Join international comedy star David Strassman for this hilarious live performance. iTedE uproariously parodies our technology -laden lives. The sharp-tongued Chuck Wood and loveable Ted E. Bare are constantly on their devices. With everyone connected to social media and the internet 24/7, will Strassman get them back under control? And, in a world-first, Strassman simultaneously operates 5 characters in a 6-way conversation. Once again, he revolutionizes ventriloquism.
Join international comedy star David Strassman for this hilarious live performance. iTedE uproariously parodies our technology -laden lives. The sharp-tongued Chuck Wood and loveable Ted E. Bare are constantly on their devices. With everyone connected to social media and the internet 24/7, will Strassman get them back under control? And, in a world-first, Strassman simultaneously operates 5 characters in a 6-way conversation. Once again, he revolutionizes ventriloquism.
Join international comedy star David Strassman for this hilarious live performance. iTedE uproariously parodies our technology -laden lives. The sharp-tongued Chuck Wood and loveable Ted E. Bare are constantly on their devices. With everyone connected to social media and the internet 24/7, will Strassman get them back under control? And, in a world-first, Strassman simultaneously operates 5 characters in a 6-way conversation. Once again, he revolutionizes ventriloquism.
International comedy star David Strassman returns with his fifth DVD, CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR. In this hilarious DVD, Strassman truly ventures down the rabbit hole. Alternate realities? Parallel universes? It’s a mind-bending journey into a world where nothing is as it seems. Chuck Wood and Ted E. Bare have been cracking up audiences for years, but this DVD is an even funner, darker, all-new creation from the dark and twisted mind of David Strassman.
Classic Chuck and Ted E. Bear routines accompanied with the renegade band of puppets you wouldn't want to meet on a dark night!
Varios sucesos extraños se suceden en una pequeña y tranquila localidad pesquera. Primero, un barco de pesca explota provocando la muerte de sus tripulantes. Los perros del puerto aparecen descuartizados, excepto el del indio Hank. Los pescadores creen que él ha sido el autor de la matanza, y hacen lo propio con el perro del nativo. Pero cuando varios bañistas son asesinados, y algunas chicas violadas, algunos empiezan a comprender que detrás de todo lo que ocurre hay algo más