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Un agente de la policía de narcóticos (Heston) llega a la frontera mexicana con su esposa justo en el momento en que explota una bomba. Inmediatamente se hace cargo de la investigación contando con la colaboración de Quinlan (Welles), el jefe de la policía local, muy conocido en la zona por sus métodos expeditivos y poco ortodoxos. Una lucha feroz se desata entre los dos hombres, pues cada uno de ellos tiene pruebas contra el otro.
After marrying an archaeologist, a Victorian-era woman with a sordid past realizes that she is not ready to settle down with one man.
Un médico aparece asesinado. La principal sospechosa es una mujer que fue vista abandonando el escenario del crimen, pero cuando la policía empieza a investigar hará un sorprendente descubrimiento.
Wilson, un agente de la comisión de crímenes de guerra, está buscando a Franz Kindler, uno de los cerebros de los campos de exterminio nazis, que ha conseguido huir sin dejar huellas. Siguiendo la pista de un antiguo camarada de Kindler llega hasta Harper (Connecticut), donde es asesinado antes de poder identificar al fugitivo. La única pista que le queda es la fascinación del criminal nazi por los relojes antiguos.
Primera Guerra Mundial (1914-1918). Elizabeth y John llevan un año casados cuando él decide alistarse voluntario para ir al frente. Al acabar la guerra, Elizabeth recibe la noticia de que su esposo ha fallecido en combate. Sin embargo, John no está muerto. Mutilado y desfigurado, se encuentra en un hospital austriaco donde el doctor Ludwig decide realizarle operaciones, entre ellas, una cirugía estética. A pesar de los consejos del médico para que John regrese a su hogar y con su esposa, éste considera que su vida está acabada y decide seguir constando como fallecido. Con el tiempo Elizabeth se casa. Pero el destino hace que John regrese a los EEUU después de 20 años.
Don Martin es una estrella del hockey con los Wildcats hasta que es expulsado de la Liga de hockey por agredir a un árbitro. Por mediación de Chris, Don consigue trabajo, presentando un número nuevo, en el espectáculo de hielo de Buzz Fletcher. Chris entrena con Don y es todo un éxito; se casan. Pero Gale también está interesada en Don y, cuando a Don se le presenta la ocasión de irse y participar en el estreno del espectáculo de Jack, Gale le lleva a beber. Alcoholizado, no está en forma para patinar para Jack; entonces Buzz tiene a Chris para hacer el número. Su actuación es genial y Jack la quiere, pero sin Don, para su espectáculo de patinaje sobre hielo.
En la ciudad minera de Malemute, Yukon, el dueño del salón John Calhoun y una variedad de personajes sombríos buscan las bolsas de polvo de oro que los mineros depositan en el nuevo banco administrado por el mismo Calhoun.
Matt Braddock is a civil engineer during World War II who has new ideas for shipbuilding. Braddock tries to establish yards for building prefabricated ships on the West Coast, but he is hindered by the former superintendent of the shipyard, Joel Kennedy. A disappointed lover fails to deliver an important message on welds and it leads to the collapse of a new ship's superstructure and the death of a boy.
A stripper (June Havoc) discovers a professor (Joe E. Brown) spends summer teaching Shakespeare and winter as a burlesque comic.
El vaquero Dan Somers y el magnate del petroleo Jim "Hunk" Gardner compiten por obtener los derechos sobre el petróleo en tierra india en Oklahoma, así como por los favores de la maestra Cathy Allen
Ugly duckling Janie Farnsworth is a student at Pennington High School, and has a crush on Charles Grant, Jr., who is the writer and producer of the upcoming school play. But Chuck thinks that she is too untalented and unglamorous to have a part in his production....
Millionaire Sam Winston is an unhappy man. His wife Constance lives a gay life, devoting all her time to parties; his daughter Gloria is in one scandal after another, changing husbands as often as her moods, and son Jerry spends his time getting drunk and chasing women. Sam hires gangster Johnny April to bump him off but Johnny, liking the old man, defers the killing and sets about making the family appreciate Sam.
An elderly woman whose son disappeared years before refuses to move when her apartment building is turned into a college dormitory for male students, as she is convinced that he will return one day. She continues to live in the building after it becomes a dorm, and eventually grows attached to a troubled young student whom she comes to believe is her own grandson. When she finds out that the boy's father will be visiting him, she prepares herself to be reunited with the man she has convinced herself is her long-lost son.
Jim Gordon manda una unidad de los famosos Tigres Voladores, el grupo de voluntarios americanos que combatió a los japoneses en China, antes de que los Estados Unidos entraran en la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Gordon debe enviar a su grupo de pilotos contra un enemigo muy superior, mientras lidia con las dispares personalidades de sus componentes.
A would-be prospector becomes involved in a plot to deceive an old prospector of his cache, but falls in love with his daughter instead.
