Anthony Salerno


Star Stuff: A Story of Carl Sagan
In search of an answer to that seemingly simple question, Carl, a curious child, sets off on a great voyage of discovery. As one question is answered, more appear. Soon enough, where once stood but a curious boy, a great scientist will rise.
Las Tortugas Ninja: Turtles Forever
Donatello 1987 (voice)
Algo extraño esta pasando en la ciudad de las tortugas. En realidad, 4 cosas extrañas... Y verdes. Así es que, investigando una base de los Purple Dragons, Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael y Michelangelo conocen a: Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael y a Michelangelo... ¡De la serie de 1987!. Y si ellas estan aquí, su Shredder no puede estar muy lejos. Ahora, las ocho tortugas tendran que trabajar juntas para vencer a dos Shredders, un Krang, mutantes y muchos, pero muchos robots en esta historia que conmemora los 25 años de las TMNT
Sonic: Night of the Werehog
Chip (English)
One night of severe rain, Sonic and Chip come by an old mansion where they decide to take shelter. Whilst Sonic seems unfazed by the creepy surroundings, Chip is scared out of its wits. The mansion is inhabited by three scary - yet sweet - ghosts who like to play tricks on innocent visitors: A cute and girlish ghost who likes to collect photographs of her terrified guests. The remaining two boy ghosts compete for her attention by taking photographs of their scare victims. Their scariness is the key to popularity in the realm of ghosts. The boy ghosts are excited at the prospect of hunting their new and unusual guests, Sonic and Chip. Who will win the ultimate competition to her heart?