Davide Bassan


The Lost World Cup
Art Direction
The film reconstructs the mysterious story of the 1942 Patagonia World Soccer championship, never acknowledged by the official sports organizations, and which for decades have remained shrouded in legend without the winner ever being known.
Faccio un salto all'Avana
Production Designer
Production Designer
La modelo americana Celine (Elsa Pataky) es secuestrada en Milán durante la Semana de la Moda. El autor es un asesino en serie que se hace llamar Giallo (Amarillo) y que hace pasar a sus víctimas por un verdadero calvario. Linda (Emmanuelle Seigner), la hermana de Celine, deja el asunto en manos del inspector Enzo (Adrien Brody), que deberá encontrar a la chica antes de que sufra el terrible desenlace de las víctimas anteriores.
Production Designer
A Young soldier returning from Iraq goes on a high mountain adventure in a desolate place in Europe to forget his past, he will lear truth in a mysterious local legend discovering that reality can be sicker than nightmares.
Dr. Clown
Set Designer
A Whole Life Ahead
Production Design
Now 25, brilliant Marta seems to have her whole life ahead after majoring in philosophy, but she has to face the ugly truth for young graduates in Italy: a complete lack of work opportunities outside of temp jobs. While babysitting for single mother Sonia, she starts to work at the call center of a company selling junk to housewives, quickly rising through its ranks and experiencing first-hand the fanatical and exploitative competition culture pushed on young employees. Around her revolve other people, like delusional supervisor Daniela, her boss Claudio, fragile coworker Lucio, and well-meaning but inconsistent union official Giorgio.
Tutte le donne della mia vita
Production Designer
Davide vislumbra a un niño y a un adulto en la orilla de la playa, pero la imagen es borrosa, pues el agua choca continuamente contra la máscara submarina que lo protege. Ese hombre ha sufrido una embolia y se encuentra entre la vida y la muerte. Entonces empieza a recordar todas las mujeres que formaron parte de su vida.
Ghost Son
Production Designer
A widowed newlywed stays on her deceased husband's South African farm, then bears a child who seems to be possessed by the dead man.
Lezioni di volo
Production Design
A pair of teen friends – known as "Chicken & Curry" because they are virtually inseparable – fail their high school finals and try to cover it by claiming that Curry is in the midst of an identity crisis that can only be solved by a visit to his ancestral homeland, India. While the ruse works wonderfully on their parents, this impromptu journey of self-discovery takes an unexpected detour when Curry locates his biological sister and remains captivated by the country he first despised, and Chicken falls for an older doctor working for Médecins Sans Frontières.
Rojo como el cielo
Production Designer
En la Toscana de los años 70, el pequeño Mirco de 10 años es un gran aficionado al cine, pero a causa de un desafortunado accidente pierde la vista y la ley le considera un incapacitado para acceder a la escuela pública, por lo que sus padres se ven obligados a enviarlo a una institución. Allí, el niño encuentra un viejo grabador de bobina abierta y descubre que sólo con la utilización de los sonidos puede crear cuentos de hadas. A pesar de que la gente en el Instituto intenta hacerle desistir de su afición, Mirco irá convenciendo a otros niños ciegos para descubrir sus propios talentos.
The Days of Abandonment
Production Design
Olga's life is shattered when her husband leaves her. This makes her fall into a period of self-degradation and self-destructive behaviors.
A la luz del sol
Production Design
In 1990s Palermo, Pino Puglisi is a priest from the neglected Brancaccio neighborhood dedicated in helping kids to get off the streets and creating an embracing place of hope and solidarity in his church, which means trouble for the local Mafia. He continues his solitary fight until the bitter end.
La repubblica di San Gennaro
Production Designer
Las maletas de Tulse Luper. La historia de Moab
Production Designer
Primera entrega de la larga y enigmática historia del escritor Tulse Luper (JJ Feild), que abarca desde 1928 hasta el 1989. Luper se pasa la vida de prisión en prisión (en total 16). La causa de su encarcelamiento es su relación con una familia germano-americana que está a punto de llegar a Europa con la intención de hacer turbios negocios, aprovechando la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945).
