Enigmatic and deceptively playful in tone, this film from Gabino Rodríguez, in collaboration with Nicolás Pereda, boldly transforms mundane, realist observations at a rural Mexican schoolhouse into fantasy and a sly comment on childhood, rituals, and race.
Sound Recordist
Andra Bussmann ofrece en su debut una mirada hacia la telepatía, cambiar de forma y manejar al diablo en Oaxaca.
Andra Bussmann ofrece en su debut una mirada hacia la telepatía, cambiar de forma y manejar al diablo en Oaxaca.
Andra Bussmann ofrece en su debut una mirada hacia la telepatía, cambiar de forma y manejar al diablo en Oaxaca.
Andra Bussmann ofrece en su debut una mirada hacia la telepatía, cambiar de forma y manejar al diablo en Oaxaca.
Andra Bussmann ofrece en su debut una mirada hacia la telepatía, cambiar de forma y manejar al diablo en Oaxaca.
Andra Bussmann ofrece en su debut una mirada hacia la telepatía, cambiar de forma y manejar al diablo en Oaxaca.
Each September, Bolot Tagaev and his family practice a centuries old tradition, harvesting walnuts in one of the oldest walnut forests in Kyrgyzstan. Over the course of a single season, director Zaheed Mawani gracefully captures delicate sequences such as a child interacting with a snake, or sacks of walnuts being laid gently across an attic bed. Stories attached to the forest are told and retold over the fire at night, adding a mythic dimension.
Tales of Two Who Dreamt is set in a housing block in Toronto and pivots on representation and self-representation. Here, a Roma family rehearses the stories of their past for the upcoming hearing on their residency status.
A masterclass in the art of digital cinematography thanks to the efforts of Mexican maverick Nicolás Pereda (director of Perpetuum Mobile), it's a highly unusual 'behind the scenes' record of a film-shoot in Mexico City - namely, Michel Lipkes' Malaventura. Bussmann concentrates on the elderly gents who appear in one atmospheric bar-scene, observing them between takes and interviewing them about their lives. The gently-paced results cast a steadily hypnotic, and intoxicating spell.