Antonio Bonifacio

Nacimiento : 1957-04-21,


Il monastero
After having had a ride with a hitchhiker, shot by some friends in a small town in Lazio, in one of them there is an old abbot monastery with a haunted man.
Laura non c'è
Il delitto di Via Monte Parioli
In the city of Rome, Mirko Reggiani is not only a university student who can't happily graduate from the university but also an amateur and only one detective of MARLOV & CO. One day he meets a beautiful fair lady in a department store and falls immediately in love with her, but his best female friend hinders him. Soon, in a rather strange way, Mirko meets the lady, who is actually an unhappy housewife named Vera Grimaldi, again. Unfortunately it is not a happy reunion; both Mirko and Vera are deeply and almost independently trapped in a twisted web of vicious crime...
Il delitto di Via Monte Parioli
In the city of Rome, Mirko Reggiani is not only a university student who can't happily graduate from the university but also an amateur and only one detective of MARLOV & CO. One day he meets a beautiful fair lady in a department store and falls immediately in love with her, but his best female friend hinders him. Soon, in a rather strange way, Mirko meets the lady, who is actually an unhappy housewife named Vera Grimaldi, again. Unfortunately it is not a happy reunion; both Mirko and Vera are deeply and almost independently trapped in a twisted web of vicious crime...
Olga O's Strange Story
When Olga Roli returns to her birthplace after a nervous breakdown, it quickly becomes much worse for her. Anonymous, threatening phone calls to deal with her as Olga O, her stage name from her time working in a local strip club, soon followed by a near miss with a murderous motorcyclist.
Crime of Passion
Camera Operator
Hungary: Callously leaving her handicapped daughter home alone, Sonya meets her lover at a hotel and is later shot to death. At her funeral, the main suspects are all present: Peter, Sonya's estranged husband; Tanya, her sister; and Julia, a business associate. The police inspector is assigned to the case discovers that Peter is sexually involved with both of the aforementioned women. Further murders ensue...
Kreola arrives in Santa Domingo to join her photographer husband Andy. Although Andy is initially jealous of Marco, who is in town looking for his missing girlfriend who did not return from Santa Domingo with her coworkers after a girls getaway. When Kreola and Andy site the missing girl Iris in the company of their gruff, dominating sea captain Leon, Andy suggests Kreola distract him so that Marco has a chance of getting Iris back. Kreola scoffs at this but eventually does fall under Leon's spell. Andy's writer friend Jo Ann blames the island atmosphere for the tendency for puritanical Westerners to reject their inhibitions. When Andy and Marco cannot free their women from Leon's influence, things get drastic.
Nostalgia di un piccolo grande amore
Cita en la odcuridad
Gianni es un político con una carrera prometedora. Angela, su esposa, simula un asalto y violación en un cine. Gianni y su amante Eva deciden usar el pretexto del asalto para matar a Angela. preparan un intrincado plan, pero...
Los Pájaros Asesinos (Killing Birds)
Assistant Director
Unos estudiantes se internan en el bosque para investigar las especies de aves, pero pronto se ven atacados por fuerzas extrañas.
Una monja en pecado
Después de ser humillada en el seno de su propia familia, Susana es internada en un convento. Sin vocación, acepta no obstante esta solución hasta que las intrigas y celos de las otras hermanas la hacen tomar la decisión de abandonar el convento. Pero nunca se lo permitirán, es necesario silenciar la perversión, falta de vocación e intrigas...y así llegan a juzgarla por un tribunal eclesiástico acusada por sus hermanas de estar poseída por el demonio...
Mutant Sexual Behavior
Assistant Director
Mockumentary que mira varias prácticas sexuales "inusuales".
Stesso mare stessa spiaggia
Eccezzziunale... veramente
facchino al Grand Hotel
Comedia localista y futbolera donde Diego Abatantuono interpreta a tres tifosi: Donato, el líder de los ultras del Milan, que se enamora de la novia del líder de los ultras del Inter; Tirzan, un camionero, fan de la Juventus de Turín; y Franco, un seguidor del Inter al que sus amigos le hacen una broma demasiado pesada: hacerle creer que ha ganado la quiniela.