of their public lives or of their place in history. The intentional omission of the horrors for which these men were responsible hovers over the film.
Self (archive footage)
El francés Abel Tiffauges es un hombre ingenuo que vive una vida sencilla trabajando como mecánico. Acusado falsamente de ser un pederasta, es reclutado como soldado al comienzo de la Segunda Guerra Mundial; pero pronto es capturado y llevado al corazón de la Alemania nazi.
Self (archive footage)
The very name conjures up images of the good life black tie affairs and high society balls. Yet their long saga proves that money is no guarantee of happiness or stability. John Jacob Astor built an empire by parlaying a job in the fur business into a real estate empire so vast he became the richest man in the world. Follow the fortunes of five generations of Astors in this special BIOGRAPHY. From John's son William, who doubled the family fortune and earned the nickname "the landlord of New York," to the astounding charitable contributions of the Astor Foundation, the incredible story of the famed family comes to life through interviews with family members, archival footage and period accounts. Trace the feud and reconciliation that led to the creation of the Waldorf-Astoria hotel, and find out how the Titanic disaster forever transformed the Astors and their reputation.
Self (archive footage)
The stories of the battles that brought together a Polish cavalry officer, a Canadian captain, and a polish underground member are told by the very same Canadians who survived them.
Self (archive footage)
"Trinity and Beyond" is an unsettling yet visually fascinating documentary presenting the history of nuclear weapons development and testing between 1945-1963. Narrated by William Shatner and featuring an original score performed by the Moscow Symphony Orchestra, this award-winning documentary reveals previously unreleased and classified government footage from several countries.
Self (archive footage)
The story of Charles E. Bedaux, Franco-American industrial efficiency expert, adventurer, and Nazi collaborator. In 1934, he bankrolled a 1,200-mile expedition across northern Canada, supported by an outrageously equipped entourage. Documentary about a wealthy adventurer whose Nazi ties eventually led to charges of treason.
Self (archive footage)
This is a rare look at one of the worst horror stories in the long infamous history of warfare. This series features captured German and Russian film footage, much of which has never been seen before. For decades the Cold War prevented us from looking closely at what really happened between the Russians and the Germans on the Eastern Front during World War II. More than a struggle between nations, it pitted maniacal tyrant against maniacal tyrant, evil ideology against evil ideology. The lives of tens of millions of human beings were consumed by its raging hatreds and appalling indignities. One in every ten Russians died. One in every four Poles died. Whole divisions of Italians, Romanians, Hungarians disappeared with barely a trace. An average of 17,800 people died on every single day and this, the war on the Russian German Front, lasted for 1,400 days. This series features captured German and Russian film footage, much of which has never been seen before.
Self (archive footage)
From the beginning, Hergé's work, Tintin's creator, was conditioned by the ideology of his publisher, the weekly child supplement of a Belgian Catholic newspaper. An exciting analysis of the political meaning of the adventures of Tintin.
Self (archive footage)
DEATH SCENES II continues the exploration into the dark recesses of violence and rage that ended in such heinous crimes as the Manson Family's assault on society. You'll see the gruesome aftermath of mob reprisals, public executions and international terrorism. DEATH SCENES II uniquely ushers the brave and curious into a spellbinding trip through the reality that is our world today.
Self (archive footage)
The rise and fall of Nazi Germany's terrifying secret police force from 1933 through 1945.
Self (archive footage)
Directed by Hava Kohav Beller, this stirring documentary chronicles the anti-Nazi resistance movement within Hitler's Germany and the countless unsuccessful attempts to remove the führer from power.
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
An expose of the beliefs, history, and personalities of American White Supremacist groups, including neo-Nazis, fascists, the Ku Klux Klan, and the Aryan Nation. Footage includes interviews, as well as the supremacist's own promotional material. Subject discussed include the loss of America to the "colored" races, the imminent racial bloodbath, interracial breeding, prejudice, the Holocaust, Jesus, Christianity, Jews, the Bible, and illegal immigrants who enter the country with nuclear bombs strapped to their backs.
Self (archive footage)
Death in all it's faces and stages. From the horrors of Buchenwald to the devastation of Hiroshima. From the political assassinations of the second half of the 20th century to the bloody feeding frenzy of the pythons of Burma. Burned on to the screen like napalm victims of Vietnam. Followed by "Death in Focus" part 2.
