A historical journey spanning half a century and beyond at Walt Disney World, featuring spectacular visuals, musical performances, and interviews.
Second Unit Director of Photography
Mientras la tensión entre las grandes superpotencias crece, los Estados Unidos realizan maniobras submarinas en el Pacífico. De la tripulación forma parte el capitán Dmitri Zubov, un experto marino que vive atormentado por su pasado. La misión consiste en averiguar cuál es el objetivo del submarino soviético B756. Cuando el B756 deja de emitir un informe de posición, el comando Fleet da al buque por desaparecido. Mientras tanto, en las profundidades del Pacífico, el capitán Zubov y la tripulación del B-756 descubrirán un complot que podría destruir a la humanidad.
Director of Photography
Two dimwit owners of a struggling hauling company are approached about hauling a huge, mysterious box across country at the end of the century. The cargo has religious significance and may be an attempt to release Satan in the Devil's Triangle to start the next century. En route, many step out to try to stop their delivery...
Director of Photography
Darcy is back on the force, but still fights on as the Black Scorpion because "it's in her nature." This time, she fights Gangster Prankster; and a new villian emerges when the Mayor tries to protect his federal earthquake relief money: Aftershock. When the two villians team up and kidnap Argyle's girlfriend, Black Scorpion is faced with the theft of the Scorpionmobile and the imminent destruction of Angel City.