Sol Barzman


The Magic Fluke
The Fox and Crow have a band-act in a nightclub, but the Fox walks out on his partner when he gets the position of a symphony-orchestra conductor. The Fox becomes while his old partner is on skid row, cold and hungry. One night, the Crow appears backstage at the concert Hall and hands a magician's wand to the Fox as he goes onstage. Using the wand as a baton, everything that can go wrong goes wrong for the snooty maestro.
Robin Hoodlum
Fox is Robin Hoodlum and the Crow is the Sheriff pursuing R. Hoodlum and his merry band. He escapes one trap after another until he is lured into an archery contest at the Palace---everybody plays the Palace sooner or later---and gets caught.
True to Life
Un escritor de seriales radiofónicos anda desesperadamente falto de ideas. Hasta que se muda a un apartamento contiguo a la casa de una encantadora familia que le sirve de inspiración. El tipo pone en marcha un programa de gran éxito, pero se siente culpable de su enfoque de chanza, más cuando se enamora de la hija mayor del clan.