Frederick Brisson


Cómo me hice agente de la CIA
Mrs. Emily Pollifax of New Jersey goes to the CIA to volunteer for spy duty, being in her own opinion, expendable now that the children are grown and she's widowed. And being just what the department needed (someone who looks and acts completely unlike a spy), she's assigned to simple courier duty to pick up a book in Mexico City. But when the pickup doesn't go as planned, Mrs. Pollifax finds herself handcuffed to a handsome stranger on a plane bound for an Albanian prison. And it's up to her to get them out.
Newlyweds shock the bride's father with plans for natural childbirth in a Greenwich Village loft.
Newlyweds shock the bride's father with plans for natural childbirth in a Greenwich Village loft.
Adán también tenía su manzana
Adan Hogan es dueño de unos lujosos apartamentos que alquila a bajo precio, pero sólo a chicas atractivas que pueda conquistar. Robin, alquila un apartamento con la intención de vivir allí quince días con su novio de un modo experimental, para intentar resolver una cuestión de incompatibilidad de caracteres.
Ejercicio para cinco dedos
Una pareja casada desde hace muchos años se halla en guerra entre sí y con sus hijos adolescentes. La presencia de un profesor joven y atractivo complica y sensibiliza las salvajes tensiones domésticas, que despiertan sentimientos secretos en todos los miembros de la familia.
The Girl Rush
When her compulsive-gambler father dies, leaving her with an inheritance that amounts to zip, single gal Kim Halliday jumps at a caller's claim that she's part-owner of a Las Vegas "hotel." But hilarity ensues when she flies to Sin City to see it. While a wealthy casino owner eyes her dilapidated property, she takes a chance and tries to sell it to an hotelier's wealthy son.
The Velvet Touch
After accidentally killing her lecherous producer, a famous actress tries to hide her guilt.