Self (archive footage)
The making of 'The World At War'. Each film in the 26 episode series had to be an essay on an aspect of the war, because the length and separate aspects of the war was far too much to cover in detail. Jeremy Isaacs talks about the production process and the aims of the project. The intention of the crew that were involved with the various skills in making 'The World at War' had no desire to use film from British, German, French, Polish, Russian, Japanese, or the Americans because of their specific means of showing the winning side of a specific action. Rather, an effort was made to interview people who were not part of the establishment, but rather the common people or assistants and secretaries of historical persons. Film was researched for those films from cameras where there was no special subject, but those that would allow the viewer to make their own decisions about what they had just seen and heard.
Self (archive footage)
As with so many early films by Sokurov, this film has two dates: the first is the date of its creation (the film was then banned), the second is the date of the final edition and legal public screening. The film consists of German and Soviet archive footage of the World War II — to be exact, from the end of the war. An attempt to make a large–scale documentary on this subject had been undertaken in the Soviet cinema of the 1960s: the film — “Ordinary Fascism” — by the outstanding Soviet film–maker Mikhail Romm had become a classic retrospective investigation of fascism. But Sokurov uses the expressive power of the documentary image in an absolutely different way. He does not amass materials for a large–scale picture of Nazi crimes.
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
In this unique adult feature, actual archival footage of WWII is interlaced throughout the farcical plot about the sex lives of Hitler and his top confidants.
Self (archive footage)
True Gore combines the usual death footage found in most shockumentaries with video art from Survival Research Laboratories and Monte Cazazza and more
Self (archive footage)
Biography of the legendary filmmaker directed by his son.
Adolf Hitler
Self - Politician (archive footage)
La verdadera historia del empresario checo-alemán Oskar Schindler (1908-74) contada por algunos de los judíos —más de mil personas— a los que salvó del exterminio durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial.
Himself (archive footage)
This film tells the story about the concentration camp run by Ustashas and was made on the 40th anniversary of the inmates' escape from the camp.
Self (archive footage)
Human torture. Factories of death. War atrocities. The crimes that haunt the pagse of history are chronicled in the piercing documentary Camps of Death. Following Hitler's murderous career, the film traces his rise to power, his ultimate demise, and the subsequent nuremberg trials that publicized the horrors of Hitler's regime. Concentration camp footage combines with chilling POW interviews to graphically create the nazi nightmare that few could hope to survive. A powerful look at the third reich adn the horrifying fate of its enemies.
Self (archive footage)
Notable for providing a bucolic, personal view of high-ranking Nazis. Eva Braun was the longtime romantic companion to Adolf Hitler, as well as a photographer and amateur filmmaker. Her 8mm Agfacolor-stock home movies, recorded at her leisure, were seized by the US Army in 1945. They were subsequently assembled into 8 reels, from 28 reels of original camera negatives. The US National Archives received this 8-reel film in 1947, and in 2012 began the digital restoration process.
Archive Footage
While a few Hollywood celebrities such as James Stewart and Clark Gable saw combat during World War II, the majority used their talents to rally the American public through bond sales, morale-boosting USO tours, patriotic war dramas and escapist film fare. Comedian David Steinberg plays host for this star-studded, 90-minute documentary, which looks at the way Tinseltown helped the United States' war effort.
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
Joe Cavalier (Jean-Paul Belmondo) fue uno de los más hábiles y valientes pilotos de la Primera Guerra Mundial (1914-1918). Veinte años después, es el entrenador de un equipo de púgiles franceses que participarán en las Olimpíadas de Berlín de 1936. Aprovechando la competición, Cavalier decide ayudar a escapar a un grupo de judíos, pero la falta de sentido de la orientación hace que el grupo se extravíe en la montaña. (FILMAFFINITY)
Self (archive footage)
The mass murder of Jewish people by the Nazi regime is chronicled, with a warning that anti-Semitism is on the rise and the events of the Holocaust could happen again. The history of European Jewish culture and events before and during the Holocaust are seen in newsreels, photographs, and animated segments. The words of the victims of the era are read, and footage from the liberation os a concentration camp is shown.
Self (archive footage)
A collection of bloopers and outtakes from an enormous selection of Hollywood classic productions spanning from the 1930s through the 1980s.
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
Colección de escenas explícitas que representan diversas formas de morir.
