Elwood Bredell

Nacimiento : 1902-12-24, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA

Muerte : 1969-02-26


La resaca
Director of Photography
Una rubia actriz es asesinada frente a un bar. Un policía fuera de servicio estaba borracho en el bar, y comienza a preocuparse acerca de su inocencia cuando le informan de que fue visto salir del establecimiento con una rubia, hecho que él no recuerda. A medida que investiga, el investigador entrevista a un columnista que iba con la actriz, un caricaturista que dibujó a la víctima, a la esposa del caricaturista, que trabaja en el bar, y a la amante de ésta. Lentamente comienza a encajar las piezas del rompecabezas mortal.
Journey Into Light
Director of Photography
John Burrows, an ordained minister from a small village in the East, envisions himself with a larger congregation. He is mortified when his wife drunkenly interrupts a sermon, then despondent after her suicide. Burrows travels to Los Angeles for a fresh start, but takes to the bottle himself and ends up arrested for public intoxication. A skid-row con man, Gandy, finds him a bed at a flop house, while a street preacher, Doc Thorssen, and daughter Christine take him to a local mission. Christine is blind. She falls in love with Burrows, enjoying his discussions of the spirit and the soul but knowing little of his past. One day she is struck by a streetcar and knocked unconscious, causing Burrows to once again question his faith. He ultimately accepts the Lord's will and is offered a better place to live and preach. Burrows decides he is better suited to the mission, with Christine by his side.
El inspector general
Director of Photography
Siendo Napoleón emperador de Francia, a un estafador de poca monta lo confunden con el temible Inspector General, un enviado oficial de Bonaparte para controlar y acabar con la corrupción generalizada en los vastos territorios del imperio.
El burlador de Castilla
Director of Photography
Don Juan de Mañara, un caballero español, después de provocar un escándalo amoroso que da al traste con un matrimonio de conveniencia impuesto por la reina, regresa a la corte de España. Una vez en su patria, encuentra acomodo como maestro de esgrima en el Real Colegio de Guardias Nobles, lo que le rehabilita a los ojos de todos, borrando del recuerdo su borrascoso pasado. Pero, debido a su carácter pendenciero, se verá de nuevo envuelto en situaciones comprometidas.
Romanza en alta mar
Director of Photography
Una mujer sospecha que su marido se interesa por otras, pero él sospecha lo mismo de ella. Por culpa de sus negocios, él tiene que cancelar siempre sus vacaciones de aniversario y dejar que su mujer se vaya sola. En una ocasión, para poder espiar a su marido, ella contrata a una cantante de cabaret (Doris Day) para que viaje a América del Sur en su lugar. Mientras tanto, su esposo contrata a un detective (Jack Carson) para vigilar a su esposa durante su viaje.
Sin sombra de sospecha
Director of Photography
Victor Grandison es criminólogo y una estrella de la radio; es el tutor de una rica heredera, Matilda, a quien se ha dado por muerta en un naufragio. También tenía una secretaria, a la que han asesinado. Para alegrarle la vida, sus amigos le preparan una fiesta, a la que acude una persona no invitada: el viudo de Matilda, del que nadie sabía nada... todo esto se parece demasiado a su programa de radio.
Director of Photography
Una vez terminada la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), Swede Lunn, un soldado veterano y boxeador en declive, encuentra dificultades para reincorporarse a la vida civil. Un día conoce a la novia de un gángster, la irresistible y misteriosa Kitty Collins.
Director of Photography
Maria Montez plays a Spanish dancer named Rita, who is determined to bring Nazi collaborator Colonel Jose Artiego (Preston Foster) to justice. Artiego is at presently working incognito, as military governor of the North African city of Tangier. Maria finds an unexpected ally in the form of Artiego's discarded mistress Dolores (Louise Allbritton).
Smooth as Silk
Director of Photography
An attorney enraged over the prosecution of two innocent people goes on a killing spree.
La dama del tren
Director of Photography
Mientras espera en la estación la llegada del tren que la conducirá desde San Francisco a Nueva York, Nikki Collins es testigo accidental de un asesinato que se comete en un inmueble cercano. Nadie cree su versión, incluida la policía que no descubre rastro alguno cuando llega al supuesto lugar de los hechos, excepto un famoso escritor de novelas policíacas, que está dispuesto a colaborar con ella para demostrar que, efectivamente, se ha cometido un crimen y hay un peligroso asesino en libertad.
Can't Help Singing
Director of Photography
With the California Gold Rush beginning, Senator Frost's singing daughter Caroline loves a young army officer; the Senator can't stand him, and has him sent to California. Headstrong Caroline follows him by train, riverboat, and covered wagon, gaining companions en route: a vagrant Russian prince and gambler Johnny Lawlor, who just might take her mind off the army.