The Cruelest Day
Production Designer
Ilaria Alpi, a young, Italian war-corespondent, was on a dangerous mission in Somalia. While she covered the civil war, she also discovered a big and secret international enviromentscandale. Together with her cameraman she was killed in the streets of Mogadishus March, 1994. The film is based on a true story.
Los banqueros de Dios (El caso Calvi)
Production Designer
Reconstrucción de la misteriosa muerte a principios de los 80 de Roberto Calvi, presidente del Banco Ambrosiano, apodado “el banquero de Dios”.
Johnny the Partisan
Production Designer
After the 8th September 1943 north of Italy is occupied by Germans. Italian army collapsed and the soldiers are escaped to the mountains trying to set up a resistance. Many civilians did the same and Johnny, an English literature student, is among them. Johnny avoids to band together the red partisans (communists) and tries to be part of the azure bands (former regular soldiers). But in both cases he is deluded by the partisan bands and discovers that the partisan war is less poetic and genuine that he thought. At one point anyway the partisans free Alba from Germans. When the city falls again in German hands Johnny escape with Ettore and Pierre. But, one after another, German army and Italian fascists captures the partisans and Johnny will pass the winter alone and isolated. He then finds the way to participate to one of the last attack to occupants, in fact the war will be over two months later.
Lupo mannaro
Production Designer
Lupo Mannaro, based upon the novel by Carlo Lucarelli, is a psycho-thriller revolving around the police commissioner Romeo who is obsessively convinced that the unsuspected Engineer Velasco, well known and respected in his milieu, is a dangerous serial killer. Romeo together with his determined assistant Grazia Negro and police superintendent Rago starts investigating with the help of the famous criminologist Del Gatto. The commissioner will often find himself in difficulty but won't give up the investigation due to his obstinacy and his strong vocation. The case slowly turns itself into a personal challenge between Romeo and Velasco, with unpredictable moves as well as strategies of defence and attack.
Open Sea
Production Designer
For personal and humanitarian reasons, Edoardo, a Ligurian sea captain, agrees to run a shipment of arms to Bosnian rebels for a shady Russian in Toulon who calls himself Riffaud. Edoardo's lover Clara wants him to quit the sea and Riffaud's wife warns Edoardo not to trust her husband, but Edoardo takes the job anyway. Sailing up the Adriatic, the crew threatens mutiny when they learn they must dock in a war zone. Once in port, little goes as Riffaud promised, and Edoardo must travel with a translator to the rebels' mountain stronghold to get payment for the crew. The war is all around them as Clara waits at home and the translator begs passage to Italy.
La princesa y el mendigo
Production Designer
El buen rey Hamil no puede concebir un heredero hasta que el niño mago Gamesh use sus mágicos poderes para conseguirlo. Sin embargo, el viejo mago Epos se opone a ello y crea una niña llamada Mirabella. A cambio, el verdadero heredero es dado en adopción a unos campesinos, los cuales cuidan al niño como si fuera un hijo suyo. Mirabella se enamora de Leonardo, que es nombrado como heredero del reino gracias a las influencias mágicas de Epos. Pero gracias a la ayuda de Gamesh, Mirabella y Leonardo lucharán contra Epos para que todo vuelva a su cauce. Telefim emitido por Tele 5 en su 'serie' "Grandes relatos". (FILMAFFINITY)
The Cave of the Golden Rose 5
Production Designer
In this last episode princess Fantaghirò ends up in a parallel dimension fairy land full of kids. Here the princess must fight against a villain called "Nameless".
Alisea y el príncipe de los sueños
Production Designer
Alisea y sus cinco hermanos han sido capturados por Azaret, un viejo y malvado mago. Alisea consigue escapar del castillo, y se encuentra con el joven príncipe Demian, quien está huyendo de su terrible padre, el rey Kurdok, quien quiere que su hijo sea un guerrero. Los dos se enamoran y, antes de que el destino les separe, un hada buena les promete que van a estar siempre juntos pero en sus sueños, hasta que juntos derroten al malvado Azaret, después de que intente ser el rey del país.