In 1978, just after Le fond de l'Air Est Rouge, which mercilessly analyzed the previous ten years of the revolutionary left's momentum until its collapse, Chris Marker made this complementary piece entitled Quand le Siècle a Pris Forme (Guerre et Révolution).
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
El 6 de mayo de 1938, Hitler visita Roma. Es un día de fiesta para la Italia fascista, que se vuelca en el recibimiento. En una casa de vecinos sólo quedan la portera, un ama de casa, Antonietta, y Gabriele, que teme a la policía por algún motivo desconocido. Al margen de la celebración política, Antonietta y Gabriele establecen una relación afectiva muy especial que les permite evadirse durante unas horas de la tristeza y monotonía de la vida cotidiana.
Self (archive footage)
Una aguda crónica del improbable ascenso al poder de Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) y una disección del Tercer Reich (1933-1945), pero también un análisis de la psicología de masas y de cómo la multitud desesperada puede ser engañada y conducida al matadero.
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
Las jerarquías de industriales e intelectuales germanos traman asesinar a Hitler. Su plan es descubierto por la Gestapo, quien organiza un grupo de entre la élite de los oficiales de las SS, para infiltrarse entre las familias más poderosas y destrozar la conspiración. Así entran en un mundo de corrupción, violencia y perversión.
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
En un planeta Tierra post-apocalíptico, un sabio mago y sus compañeros luchan contra otro mago que está utilizando aparatos tecnológicos para conquistar el planeta. Dos hermanos lideran bandos opuestos en un mundo fantástico, uno de ellos desde el bando que pretende la paz. El otro lidera un grupo avaricioso que sigue los ideales nazis.
Self (archive footage)
This film is a kind of anthology about Vienna, from the invention of film to the present day. The aim is to break down the usual clichéd "image of Vienna" such as that found in the traditional "Vienna Film" by juxtaposing documentary footage, newly shot material and subjective sequences created by various artists. Individual, self-contained sections of the film gain new meaning within the context of historical material. Familiar sites appear estranged when edited together with historical scenes. Other scenes appear like a persiflage or satirical. The film does not incorporate any commentary whatsoever. It is a collage of diverse materials aimed at conveying a distanced image of Vienna to the viewer
Self (archive footage)
El general Ahmed organiza un ejército popular para atenuar la miseria de los habitantes de Watts. Pero, como los vecinos viven atemorizados por una banda mafiosa, el lugarteniente de Ahmed, el coronel Kojah, pide permiso para crear una brigada con el fin de proteger a los ciudadanos. Sin embargo, esta brigada acaba convirtiéndose en una banda mafiosa, y Ahmed deberá enfrentarse a Kojah para arrebatarle el control de la ciudad.
Self (archive footage)
Swastika is a feature length documentary about the way in which the Nazi regime infiltrated the lives of the German population, during 1933-45.
Self (archive footage)
Guy Debord's analysis of a consumer society.
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
Relato de un judío canadiense que a mediados de los años cuarenta trata desesperadamente de encontrar un lugar en el mundo donde establecerse él y su familia.
Self (archive footage)
Presents a unique and disturbing look at the rise of the Nazi party. The documentary, directed by Lutz Becker, attempts to remain as objective as possible, serving as a neutral observer of the years 1918 through 1933 in Germany. Via newsreel footage and clips of features from the era, the film offers a kaleidoscopic view of the many elements that fueled the rise of the Socialist Nationalist Party, including post-WWI poverty. Hitler occupies a central place in the documentary.
Self (archive footage)
Tom is a young guy from Zagreb, completely without money, trying to make films in Belgrade. He somehow manages to survive with a help of women. He doesn't believe in anybody, respects no one and is in constant conflict with the ruling system and order. After being left by a silly American girl, Tom binds with a woman whose husband is abroad. When she kicks him out, he moves in with her husband's sister, who later kills him in the attack of jealousy. All this is shown in the context of major historical events prior to 1968. with lots of archive footage of world leaders.
Self (archive footage)
Short documentary about 50 years of history of Czechoslovakia, with archive images.
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
La directora de un restaurante se verá envuelta en aventuras en la Segunda Guerra Mundial en compañía de un inventor despistado y un falso fraile.