Luz en el alma
Director of Photography
Jackie Lamont (Deanna Durbin), la joven cantante de un club privado, le cuenta al teniente Charles Mason las dificultades de su matrimonio con el aristócrata sureño Robert Manette (Gene Kelly), un hombre de carácter inestable, al que se acusa de haber asesinado a su jefe
La dama desconocida
Director of Photography
Una noche en que regresa tarde a su casa, Scout se encuentra con que su mujer ha sido asesinada. Dado que no tiene coartada, la policía lo detiene como presunto culpable. Entonces entrará en juego su secretaria, una joven secretamente enamorada de él que le ayudará a encontrar al verdadero criminal... (FILMAFFINITY)
His Butler's Sister
Director of Photography
Aspiring singer Ann Carter visits her stepbrother in New York, hoping to make it on Broadway.
So's Your Uncle
Director of Photography
Circumstances arise that result in a man impersonating his uncle. As the "uncle", he finds himself pursued by his girlfriend's aunt, who does not approve of their relationship.
Hers to Hold
Director of Photography
Deanna Durbin is all grown up in Hers to Hold, the unofficial sequel to her "Three Smart Girls" films of the 1930s. Durbin plays Penelope Craig, the starry-eyed daughter of wealthy Judson and Dorothy Craig (Charles Winninger, Nella Walker). Developing a crush on much-older playboy Bill Morley (Joseph Cotton), Penelope stops at nothing to land the elusive Morley as her husband. Highlights include Durbin's renditions of "Begin the Beguine" and the "Seguidilla" from Carmen, and a captivating sequence that includes highlights from Durbin's earlier films, presented as home movies!
Follow the Band
Director of Photography
Un granjero de Vermont va a Nueva York para convertirse en cantante, tiene éxito y se casa con la novia de su vecino.
Mi encantadora esposa
Director of Photography
Ruth (Deanna Durbin), misionera idealista, crea el personaje de Mrs. Holliday para así traerse a niños huérfanos chinos a los EEUU con la ayuda del camarero del barco Timothy (Barry Fitzgerarld). Ruth se hace pasar por la esposa de un famoso y rico magnate dueño de una flota de barcos a la cual se le diÓ por desaparecido en altamar. Toda esta trama le hace posible traerse a los huérfanos con la mayor de las cautelas e instalarlos en la mansión que su familia posee, para poder así elaborar su siguiente plan...
How's About It
Director of Photography
A song publisher gets sued for stealing lyrics.
Sherlock Holmes y la voz del terror
Director of Photography
La historia traslada a una época en la que el conflicto con la Alemania nazi es la orden del día. En esos días, una serie de emisiones de radio llegan de parte del bando alemán, en la que se relatan operaciones recientes de estos en contra del ejército británico, muchas de estas acciones se llevan a cabo a misiones de alto secreto británico, por lo que hay algo que no funciona bien en el alto mando, así que solicitarán la ayuda del gran detective para poder llegar al fondo del asunto.
Private Buckaroo
Director of Photography
The film tells the story of army recruits following basic training, with the Andrew Sisters attending USO dances. The film is a mixture of comedy and songs.
Tough as They Come
Director of Photography
The 'Dead End Kids & Little Tough Guys' are working as collectors for a finance company, when they discover the company's illegal activities and try to stop them.
Escape from Hong Kong
Director of Photography
Three American vaudeville entertainers become involved with spies in Hong Kong, just before Pearl Harbor.
The Mystery of Marie Roget
Director of Photography
A detective investigates the mysterious death of a young actress.
The Strange Case of Doctor Rx
Director of Photography
Private eye Jerry Church is hired by a criminal defense lawyer after five mobsters he has gotten acquitted are apparently strangled by a serial killer.
Butch Minds the Baby
Director of Photography
Aloysius 'Butch' Grogan leads a life of criminal activities motivated to provide for a widow and her child. He's on lookout for a gang of safe crackers when he has to also look after the baby of one of the criminals.
El fantasma de Frankenstein
Director of Photography
Otro hijo del viejo Frankenstein (Cedrick Hardwicke) intenta aclarar la verdad sobre el monstruo (Lon Chaney Jr.) y debe lidiar con un ambicioso colega (Lionel Atwill) y con el jorobado Ygor (Bela Lugosi). Ejemplo efectivo de comedia negra, con transplantes de cerebro, un monstruo que trepa a los tejados para bajar el globo de una niña, aparatos de ciencia loca, y una implausible y divertida trama de conquista del mundo por parte de Ygor, en su más alto rango de protagonismo en toda la saga.
Director of Photography
Dos estrellas del vodevil están rodando una película, pero el director no está satisfecho con ella. Para contentarle, deciden contratar a un guionista joven de desbordante imaginación.