Viva San Isidro
Production Designer
Con los ojos cerrados
Production Design
Pietro es un adolescente que se enamora perdidamente de Ghisola, una niña encantadora, pero que no es quien dice ser. Los dos viven una larga y enrevesada historia de amor con encuentros y desencuentros marcados por el desengaño.
On the Dark Continent
Set Decoration
In the 1950s, a big stir was made by a book (and its corresponding movie) called The Ugly American. Its subject was the grievous damage done to local cultures by well-meaning but essentially clueless (and frequently arrogant) representatives of the U.S. Since then, the phenomenon of cultural damage cause by arrogant tourists and visitors has been demonstrated to be something everyone is capable of. In this thoughtful, comic drama, the subject is Italians overseas. In this film, Malindi Kenya is the playground of rich Italians.
El guerrero americano 5
Production Designer
Intentando liberar a las hijas de un científico, el Ninja Americano se infiltra en un colegio en donde quizás encuentre las pistas suficientes para poder liberarlas de sus secuestradores.
Over the Line
Production Design
Having had a one night stand with an obsessive prison inmate, the college professor teaching his prison literary soon lives the nightmare of her decision.
Over the Line
Having had a one night stand with an obsessive prison inmate, the college professor teaching his prison literary soon lives the nightmare of her decision.
Puzzle mortal
Production Design
Tracy ha perdido a su marido en un lamentable accidente de moto. El cuerpo de su marido ha desaparecido misteriosamente en la tumba donde estaba enterrado, esa desaparición coincide con una serie de crímenes brutales que esta aterrorizando a toda la ciudad. Todas las víctimas sufrieron una mutilación física y se les extrajo cuidadosamente un órgano interno de su cuerpo. Alguien esta intentando completar un macabro puzzle y no finalizará hasta que obtenga la pieza final.
La gruta de la rosa de oro
Art Direction
En un mundo mitológico, dos reinos se enfrentarán por hacer prevalecer su orden. Fantaghiró, una mujer guerrero, tendrá que luchar contra el rey Romualdo. Lo que no sabe es que entre ambos surgirá el amor.
Production Designer
Although the drug is present in this film, the Crack this movie is about is, metaphorically, the crack in society which all the protagonists inhabit in a rundown neighborhood in Rome.
Art Direction
Billy Zane leads a pack of money-grabbing relatives who try to take over his ailing uncle's industrial empire.
White Hunter
Production Designer
After a man's wife is killed by a panther, his only reason to live becomes revenge, which slowly consumes him.
The Little People
Production Designer
Tiempo de matar
Art Direction
Año 1936. El ejército italiano invade Etiopía. El teniente Silvestre sufre una infección dental y se dirige al hospital más cercano, pero su vehículo tiene un accidente que lo obliga a seguir a pie. Por el camino, coincide con una joven etíope a la que viola y mata involuntariamente. Cuando llega al hospital y se entera de que padece lepra, aterrorizado, intenta escapar de Etiopía.
La máscara del demonio
Production Designer
Un grupo de jóvenes descubren en una grieta, la tumba de una mujer que lleva una máscara puesta en la cabeza. Al quitársela, despiertan a la mujer, que resultará ser una bruja de miles de años de antigüedad.
Terror en la ópera
Production Designer
A Betty , una joven cantante de ópera, le ofrecen la oportunidad de debutar como protagonista en el "Macbeth" de Verdi, al sufrir un accidente la cantante principal. La obra tiene fama de maldita y, de hecho, empiezan a producirse, en torno a Betty, una serie de extrañas muertes, que vendrían a confirmar tal superstición.
Demons 2
Art Direction
Un moderno y vanguardista edificio inteligente se convierte en una trampa mortal cuando una criatura demoniaca surge de un televisor. El ente convierte a sus habitantes en una horda de zombies sanguinarios, que se dedican, sin motivo, a devorar y descuartizar a todos los que tienen la mala suerte de cruzarse en su camino.