Self (archive footage)
In the fall of 1967, intermedia artists Ture Sjölander and Lars Weck collaborated with Bengt Modin, video engineer of the Swedish Broadcasting Corporation in Stockholm, to produce an experimental program called Monument. It was broadcast in January, 1968, and subsequently has been seen throughout Europe, Asia, and the United States. Apart from the technical aspect of the project, their intention was to develop a widened consciousness of the communi - cative process inherent in visual images. They selected as source material the "monuments" of world culture— images of famous persons and paintings.
Self (archive footage)
Documento histórico, en los cuales se analiza el surgimiento del fascismo en Alemania como consecuencia de la gran crisis del capitalismo a finales de los años 20 y el auge del nazismo apoyado por el capital financiero alemán.
Usando materiales fílmicos provenientes de los archivos nazis, Mikhail Romm, discípulo de Eisenstein, analiza mediante en un relato ameno e impactante, y muy irónico, el carácter populista del fascismo y el efecto de la propaganda en la psicología de masas, que llegó a extremos tales de hacer del ser humano simples máquinas de matar.
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
Documents the major trial of the Nazi war criminals and the violent acts that they were accused of.
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
Indagación sobre los orígenes del fascismo y su desarrollo en Italia y en otros países mediante material de archivo. Esta revisión muestra el marco ideológico del fascismo y el rastro que ha dejado en la mentalidad de la gente.
Self (archive footage)
The rise and fall of Nazi Germany in part through the use of classical allegory.
Self (archive footage)
Documentary on the Greek history of the first half of the 20th century, from the Balkan wars until December events, with a special emphasis on the Asia Minor Catastrophe and its aftermath, through filmed documents by Joseph Hep, George Prokopiou, Achilleas Mandras, Philopimenas Finos, Gabriel Loggos and Kyriakos Kourbetis.
Self (archive Footage)
Carefully chronicling in great detail the early years of Hitler's political life until his fall as the leader of Germany, this archive-footage documentary offers a sharply critical insight into the stealthy rise of the Nazi party and how it's racist vision of the world slowly took hold in a disillusioned Germany.
Self (archive footage)
A documentary about the capacity of organized destruction of the Nazi war machine
Self (archive footage)
"Mein Kampf" presents the raising and fall of the Third Reich, showing mainly the destruction of Poland and the life Hitler, which is told since he was a mediocre student and frustrated aspirant of artist living in slums in Austria and Germany, until his suicide in 1945 after being the responsible for the death of million of people, and the destruction of Europe. All the footage is real and belonged to a secret file of Goebbels, inclusive with many very strong scenes filmed by Goebbels himself.
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
Doce años después de la Liberación y del descubrimiento de los campos de concentración nazis, Alain Resnais entra en el desierto y siniestro campo de Auschwitz. Lentos travellings en color sobre la arquitectura despoblada, donde la hierba crece de nuevo, alternan con imágenes de archivo (en blanco y negro, rodadas en 1944) que reconstruyen la inimaginable tragedia que sufrieron los prisioneros así como las causas y las consecuencias de esa tragedia: desde el advenimiento del nazismo y la deportación de los judíos hasta el juicio de Nuremberg.
Self (archive footage)
The film begins with the First World War and ends in 1945. Without exception, recordings from this period were used, which came from weekly news reports from different countries. Previously unpublished scenes about the private life of Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun were also shown for the first time. The film was originally built into a frame story. The Off Commentary begins with the words: "This film [...] is a document of delusion that on the way to power tore an entire people and a whole world into disaster. This film portrays the suffering of a generation that only ended five to twelve. " The film premiered in Cologne on November 20, 1953, but was immediately banned by Federal Interior Minister Gerhard Schröder in agreement with the interior ministers of the federal states of the Federal Republic of Germany.
Self (archive footage)
Documentary of war atrocities with newsreel footage of concentration camps.
Self (archive footage)
Compilation film about a very German first half of the 20th century.
Self - Politician (archive footage)
Praga, durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Hana Kaufmann, una oftalmóloga judía, se casa con el Dr. Antonín Bureš, un hombre cristiano. Cuando su familia es enviada al campo de concentración de Theresienstadt, su romance se convierte en una lucha por la supervivencia.
Self (archive footage)
How, in November 1945, after the end of the World War II and the fall of the Third Reich, the international prosecutors participating in the first Nuremberg trial —formally, the International Military Tribunal— built their case against the top Nazi war criminals using the films and records produced by the own regime, obsessed with documenting everything in its long path of infamy and crime.
