Rick Rowley

Rick Rowley


Richard (Rick) Rowley is a documentary filmmaker. His films and TV shows have received three Emmy awards, an Oscar nomination, and other awards and nominations, as well as recognition at film festivals around the world. Rowley's Oscar-nominated feature Dirty Wars was the culmination of ten years as a war reporter in Iraq, Afghanistan, and the lesser-known battlegrounds of the US war on terror. Since then, Rowley has turned his lens on racial injustice in the US. His 2019 feature for Showtime, 16 Shots, won Television Academy honors and a Peabody nomination for its unflinching look at the police murder of Laquan McDonald and the cover-up that followed. His Emmy-winning series Documenting Hate unmasked an underground Nazi fight club and a terrorist cell. The series received a DuPont Award and prompted an FBI investigation that led to dozens of arrests. His latest film, Kingdom Of Silence, is the story of the life and death of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi


Rick Rowley


Michael Flynn's Holy War
How did Michael Flynn go from being an elite soldier overseas to waging a "spiritual war" in America?
Plot to Overturn the Election
Director of Photography
An examination of the hidden origins of disinformation about the 2020 election and those responsible for some of the core narratives of election fraud.
American Insurrection
Director of Photography
Over the last three years, FRONTLINE has collaborated with ProPublica to investigate the rise of extremism in America. In the aftermath of the assault on the U.S. Capitol, FRONTLINE and ProPublica team up again to examine how far-right groups were emboldened and encouraged by former President Trump and how individuals were radicalized and brought into the political landscape.
American Insurrection
Over the last three years, FRONTLINE has collaborated with ProPublica to investigate the rise of extremism in America. In the aftermath of the assault on the U.S. Capitol, FRONTLINE and ProPublica team up again to examine how far-right groups were emboldened and encouraged by former President Trump and how individuals were radicalized and brought into the political landscape.
American Insurrection
Over the last three years, FRONTLINE has collaborated with ProPublica to investigate the rise of extremism in America. In the aftermath of the assault on the U.S. Capitol, FRONTLINE and ProPublica team up again to examine how far-right groups were emboldened and encouraged by former President Trump and how individuals were radicalized and brought into the political landscape.
Kingdom of Silence
El ganador del Premio Pullitzer (Lawrence Wright) y el ganador del Oscar (Alex Gibney) nos ofrecen el otro gran docuthriller sobre el asesinato de Jamal Khasoggi. Un complemento a "El Disidente" en el que se analizan desde nuevos prismas el crimen y la relación entre Arabia Saudí y Estados Unidos.
Director of Photography
A young outcast is recruited to join the Rejectors, an anti-fascist gang.
Frontline: Documenting Hate - New American Nazis
Exposing a Neo-Nazi group that has actively recruited inside the U.S. military. An investigation with ProPublica shows the group's terrorist objectives and how it gained strength after the 2017 Charlottesville rally.
Frontline: Documenting Hate - Charlottesville
Exposing the white supremacists and Neo-Nazis involved in the 2017 Charlottesville rally. An investigation with ProPublica shows how some of those behind the racist violence went unpunished and continued to operate around the country.
16 Shots
Examina lo sucedido en 2014 en relación al tiroteo de Laquan McDonald, un chico de 17 años que fue abatido por el agente de policía Jason Van Dyke en Chicago (Estados Unidos), y la tapadera que se realizó para ocultar los hechos.
16 Shots
Examina lo sucedido en 2014 en relación al tiroteo de Laquan McDonald, un chico de 17 años que fue abatido por el agente de policía Jason Van Dyke en Chicago (Estados Unidos), y la tapadera que se realizó para ocultar los hechos.
16 Shots
Examina lo sucedido en 2014 en relación al tiroteo de Laquan McDonald, un chico de 17 años que fue abatido por el agente de policía Jason Van Dyke en Chicago (Estados Unidos), y la tapadera que se realizó para ocultar los hechos.
American Patriot: Inside the Armed Uprising Against the Federal Government
FRONTLINE investigates how the Bundy family’s fight against the federal government invigorated armed militias and “patriot” groups — helping them grow to levels not seen in decades.
¿Qué invadimos ahora?
Director of Photography
Sátira en la que Moore se embarca en una "invasión" por Europa para encontrar soluciones que se puedan aplicar a los problemas internos de Estados Unidos.
Guerras sucias
El periodista de investigación Jeremy Scahill, autor del éxito de ventas "Blackwater", persigue la verdad detrás de las guerras encubiertas de Estados Unidos. Lo que empieza como un informe sobre el ataque nocturno de EE.UU. en un remoto rincón de Afganistán se convierte en una investigación global. El reportero Scahill se adentra en un submundo de peligrosas operaciones secretas, dispuesto a destapar una red de guerras encubiertas dirigidas por el gobierno estadounidense. Un trabajo de investigación trepidante e implacable que muestra una de las caras más oscuras de la primera potencia mundial.
Deserter follows Ryan Johnson and his wife Jen during their flight from the Central Valley of California to Toronto, Canada. Johnson deserted the American army after hearing that he was going to be deployed to Iraq, despite assurances that this would not happen. Like many of his contemporaries, Johnson only joined the army because he could not find a job, and he sees the war in Iraq as both illegal and immoral. Desertion means imprisonment, so he decides to flee, realising that there will be no way back. Johnson seeks advice from various helpful organisations that guide him and Jen to Canada. The employees include both Vietnam veterans and young soldiers who have already served in Iraq.
