Silvie Feit


Une couleur café
An Ivorian immigrant in France passes off his second wife as his daughter in order to obtain a residence visa.
A nurse (uncredited)
After a bout of intense jealousy, Félicité finds herself alone. For one night, as her family dissipates, she relives her torments.
The Demise of Father Mouret
Serge Mouret is a frail and devout young priest in a tough country parish. When he falls down and loses his memory, he is nursed back to health by Albine, the beautiful carefree niece of the outspoken atheist Jeanbernat. After Serge and Albine fall in love, Serge recovers his memory and realizes the grave sin he has committed.
Gallos de pelea
Un grupo de soldados mercenarios de una república africana son contratados para transportar un cargamento de armas y municiones y conducirlo a través del desierto con destino a un grupo revolucionario que pretende la liberación de su país. Entre los mercenarios hay soldados llegados de Biafra y de otras zonas de batalla. La travesía estará marcada por el peligro y por las disputas entre los miembros de la expedición lo que dificultará enormemente el éxito de la expedición.