Self (archive footage)
An account of Adolf Hitler's rise and fall, his relationship with Eva Braun and their days of leisure at the Berghof, their Bavarian residence.
Self (archive footage)
William L. Shirer, the author of The Rise and Fall of the 3rd Reich, talks about the youth who were under Hitler. He speaks on the influence, hate, death, war and conquest has on the youth. How these concepts are built into them the moment they are born.
Self (archive footage)
Nazi propaganda film about the "Theresienstadt ghetto". The film was supposed to show the world that Jews didn't suffer in concentration camps. Upon completion, most Jews shown in the film (including director Kurt Gerron) were brought to Auschwitz, where they were killed.
Self (archive footage)
Know Your Ally: Britain was a 45-minute propaganda film made in 1944. It was narrated by Walter Huston and produced by the United States War Department and Signal Corp to solidify Anglo-American solidarity within the ranks as well as counter Nazi propaganda aimed at weakening the Alliance.
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
El empresario Joseph E. Davies es nombrado por el presidente Roosevelt embajador de los Estados Unidos en la Unión Soviética para que averigüe cuáles son las intenciones de este país respecto a la inminente Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945). El embajador se llevará algunas sorpresas en una nación que pocos conocen realmente.
Self (archive footage)
A featureless land fit only for war, as the narrator, J. L. Hodson stated in the early scenes: "If war was to be fought then let it begin here". In endless miles of rock-strewn scrub desert, where civilians hardly existed. Desert Victory tells the story of the Allied campaign to drive Germany and Italy from North Africa is analysed, with the major portion of the film examining the battles at El Alamein, including some re-enactment. Won "Best Documentary Feature" at the 16th Academy Awards in 1944.
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
A propaganda film during World War II about a boy who grows up to become a Nazi soldier.
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
Docudrama rodado por John Ford sobre el bombardeo de Pearl Harbour el 7 de diciembre de 1941 y sus resultados, la destrucción de la zona, la recuperación de los barcos, la defensa en Hawaii y los esfuerzos estadounidenses para contraatacar los refuerzos japoneses.
La versión completa y no censurada de la película mezcla imágenes de archivo auténticas con recreaciones de los ataques y secuencias de ficción con actores.
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
Michelle de la Becque está enamorada del diseñador industrial Robert Cortot. Juntos disfrutan en París de una vida lujosa hasta que Michelle descubre que su amante se relaciona con oficiales nazis y que sus fábricas trabajan para el ejército alemán. Al mismo tiempo, ayuda a un aviador americano cuyo avión ha sido derribado y acaba enamorándose de él.
Himself (archive footage) (uncredited)
Katie O'Hara, una ex bailarina de cabaret norteamericana, después de casarse con el barón Von Luber, va a pasar su luna de miel en Europa. Con ellos viaja Pat O'Toole, un locutor de radio que colabora con los servicios secretos americanos, y que intenta convencer a Katie de que su marido es un nazi muy importante. De hecho, cada país que visitan los recién casados (Checoslovaquia, Polonia, Francia) es inmediatamente invadido por las tropas alemanas. Al final, Katie no sólo se convence, sino que se enamora de O'Toole y, además, en París, ejerce de espía y consigue obtener una valiosa información de Von Luber.
Self (archive footage)
Documentary examining the events which led up to the Second World War.
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
Winning Your Wings is a 1942 short American World War II recruitment film produced by Warner Bros. Studios for the US Army Air Forces, starring Jimmy Stewart. It was aimed at young men who were thinking about joining the Air Force.
Primero de una serie de documentales conocidos por "Why We Fight", que fueron producidos por el ejército de los Estados Unidos. Muestra las causas de la guerra, quiénes son los enemigos y por qué hay que combatirlos.
Self (archive footage)
A 1941 Ministry of Information propaganda film set to the tune of The Lambeth Walk, a popular song from the musical Me and My Girl.
Self (uncredited)
Chronicles combat action of Hitler's elite bodyguard regiment from 1940 to 1941. From Rotterdam to Greece, German frontline cameramen captured footage of early victorious campaigns. Scenes of camp life and ceremonies convey an impression of the comradeship, pride, and elan of this mighty military formation.
