Hero Muller

Hero Muller


Hero Muller


Mister Twister on Stage
Leo Stet
The big end-of-term play is approaching. Tobias is somewhat anxious, but with Mees Kees at the helm, everything should be just fine. The class looks forward to rehearsing in the afternoons and to making beautiful scenery - until they find out that Principal Dreus has chosen a terribly boring medieval play. Moreover, it is to be staged in a dusty room within a nearby retirement home. But Mees Kees wouldn't be Mees Kees if he didn't put his own twist on things...
In this road movie, mediator Bram drives his elderly father, Kees, to a German village - assured that he wants to pay a visit to an old friend. Once they arrive, Bram discovers the true goal of the trip.
Mega Mindy And The Black Crystal
Thief Axel travels to Zahambra to steal a hidden piece of black crystal which can make an evil version of Mega Mindy. Mieke and her friends travel there too to stop him before it's too late..
Sprookjesboom Deel 1
Sprookjesbos boom
Wie kent ze niet? Roodkapje, Klein Duimpje en de Fakir uit het Sprookjesbos van de Efteling? Bekijk nu de Sprookjesboom, sprookjesachtige 3D-animatieserie waarin bekende bewoners uit het Sprookjesbos een grappig, gek of spannend avontuur beleven. Afleveringen: • Geluk • De ontdekking van de Fakir • Goede raad • De laars van de Reus • De treurende muziekboom • Midwinterkabouterbal • Rijmen vol geheimen • 2 Kleine Duimpjes • Wie past er op mijn huisje • Knibbel knabbel huisje • De schat
Het Monster van Toth
In the 17th century, in a little town called Toth, people are mysteriously disappearing and rumor has it that a werewolf is wandering the streets.
Murder in Ecstasy
Kees Bleeker
De Cock and Vledder investigate the robbery of an armored truck which leads to several murders.
El cuarto hombre
Un escritor alcohólico comienza a tener visiones que parecen anunciarle un peligro inminente. Un día tiene una aventura con una mujer que ha asistido a la presentación de uno de sus libros y, desde entonces, las visiones se intensifican.
Eric, oficial de la reina
Las vidas de Erik Lanshof y cinco de sus amigos más cercanos toman rumbos diferentes cuando el ejército alemán invade los Países Bajos en 1940: lucha y resistencia, miedo y resignación, colaboración y alta traición.
De klop op de deur
As years pass, the Craets-Goldeweyn family must cope with the disappearance of the familiar and the inescapable new that imposes itself.
Sprookjesbos boom