Mob Town
Director of Photography
Wayward youths get out of trouble thanks to a policeman.
¡Agárrame ese fantasma!
Director of Photography
Unos gángters quieren hacer que un grupo de gente abandone una casa donde ellos se han escondido. Para ello intentarán asustarles hasta conseguir que se marchen.
Horror Island
Director of Photography
A down-on-his luck businessman organizes an excursion to Sir Henry Morgan's Island for a treasure hunt only to encounter a mysterious phantom and murder.
Man-Made Monster
Director of Photography
Mad scientist turns a man into an electrically-controlled monster to do his bidding.
La mujer invisible
Director of Photography
El profesor Gibbs inventa una máquina que puede hacer invisible a la gente, y la usa con Kitty Carroll, una atractiva y aventurera modelo. Pero unos gansters roban la máquina para su jefe, así que tendrán que enfrentarse a la mujer invisible.
La mano de la momia
Director of Photography
Un grupo de escépticos arqueólogos, que desprecian las leyendas y supersticiones populares, buscando la tumba perdida de una princesa egipcia, se encuentra con el guardián del sepulcro: una milenaria momia dispuesta a matarlos a todos.
La Conga Nights
Director of Photography
In this comedy, actor Hugh Herbert plays six different roles. Only one of the roles is a man. The story centers around a dizzy music lover, who has grown rich through real estate deals. Also figuring in the story are a cab driver/performer, and a down-on-her-luck, aspiring singer. They meet when she hails his cab as she skips out on her former boarding house because she cannot pay rent.
Al amparo de la ley
Director of Photography
Un criminal utiliza sus conocimientos legales para alcanzar sus propósitos, no siempre acordes con la ley, traicionando de paso a sus amigos.
Double Alibi
Director of Photography
A man's ex-wife is found murdered, and he finds himself to be the prime suspect.
Black Friday
Director of Photography
Un científico injerta en el cuerpo de un profesor muerto el cerebro vivo de un gángster que acaba de morir; el profesor vuelve a la vida, pero cada tanto tiene atisbos de otra personalidad.
The Big Guy
Director of Photography
A man is given the choice between having fabulous wealth or saving an innocent man from the death penalty.
Call a Messenger
Director of Photography
A tough street kid attempts to rob a post office and is caught. In order to avoid reform school, he takes a job as a messenger with the post office. He finds that he likes it, and when his brother is released from prison, attempts to help his brother go straight. However, the two of them get mixed up with a local gangster, who has plans to start robbing post office branches and using the messenger and his brother to do it.
Two Bright Boys
Director of Photography
A young man inherits a valuable piece of Texas land that an oil man plots to steal away.
Director of Photography
A former prizefighter tries to help his son pay off his gambling debts.
Behind the Mike
Director of Photography
Complications ensue after a radio producer insults a sponsor.
Lady Lou
Still Photographer
Lady Lou es una mujer a finales del siglo XIX que se ha hecho a sí misma. Un día conoce a un apuesto joven, pero aunque enamorada, no está dispuesta a dejarse intimidar y decide llevar la voz cantante.
The Billion Dollar Scandal
Still Photographer
An ex-convict working for a wealthy oil baron uncovers trouble while his brother becomes involved with the boss's daughter.
The Devil Is Driving
Still Photographer
Gabby Denton, a hard-drinking, down-on-his-luck drifter, seems to get a chance at redemption when his brother-in-law helps get him a job as a mechanic. Not realizing the garage he works for is actually a front for a stolen car ring, Gabby soon finds himself mixed up in both murder and a liaison with the boss's girl.
Director of Photography
Assuming he is marrying a wealthy girl, Peter Foley passes a fraudulent check. To save him from jail, Julia Barry poses as his wife. Peter is actually in love with Alice Blake. He encounters complications with motorcycle cop Bull, who is engaged to Julia. A friend of Alice adds to the mix-up. All wind up snowbound together in a mountain lodge.
The Magic Eye
Cordy (as Elwood Burdell)
During World War I, John Bowman, the captain of a tramp steamer, refuses to allow his wife and daughter Shirley to accompany him on a long voyage because he fears that the ship may be torpedoed. Before his departure, he entrusts his life insurance policy to shipping agent Sam Bullard, who, unknown to John, once courted Mrs. Bowman. Shirley, a clairvoyant, has a vision in which her father's ship is torpedoed, and the next day, Sam reports that the ship has been sunk and John killed.
Southern Justice
Daws Anthony
Three old men -- Judge Moran (George Hernandez), Roger Appleby (Jack Curtis) and Caleb Talbot (Jean Hersholt) -- are the caretakers of a young boy, Daws Anthony (Elwood Bredell). When Ray Preston (Fred Church) comes to the small Southern town where they all reside, he stirs up a load of trouble.