Deserter follows Ryan Johnson and his wife Jen during their flight from the Central Valley of California to Toronto, Canada. Johnson deserted the American army after hearing that he was going to be deployed to Iraq, despite assurances that this would not happen. Like many of his contemporaries, Johnson only joined the army because he could not find a job, and he sees the war in Iraq as both illegal and immoral. Desertion means imprisonment, so he decides to flee, realising that there will be no way back. Johnson seeks advice from various helpful organisations that guide him and Jen to Canada. The employees include both Vietnam veterans and young soldiers who have already served in Iraq.
The Fourth World War
From the front-lines of conflicts in Mexico, Argentina, South Africa, Palestine, Korea, 'the North' from Seattle to Genova, and the 'War on Terror' in New York, Afghanistan, and Iraq. It is the story of men and women around the world who resist being annihilated in this war. While our airwaves are crowded with talk of a new world war, narrated by generals and filmed from the noses of bombs, the human story of this global conflict remains untold. "The Fourth World War" brings together the images and voices of the war on the ground. It is a story of a war without end and of those who resist. The product of over two years of filming on the inside of movements on five continents, "The Fourth World War" is a film that would have been unimaginable at any other moment in history. Directed by the makers of "This Is What Democracy Looks Like" and "Zapatista", produced through a global network of independent media and activist groups, it is a truly global film from our global movement.
The Fourth World War
From the front-lines of conflicts in Mexico, Argentina, South Africa, Palestine, Korea, 'the North' from Seattle to Genova, and the 'War on Terror' in New York, Afghanistan, and Iraq. It is the story of men and women around the world who resist being annihilated in this war. While our airwaves are crowded with talk of a new world war, narrated by generals and filmed from the noses of bombs, the human story of this global conflict remains untold. "The Fourth World War" brings together the images and voices of the war on the ground. It is a story of a war without end and of those who resist. The product of over two years of filming on the inside of movements on five continents, "The Fourth World War" is a film that would have been unimaginable at any other moment in history. Directed by the makers of "This Is What Democracy Looks Like" and "Zapatista", produced through a global network of independent media and activist groups, it is a truly global film from our global movement.
This Is What Democracy Looks Like
This film, shot by 100 amateur camera operators, tells the story of the enormous street protests in Seattle, Washington in November 1999, against the World Trade Organization summit being held there. Vowing to oppose, among other faults, the WTO's power to arbitrally overrule nations' environmental, social and labour policies in favour of unbridled corporate greed, protestors from all around came out in force to make their views known and stop the summit. Against them is a brutal police force and a hostile media as well as the stain of a minority of destructively overzealous comrades. Against all odds, the protesters bravely faced fierce opposition to take back the rightful democratic power that the political and corporate elite of the world is determined to deny the little people.
This Is What Democracy Looks Like
This film, shot by 100 amateur camera operators, tells the story of the enormous street protests in Seattle, Washington in November 1999, against the World Trade Organization summit being held there. Vowing to oppose, among other faults, the WTO's power to arbitrally overrule nations' environmental, social and labour policies in favour of unbridled corporate greed, protestors from all around came out in force to make their views known and stop the summit. Against them is a brutal police force and a hostile media as well as the stain of a minority of destructively overzealous comrades. Against all odds, the protesters bravely faced fierce opposition to take back the rightful democratic power that the political and corporate elite of the world is determined to deny the little people.
This Is What Democracy Looks Like
This film, shot by 100 amateur camera operators, tells the story of the enormous street protests in Seattle, Washington in November 1999, against the World Trade Organization summit being held there. Vowing to oppose, among other faults, the WTO's power to arbitrally overrule nations' environmental, social and labour policies in favour of unbridled corporate greed, protestors from all around came out in force to make their views known and stop the summit. Against them is a brutal police force and a hostile media as well as the stain of a minority of destructively overzealous comrades. Against all odds, the protesters bravely faced fierce opposition to take back the rightful democratic power that the political and corporate elite of the world is determined to deny the little people.
Director of Photography
Una película increíble que documenta los primeros cuatro años de la sublevación zapatista (1994-1998).
Una película increíble que documenta los primeros cuatro años de la sublevación zapatista (1994-1998).
Una película increíble que documenta los primeros cuatro años de la sublevación zapatista (1994-1998).