In the summer of 2019, a middle-aged couple are subjected to cyberstalking threats and bizarre deliveries including a bloody pig mask and funeral wreath. As the harassment intensifies, the police and FBI close in on a Silicon Valley giant and some very unlikely suspects. "Whatever It Takes" tells the extraordinary story of eBay, a Fortune 500 company founded on the principle that "people are basically good”, and how members of their security team ended up in federal prison after trying to protect the CEO from a corporate raider.
La historia no contada de Robert Stigwood, el empresario detrás de "Saturday Night Fever" y su banda sonora disco que batió récords.
Explore el auge del ciberconflicto como la principal forma en que las naciones compiten y se sabotean entre sí. A medida que aumenta el temor sobre cómo los posibles ataques cibernéticos afectarán las elecciones de 2020 en los EE. UU., La película presenta entrevistas con los principales funcionarios militares, de inteligencia y políticos e incluye informes sobre el terreno desde el frente de las guerras cibernéticas.
Influye en las elecciones y influye en los resultados: la manipulación de los derechos humanos se ha convertido en un tema político candente y en un símbolo de todo lo que está roto en el proceso electoral estadounidense. Pero hay quienes están en primera línea luchando por cambiar el sistema.
Drawing on unpublished diaries, memoirs and letters, The Great War tells the rich and complex story of World War I through the voices of nurses, journalists, aviators and the American troops who came to be known as “doughboys".
The self-help industry is worth $11 billion dollars a year. It’s an industry that captivates those seeking happiness, release from suffering and those longing for a path and a leader to follow. James Arthur Ray for many who followed him was that leader to guide his flock. But as the story unfolds, as told by Ray himself and also by his followers, we learn that that path was fraught with danger and perhaps even greater suffering.
For her latest industrial exposé, Rachel Boynton (Our Brand Is Crisis) gained unprecedented access to Africa's oil companies. The result is a gripping account of the costly personal tolls levied when American corporate interests pursue oil in places like Ghana and the Niger River Delta. Executive produced by Steven Shainberg and Brad Pitt, Big Men investigates the caustic blend of ambition, corruption and greed that threatens to exacerbate Africa’s resource curse.
Un singular cantante dotado con un gran talento mientras se desplaza por la taciturna ciudad de Memphis. Un alma libre que no se dejará corromper por discográficas en su proceso de búsqueda de la identidad personal. La joven promesa William Earl Beal brilla tanto en la actuación, como en la banda sonora interpretada por él mismo.
Max leaves his lakeside town to live with his father on the fringe of suburban Arizona. Both fever dream and quiet trip, Pavilion creates a deep and ethereal world, showing us an innocent way of life coming apart at the seams, constructing an indelible image of the enigma of youth.
This was a very human account of the lives and deaths of Marie Antoinette and Louis the XVI focusing primarily on Marie. It is an account of their lives from birth to death and the circumstances leading to the downfall of the French monarchy.