Adam Habib


Director of Photography
Ambientado en un mundo de fantasía suburbana, dos hermanos elfos adolescentes, Ian y Barley Lightfood, se embarcan en una aventura en la que se proponen descubrir si existe aún algo de magia en el mundo que les permita pasar un último día con su padre, que falleció cuando ellos eran aún muy pequeños como para poder recordarlo.
Director of Photography
When two outcast teens hack into a drone to pull a prank on their neighbor, they accidentally find themselves on the run from the delivery corporation.
Through the Windows
Director of Photography
A vivid trip down memory lane, Through the Windows celebrates San Francisco’s own beloved Twin Peaks bar. With its sky-high windows looking out onto the corner of Castro and Market, this landmark establishment stands not only as one of the gayborhood’s most beloved establishments but also as a testament to the revolutionary idea that gay people should be seen and celebrated rather than hide in the darkness of alleys and blacked-out windows. Whether you’re a regular who thinks of the bar as “Cheers for Queers” or a passerby, this snappy locally-produced documentary is chock-full of familiar faces and fascinating stories. Deeply personal interviews provide a history of this lesbian-owned bar as well as the Castro area—a blue collar Irish-Italian community in the ‘60s that became a gay mecca in the ‘70s, endured the health crisis of the ‘80s, and has served as a sense of home, family, and emotional nourishment for so many in our community every day of its 47-year history.
So Much Yellow
Director of Photography
Set in Northern California in the late sixties, So Much Yellow is a short, dramatic film about a young girl and the family road trip that changes her life forever. Inspired by true stories, this film depicts the difficult decision one family makes to institutionalize their young son who has Down syndrome.
Director of Photography
Cuando un ladrón de juguetes arruina el recreo en un jardín de infancia, sólo hay una cosa que se interpone en su camino: la caja de objetos perdidos.
Cars 3
Rayo McQueen sigue siendo el mejor coche de carreras del mundo, pero ahora que es uno de los más veteranos del circuito, debe demostrar a todo el mundo que aún puede ganar una gran carrera y que no necesita jubilarse. En esta ocasión, el famoso bólido de carreras tendrá que enfrentarse a una nueva generación de corredores más jóvenes, potentes y veloces, que amenaza con cambiar el deporte de su vida. Entre ellos está el competitivo y revolucionario Jackson Storm, que no se lo pondrá nada fácil.
Monstruos University
Desde que era pequeño, Mike Wazowski ha soñado con ser asustador y sabe que los mejores asustadores estudian en Monstruos University (MU). Pero durante su primer semestre en MU, los planes de Mike se desmoronan cuando se cruza con el listillo de James P. Sullivan, un asustador nato. El descontrolado espíritu competitivo de la pareja hace que los dos sean expulsados del programa de asustadores de la Universidad. Entonces se dan cuenta de que si quieren cumplir sus sueños, tienen que trabajar en equipo junto con un grupo de monstruos marginados.
The Most Girl Part of You
Director of Photography
Teens Kate and Big Guy are lifelong best friends. When tragedy causes charming oddball Big Guy to unravel, Kate finds herself both appalled by his behavior and driven by an attraction she never before realized.
A Moth in Spring
Director of Photography
Mixing narrative, experimental, and vérité footage, director Yu Gu explores themes of exile, art, and family in this touching documentary. In the process, she discovers that the desire for freedom of speech is a force that unites three generations of her family.