Kim Parker


Count Your Blessings
Englishwoman Grace Allingham marries Frenchman Charles Edouard de Valhubert, but their marriage quickly becomes unusual. Because Charles cheats on her and lives away from his family out of professional obligation to his government, Grace ends up raising the couple's son, Sigismond, on her own. Grace and Charles are finally reunited after nearly a decade apart, and, while they seem headed for a permanent split, there's still a spark between them.
Monstruo sin rostro
Barbara Griselle
Un capitán en una base aérea del Canadá debe investigar una serie de desapariciones. Las sospechas recaen en un científico que ha estado realizando experimentos en el campo de la telequinesis.
Undercover Girl
Nightclub employee Joan Foster (Kay Callard) assists the brother of a murdered reporter to expose a drug ring.
The Good Companions
Brunette - Three Graces
The story revolves around the Dinky Doos, a provincial musical troupe living from hand to mouth.
Doncellas de fuego del espacio exterior
Fire Maiden
Un grupo de astronautas exploran la décimo tercera luna de Júpiter hallando nada más que la supuestamente mítica civilización de la Atlántida, que está compuesta únicamente por mujeres que danzan a los compases de la música del terrestre Borodin.
Pasaporte al infierno
A forger (Carpenter) flees to Spain but his daughter is kidnapped by a ruthless gang.