Self (archive footage)
This film illustrates the difference between World War II and the war of 1914, emphasizing the importance of mechanization, and contrasting the mobile tactics with the immobility of trench warfare. The scientific approach, both to problems of military strategy and to new weapons, is all-important. The film shows some of the work done by Canadian scientists to make these weapons as effective as possible.
Self (archive footage)
Hitler's doctor is gradually realising that the Nazi regime isn't as good as it pretends to be when his friends start to "disappear" into the camps. His wife is courted by the party and accepts a political post in Berlin. Meanwhile Dr Karl decides to try to do something to counteract the Nazi propaganda and with the help of an engineer and a few friends he sets up the Freedom Radio to counteract the Nazi propaganda.
Himself (archive footage)
Checoslovaquia, marzo de 1939, en vísperas de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Mientras los invasores alemanes ocupan Praga, el inventor Axel Bomasch logra huir y llegar a Inglaterra; pero aquellos que necesitan poner sus conocimientos al servicio de la maquinaria de guerra nazi, con el propósito de llevar a cabo sus malvados planes de destrucción, no se detendrán ante nada para capturarlo.
During the colorful ceremonies of the Nuremberg rallies, Hitler Youth parade before their Fuehrer and are addressed by Nazi youth leader Baldur von Schirach, Rudolf Hess, and Hitler himself.
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
A gang of spies held up in a haunted castle gives this team of celebrated British wireless comedians plenty of scope for laughs.
The first blitzkrieg, Hitler's invasion of Poland, is traced in this original Nazi propaganda film from 1940.
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
Estados Unidos, Ley Seca, años 20. Relato sobre los diferentes caminos que siguen tres veteranos que se conocen durante la Primera Guerra Mundial (1914-1918). Cuando regresan a América tras luchar por su país, tropiezan con el problema del desempleo y con grandes difícultades económicas. Uno de ellos (Lynn) seguirá con decisión el buen camino; otro (Cagney), amargado por la falta de futuro, no encuentra más salida que el contrabando ilegal de licor; el tercero (Bogart) se convierte en un implacable gángster.
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
Un grupo de jóvenes se enfrenta a la brutalidad de los nazis. Tienen un topo en la guardia de élite de Hitler, pero se ve obligado a participar en orgías y el alcohol le desata la lengua...
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
The Four Men of the title are British WWI veterans who decide to work secretly against enemies of the country. They aren't above a bit of murder or sabotage to serve their ends, but they consider themselves to be true patriots.
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
Un agente del FBI (Robinson) investiga una amplia red de espionaje nazi que opera en Estados Unidos. Sus contactos llegarán hasta Suramérica y Europa. Se trata de una de las pocas películas del género antinazi rodadas antes de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, época en la que los Estados Unidos y, por consiguiente, Hollywood seguían una política aislacionista.
Documentary short by the German Labour Front (Deutsche Arbeitsfront) about the construction and launching of the cruise ship "Wilhelm Gustloff".
Self (archive footage)
A documentary about the threat of war breaking out in Europe, focusing on Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini.
The Second part of Olympia, a documentary about the 1936 Olympic games in Berlin by German Director Leni Riefenstahl. The film played in theaters in 1938 and again in 1952 after the fall of the Nazi Regime.
Self (uncredited)
Documental sobre los Juegos Olímpicos celebrados en la ciudad de Berlín en 1936. Divida en dos partes de 118 y 107 minutos, respectivamente, el atletismo ocupa buena parte de su metraje, incluida la primera parte en su integridad. La segunda incluye imágenes de gimnasia, vela, pentatlón, decatlón, hockey sobre hierba, polo, fútbol, ciclismo, hípica, remo, salto y natación.
Self (archive footage)
Nazi propaganda film contrasting Germany in the days of the Weimar Republic with contemporary Germany under Adolf Hitler.
Nazi propaganda film contrasting Germany in the days before Adolf Hitler became Chancellor with the Germany of "today" and how much better it is.
Self (archive footage)
Short documentary film in the newsreel series 'The March of Time'.
The center piece of the this propaganda film is Mussolini's visit to the the German Olympic Stadium in 1937, where he was greeted that 1 million people jammed into the stadium to hear him speak. Also features speeches in nearby Mayfield, various meetings that Mussolini had with prominent members of the Nazi party in Munich, Mussolini's watching German Army field exercises, and, with Hermann Göring, reviewing military parades.
