Costume Design
Aunque esté en el paro con frecuencia, Etienne (Kad Meran) es un entrañable actor que dirige un taller de teatro en un centro penitenciario. Allí reúne a un grupo insólito de internos para representar la famosa obra de Samuel Beckett 'Esperando a Godot'. Cuando consigue la autorización para realizar una gira fuera de la cárcel con su pintoresca troupe de actores, a Etienne se le presenta finalmente la ocasión de prosperar.
Costume Designer
Se conocieron mucho tiempo atrás. Un hombre y una mujer, cuya historia de amor fulgurante, inesperada, atrapada en un paréntesis, acabaría revolucionando nuestra forma de ver el amor. Hoy, ese antiguo piloto de carreras se pierde por los caminos de su memoria. Para ayudarle, su hijo irá a buscar a aquella mujer que su padre no fue capaz de conservar, pero a la que rememora continuamente. Y todo para retomar su historia allí donde la habían dejado.Comedia dramática escrita y dirigida por Claude Lelouch (Chacun sa vie, Hommes, femmes, mode d'emploi) que protagonizan Jean-Louis Trintignant (Amor), Anouk Aimée (Silencio de amor), Marianne Denicourt (Un doctor en la campiña), Souad Amidou (7, rue de la Folie) y Monica Bellucci (Mozart in the Jungle).
Costume Design
El famoso compositor francés de música cinematográfica Antoine Abeilard viaja a la India, donde se le ha encargado crear la partitura de una versión de Bollywood de Romeo y Julieta. Antoine se enamora de la esposa del embajador francés en la India, pero la relación que mantienen no resulta nada sencilla.
Costume Design
A war photographer and absent father, who spends more time taking care of his camera than his four daughters, enjoys a happy life in the Alps with his new girlfriend. But his life is turned upside down the day that his best friend tries to reconcile him with his family by telling them a big lie.
Costume Design
Juliette was simply not sure about coming to live in this residential suburb of the greater Paris metropolitan area. All the women here are in their forties, have children to raise, houses to keep and husbands who return home late at night.Today she has an appointment in Paris that is important for her career, but she also has to run errands and pick up the kids from school. During the course of her day, monopolized by petty, everyday tasks, Juliette can feel the noose of domestic obligations and household chores slowly tightening around her neck.
Costume Design
The middle-aged titular heroine (Masiero) of this bare-bones, Dardenne-esque debut has certainly fallen on hard times: Living between her car and a storage shed, working a part-time job as a hotel chambermaid, and trying against all odds to obtain public housing, Louise scrapes by on a day-to-day subsistence that’s only a few Euros away from skid row.
Costume Design
Michael Gondry's examination of childhood love is replete with his trademark surreality. One evening at the turn of the century, Stephane discusses with his brother the end of the millenium, but also girls, particularly Aurelie, a classmate with whom he is secretly in love. The following day, Aurelie has a letter to give to him....