Craig Hymson


The D.C. Sniper's Wife
Archival Footage Research
The life of John Allen Muhammad. The D.C. Sniper, as told by his ex-wife Mildred.
Bowling for Columbine
Additional Camera
Famoso documental que aborda la cuestión de la violencia en América. ¿Por qué 11.000 personas mueren cada año en Estados Unidos víctimas de las armas de fuego? Los "bustos parlantes" vociferan desde la pantalla de TV echándole la culpa ya a Satán ya a los videojuegos. Pero, ¿en qué se diferencia Estados Unidos de otros países? ¿Por qué Estados Unidos se ha convertido en responsable y víctima de tanta violencia? "Bowling for Columbine" no es una película sobre el control de la venta de armas, es una película sobre el miedo de 280 millones de norteamericanos que se sienten más seguros sabiendo que la tenencia de armas es un derecho consagrado por la Constitución.
This Is What Democracy Looks Like
Additional Soundtrack
This film, shot by 100 amateur camera operators, tells the story of the enormous street protests in Seattle, Washington in November 1999, against the World Trade Organization summit being held there. Vowing to oppose, among other faults, the WTO's power to arbitrally overrule nations' environmental, social and labour policies in favour of unbridled corporate greed, protestors from all around came out in force to make their views known and stop the summit. Against them is a brutal police force and a hostile media as well as the stain of a minority of destructively overzealous comrades. Against all odds, the protesters bravely faced fierce opposition to take back the rightful democratic power that the political and corporate elite of the world is determined to deny the little people.