You'll Die at Midnight
Production Design
Nicola, a cop, spies on his wife Sarah buying sexy black panties and realises that she is having an affair. Following a violent confrontation, he leaves her. Immediately after, whilst taking a shower, Sarah is stabbed to death with an icepick. Believing it to be an simple crime of passion, the police assign Inspector Pierro Terzi to bring his former colleague in. But Professor Anna Berardi, a criminal pyschologist who is friends with both men, believes the Nicola is innocent. She suggests that the real killer is Franco Tribbo, a maniac known as "The Midnight Killer" who supposedly died in a hospital fire several years previously. Terzi is not conviced but Nicola is killed and the murders continue...
Demons (Demonios)
Production Designer
Dos jóvenes deciden ir al preestreno de una película de terror y viven una auténtica pesadilla al quedarse atrapados en el cine con los demás espectadores.
Vacaciones de Navidad
Set Decoration
Llegan las vacaciones de Navidad y disfrutar de la nieve en Cortina d'Ampezzo es una buena opción. Mario, un chico de Roma con poco dinero, se enamora de la Samantha, la novia norteamericana del hipocondríaco Roberto. Billo, cantante y playboy, se junta con Ivana. Ahora está casada con un hombre rico, Donatone, pero en el pasado tuvieron un romance y ella quiere encender la llama otra vez.
The General of the Dead Army
Production Designer
In the early 1960s, nearly 20 years since the Second World War ended, an Italian general, accompanied by a priest who is also an Italian army colonel, is sent to Albania to locate and collect the bones of his countrymen who had died during the war and return them for burial in Italy. As they go deeper into the Albanian countryside they find they are being followed by another general who is looking for the bodies of German soldiers killed in World War II.
Massimamente folle
Set Decoration
The film presents a series of unrelated "pictures": a police commissioner who, faced with four friars stripped by two women, must decide whether they are real or false friars (but he can't); a professor who, suffering from acute dysentery, is dismissed for unworthiness by the Institute Council; a football referee trying to escape the ire of angry fans; an endless marathon in Piazza Navona; a true but crazy producer, a not crazy but fake producer and a group of actors who want to take revenge on one and the other; a "club of toasts" that spends its time toasting to this and that, to elect new members and honorary members; finally, a censorship commission that, aboard an old and very battered car, fails to reach his workplace.
Muerte en el Vaticano
Set Decoration
Una fabulación sobre política vaticana que se inspira muy vagamente en la extraña muerte de Juan Pablo I. (FILMAFFINITY)
From Corleone to Brooklyn
Assistant Production Design
El mafioso palermitano, Michele Barresi, huye a Nueva York haciéndose pasar por un ciudadano sudamericano. Finalmente, la policía lo detiene y es acusado de haber entrado ilegalmente en el país. Mientras, en Italia, el Comisario Berni indaga la posible autoría de un asesinato, que tiene como testigos a Liana y Salvatore Scalia. Scalia es a su vez miembro de la familia mafiosa de Barresi, pero esto no le impedirá traicionar a su jefe y, por ello, decide colaborar con la policía.
De Dunquerque a la victoria
Assistant Production Design
Un grupo de amigos celebran una cena que tiene un carácter anual. Pero no cuentan con el comienzo de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, que los separará en distintos bandos. Unos estarán en el ejército aleman, otros combaten junto a la resistencia. Acabada la guerra, sólo tres de los amigos acuden a su cita anual.
Assistant Art Director
Una joven (Jessica Harper) ingresa en una exclusiva academia de baile la misma noche en que asesinan a una de las alumnas. La subdirectora del centro es la amable Madame Blank, que brinda a la nueva alumna las comodidades y facilidades necesarias para su aprendizaje. Pero, poco a poco, una atmósfera malsana se va apoderando del lugar, y la estancia de la joven se va convirtiendo en una verdadera pesadilla.
Super robo en Milán
Production Designer
Unos delincuentes de poca monta atracan un banco disfrazados de sacerdotes. En su fuga, se topna con un grupo de sacerdotes de verdad, y después con la policía.