Jenny Blake (Joan Blondell) es la joven propietaria de un barco casino del Mississippi. Jack Morgan (John Wayne) es un jugador fascinado por ella hasta el punto de enamorarse. Al llegar el carnaval, Jack se las ingenia para que Jenny sea escogida la Reina anual, lo que ella aprovecha para introducirse en la alta sociedad de Memphis. Pronto surge la oportunidad de contraer matrimonio con un hombre rico y Jenny la aprovecha, pero la familia de alta sociedad no la acepta y deciden humillarla. Jack, que nunca había dejado de amar a Jenny, correrá a salvarla de un mundo que Jenny ya no desea conocer.
The beautiful Florida Keys provide the setting of this adventure that tells the tale of a fun-filled fishing trip that becomes a nightmare when the charter boat is wrecked on an isolated island. Unfortunately, there are very few provisions and the group must fend for themselves. They are eventually assisted by a hermit, but before that one of the group goes insane, and another is eaten by an alligator.
A framed cabby rounds up fur thieves and saves his opera-singer girlfriend.
On the day that United Broadcasting System's new building is dedicated, bumbling vice-president Harold L. Montgomery, Sr. discovers that he gave the wrong survey to the builders.....
Johnny Campbell isa glib campaign manager for gubenatorial candidate Stogie McPhee. Having impulsively promised Johnny that she'll marry him if McPhee wins, heroine Pepper Wilson begins canvassing the voters on behalf of rival candidate Gildersleeve. But the race is won by a dark horse, blacksmith Gunther Potts, who single-handedly cleans out the corrupt element in the local government.
An unsophisticated farm girl enrolls in college and stars in the campus musical.
Arkansas Judge is a 1941 American film starring Roy Rogers as a young lawyer defending a farmer accused of slander.
As suggested by its title, Behind the News was a "stop the presses!" yarn set in a big-city newsroom. Lloyd Nolan is top-billed as a cynical reporter with a penchant for sticking his neck out too far. Frank Albertson costars as a cub reporter fresh out of journalism school, whose presence is resented by Nolan and his fellow workers. But it is Albertson who, after running afoul of the law, is instrumental in breaking up a ring of racketeers. Behind the News was remade by Republic as Headline Hunters (55).
A Hollywood studio goofs and signs the wrong girl--a hillbilly from the Ozarks--to a movie contract. Comedy.
David Cook and twin brother Tom are poles apart in disposition and traits. When their father dies, Tom goes to New Mexico to live with his Uncle Hardtack while David remains behind to care for their mother. The grown Tom becomes an outlaw while brother David becomes a government lawman. David is charged with apprehending Tom...
A blackmail threat from an old prison buddy compels a man who has gone straight to consider yet another crime.
A brash night club singer becomes a cop to impress a woman.
The Weavers are share-croppers who confront their landlord with their tale of woe only to find he is in money trouble too. He also has a wastrel son and a socialite wife who wants a divorce. He begs the Weavers to trade places with him and fix things up.
A disillusioned factory worker is charged with the attempted murder of her mother's lover.
A New York attorney defends a young man with a criminal past who has been accused of murdering a police inspector.
Sentenced to toil on a family's land, a greedy man discovers coal and secretly buys the property.
Gang members Blackie Cross and Snooker try to pick up Judy Fox and her friend Pat as they welcome home Judy's brother, Marine Sergeant Marvin Fox.
When a sudden cold snap hits the Imperial Valley in California, orange growers fear that frost will kill their crops. Orange Growers Association president John Clayton assures his fellow farmers that he will help them obtain the oil needed to keep warming fires burning.
This comedy is set in New York and centers upon a singing Irish cop who causes quite a sensation among two producers when he sings at the annual Policeman's Ball. For a long time, they have been looking for a voice for their new cartoon feature, "Paddy the Pig," and the cop is just perfect. The policeman is tickled pink at the prospect of being a star and begins telling all his friends about his good fortune (he has no idea what they plan to do with his voice). Eventually he ends up marrying one of the producers, who still hasn't told him the truth. Suddenly the night of the big premiere finally arrives and all of the policeman's old friends and colleagues are there. As it begins, the policeman is appalled and humiliated to see that he has been mocked and has become a laughing stock. He immediately spurns his new wife and goes back to the police force. Time passes, and fortunately, the two reunite and settle their differences.
The two leading ladies are cast as Prudence and Agatha, a pair of old-fashioned schoolteachers in an old-fashioned small town. Disdaining the wimpy theories of "progressive" education, Prudence and Agatha stick to the reliable "Three R's," often teaching to the tune of a hickory stick. Though ridiculed for their so-called outmoded methods, the heroines manage to turn out quite a few prize students, earning the undying gratitude of the local citizenry.
Assistant District Attorney Jeffery Powell has just sent an innocent man to prison for the murder of a gambler. Powell is in love with, Marion Courtney, but he's unaware that Marion is the sister of the innocent man he sent to prison. Marion gets herself committed to a women's prison to get proof from inmate, Evelyn 'Duchess' Thane, that her brother is innocent. Powell learns of Marion's plight and believes she's in love with the man he sent to prison.
Madrid, España, 1880. Angelina, hija del pomposo general de brigada Marcial, es tentada por el mujeriego Germán, que le pide que huyan juntos, justo después de que su novio, Rodolfo, le pida que haga exactamente lo mismo con él.