Fabien Aïssa Busetta


Chercher le garçon
Hicham (as Fabien-Aïssa Busetta)
On New Year's Eve, accompanied by a bottle of champagne, Emile, 35 years old, signs up to Meet Me, a famous Internet dating site, with a good resolution for the new year: to find love. There are many men on Meet Me: cynics, comics, a few oddballs, and even great romantics. Emilie is far from imagining what is waiting for her in real life.
L'ombre d'un flic
Transporter 3
Frank Martin (Jason Statham) es un indiscutible especialista en entregas de alto riesgo. En esta ocasión se verá obligado, bajo amenazas, a trasladar dos voluminosas bolsas y a una joven ucraniana, Valentina (Natalya Rudakova), desde Marsella hasta Odessa. ¿Qué hay en las bolsas? ¿quién es la chica? ¿qué hay detrás de esta entrega? Frank no conoce las respuestas, pero lo que realmente no sabe es la trampa que le ha tendido el adversario más despiadado y peligroso que nunca se ha encontrado...
Glory Hole
"Glory Holes" are mostly found in the basements of sex shops, sex clubs, or what are commonly referred to as whore bars. The pleasure is blind, anonymous. He delights in this blindness. "She" is the engine of his fantasies, his fears, his uneasiness and her naive and vain generosity. "He" will be waiting for her every Wednesday. This short film is the first fiction film directed by Guillaume Foirest as part of his graduation thesis at ESRA Nice in 2005. The film was distributed by DVD Pocket and has made many festivals around the world .
Tenemos un problema gordo
Un visiteur de la galerie d'art
Christian Lespinglet (Gérard Jugnot), un galerista arruinado, saca de las aguas de un canal a Boudu (Gérard Depardieu), un vagabundo suicida y se lo lleva a casa por algún tiempo. La llegada de Boudu pondrá patas arriba la vida de Lespinglet. El "Huracán Boudu" no sólo interrumpe en su vida cotidiana, sino que amenaza con quedarse indefinidamente... (FILMAFFINITY)