Michel Lipkes


Executive Producer
A FICUNAM commission for four directors, Liminal seeks to play with poetic affinities between film and music. Moving across aesthetic and generational differences, the film-makers explore this relationship through four distinct stories as to context and imaginary.
Extraño pero verdadero
La historia de amor de Jonathan y Yesi, dos recolectores de basura que trabajan bajo el mando despótico y violento del Maestro Clean, siempre seguido de cerca por mamá, una coleccionista que limpia silenciosamente y de forma fantasmal las calles de la ciudad. Una noche, mientras hacen su trabajo, encuentran el cadáver de un hombre con dinero. Master Clean toma una terrible decisión. Jonathan y Yesi planean su escape. Se avecina una tragedia.
Extraño pero verdadero
La historia de amor de Jonathan y Yesi, dos recolectores de basura que trabajan bajo el mando despótico y violento del Maestro Clean, siempre seguido de cerca por mamá, una coleccionista que limpia silenciosamente y de forma fantasmal las calles de la ciudad. Una noche, mientras hacen su trabajo, encuentran el cadáver de un hombre con dinero. Master Clean toma una terrible decisión. Jonathan y Yesi planean su escape. Se avecina una tragedia.
La última película
Associate Producer
A famous American filmmaker travels to the Yucatán to scout locations for his last movie. The Mayan Apocalypse intercedes
Calle López
In the eyes of a foreigner practically any street of Mexico City’s Centro Histórico holds potential for a film. Life on the street deserves more than just the natural condition of observer anyone could have, it demands an extra attention. In a 100-meter radius, the sociological exuberance of the events going on is simply impossible to ignore. The street is a mise en scène in itself.
Tracking an old man (with a truly Bela Tarr-like persistence) through the streets and bars, and porn cinemas, and taco-joints, of Mexico City on what might be the pensioner's last day on Earth, Critic/curator-turned-film-director Lipkes has crafted an undeniably challenging but beautifully realised vision of modern loneliness.
Tracking an old man (with a truly Bela Tarr-like persistence) through the streets and bars, and porn cinemas, and taco-joints, of Mexico City on what might be the pensioner's last day on Earth, Critic/curator-turned-film-director Lipkes has crafted an undeniably challenging but beautifully realised vision of modern loneliness.
Tracking an old man (with a truly Bela Tarr-like persistence) through the streets and bars, and porn cinemas, and taco-joints, of Mexico City on what might be the pensioner's last day on Earth, Critic/curator-turned-film-director Lipkes has crafted an undeniably challenging but beautifully realised vision of modern loneliness.
El niño sin piernas no puede bailar
A boy lives with an old man in a small house, he takes good care of him and watches sadistic cartoons on Tv. One day the old man dies, the kid is left alone.
El niño sin piernas no puede bailar
A boy lives with an old man in a small house, he takes good care of him and watches sadistic cartoons on Tv. One day the old man dies, the kid is left alone.