Said to pick up where "Triumph of the Will" left off, this film showcases highlights of the Nazi Party rallies in Nüremberg in 1936 and 1937. The main focus of the film begins with extended footage of the Gothic splendor of Nüremberg from the air, Hitler's arrival at the airbase, his motorcade into the city, and the ensuing ceremonies. Other, much more propagandistic elements, are edited in; they include: past Nazi party marches and rallies, parachute drops, Wehrmacht exercises in the Zeppelin fields, random military formation night rallies and random shots of massed crowds, fireworks, torch lit marches, even live explosions.
Se trata de un film propagandístico del las fuerzas armadas del régimen nazi, que actualmente está parcialmente perdido (sólo se conservan aproximadamente 17 minutos que fueron redescubiertos en 1970). El documental es una cobertura del VII Congreso del Partido Nazi, que tuvo lugar en Núremberg. Se presenta una advertencia de lo que está por venir por medio de la representación de un simulacro de batalla, escenificado por las tropas alemanas durante la ceremonia en Núremberg del Día de las Fuerzas Armadas de Alemania, en 1935. La cámara sigue a los soldados desde sus preparativos a comienzos del día en sus tiendas de campaña, y cuando marchan cantando a la amplia plaza donde tiene lugar una guerra en miniatura, en la que participan la infantería, caballería, aeronaves y defensas antiaéreas. Asimismo, tiene lugar la primera aparición pública del nuevo tanque alemán, que es presentado ante Adolf Hitler y miles de espectadores.
Alemania, año 1934. Adolf Hitler acababa de llegar al poder un año antes. En Nuremberg el partido nacionalsocialista celebra un triunfalista y patriótico congreso en el que se exaltan los valores raciales y patrios del pueblo ario alemán.
A documentary meant to show Americans what had been going on in Germany since Hitler's rise, centered on a fact finding trip by Cornelius Vanderbilt, with newsreel footage of book burnings and such.
Cobertura del 5º Congreso del Partido Nazi en Nürenberg, del 1 al 3 de septiembre de 1933. El documental comienza con el amanecer del primer día, cuando la tranquilidad se transforma en un bullicio que culmina con la llegada de Hitler.
Hitler's first speech as the elected Chancellor of Germany. Subject is a call for German's to hand the Nazi party total power in Germany.
A propaganda film of the Nazi Party from the year of the “Machtergreifung” in 1933. The film is a contemporary interesting document that illustrates the self-perception of the party at the beginning of their importance in terms of power politics.
Self (archive footage)
This Nazi propaganda documentary traces the rise to power of the Nazi party in Germany.
Archival Footage
On February 21, 1945, the Royal Canadian Air Force Halifax bomber NP711 with a crew of seven men took off from the Linton-on-Ouse air base in England for a bombing raid over Worms, Germany. The bomber never made it to its target. The Halifax was struck by anti-aircraft fire and crashed into a mountainside near Leistadt, Germany. All crew members were killed. The crash was so horrific that the wreckage was strewn over 1,000 meters. Seventy-seven years later the wreckage was recovered and the site was deemed a gravesite for the perished crew. This documentary film examines the last days of the seven-member crew and the recovery of the wreckage of Halifax NP711.
God is doing the irreparable which anger people and pushes them to want to cancel him. But can we cancel God?
Self - Politician (archive footage)
El periodista español Manuel Chaves Nogales (1897-1944) estaba allí donde estaba la noticia: en la España fraticida del 36, en la Rusia bolchevique, en la Italia fascista, en la Alemania nazi, en un París amenazado o en el Londres bombardeado de la Segunda Guerra Mundial; porque su oficio era andar y contar historias y luchar contra los totalitarismos, en una época en la que había que tomar partido para no quedarse solo. Pero él, íntegro, nunca lo hizo.
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
the italian social republic was born in september 1943 after the armistice with the allies and the liberation of mussolini, as an attempt to rebuild an italian state that would continue the work of fascism. the government of the new republic is based in salo ', on the shores of lake garda, with a political center in verona, where the republican fascist party is rebuilt. from then until 1945 Italy lived nineteen dramatic months, characterized by deaths and destruction. in the vain attempt to regain the consent of the masses, the republic of salo 'became an instrument of repression in the hands of the Germans and collapsed, in April 1945, in the face of the advance of the allied armies. this documentary reconstructs the history of those 600 days with largely unpublished material.