István Szilágyi

István Szilágyi

Nacimiento : 1937-12-07, Gyoma, Hungary

Muerte : 2020-05-03


István Szilágyi (Gyoma, 7 December 1937) is a Hungarian actor. He graduated from the Academy of Theater and Film in 1961, he contracted to the Géza Gárdonyi Theater in Eger. From 1965 to 1973, the literary stage was a member of the Amusement Stage between 1973 and 1975. In 1975 he joined the National Theater of Pécs and in 1976 he became a member of the Vígszínház. He joined the Mafilm company in 1979. Creates character strokes. It was the first film in front of the camera in the 1959 Burning Window. He was known in the country in 1968 as the figure of Sípo's character was made in the TV series Bors. From 1998 he was a member of the Győr National Theater [1] until his retirement in 2016. In the '90s, Lotto had an advertising sticker, which typically formed a super-happy owner of a huge pile of cash. His wife is Joleny Humenyánszky sculptor. His son is Péter Szilágyi. (Wikipedia)


István Szilágyi
István Szilágyi
István Szilágyi


Dobogó kövek
Haunted Holiday
Öreg ember
The title of this Hungarian comedy is a German pun on "room for rent" (Zimmer Feri). Near-broke and desperate, Hungarian entrepreneur Feri decides to put a sleazy spin on tourism. After leasing a Lake Balaton boarding house, he moves in his gang -- wife, nephew, daughter, and the daughter's boyfriend -- and then sets out to scam unsuspecting German tourists. Written and directed by Peter Timor (Dollybirds). This film is also known as Feri's Gang. ~ Bhob Stewart, Rovi
The Sun Street Boys
István, gépész
Some of the most symbolic moments of the 1956 Revolution in Hungary were the tooth-and-nail battles fought by the so-called 'Pest Lads' who dared to defy odds by taking on the panzers of one of the world's superpowers. The story begins on October 23rd, 1956 and ends on November 4th of the same year. Juli is Totya's girlfriend but also loves Gábor. Their love triangle will have to endure the trials and tribulations of these stirring times. A group of boys living in the outskirts of the capital are playing football in abandoned lot when Juli, a ticket inspector, brings news of protests breaking out in the city. Only Gábor accompanies her into town and together they become part of this historical event. At dawn, when the boys too come under fire from Soviet forces, they decide to join in the fight.
The Battle of Mohács
Professor Lópici
By the notes of Fiáth Pompeiusz, the one-time friend of Kapa and Pepe, Professor Szirtes has solved the secret of the time machine, and he realizes the invention relying on "special" H2O. Kapa and Pepe shall return by it into the past in order to set time right, which is out of joint, that is, to correct history, to save King Louis II, and prevent the Mohács Disaster. Pepe yields to the not too tender persuasion to enter upon the great journey through time, dies and revives, and they arrive at the battlefield of Mohács in time. Kapa films the events. The Turks win and cut off the king’s, Pepe’s, head, still the Hungarians dictate the peace treaty. Kapa and Pepe want to return, they fill the time machine up with water from the well, yet it won’t start. Even so Kapa and Pepe hover over Budapest and quarrel.
A három testőr Afrikában
Sgt. Potrien
The Three Musketeers in Africa is a novel written by a Hungarian novelist Jenő Rejtő with the penname P. Howard. It tells the story of Csülök, Senki Alfonz (Alfonz Nobody) and Tuskó Hopkins, the three legionaries . They have to deliver an important letter to Marquis De Surenne and protect a young lady called Yvonne Barre through the desert and lead her to a safe place. Although these three men are outlaws , they try to do everything to help people who are in need. This is a very exciting book with the unique humor of Jenő Rejtő.
En el siglo XVIII, en Viena, la sociedad médica conoció el escándalo por los radicales métodos de curación del doctor Franz Anton Mesmer (Alan Rickman), basados en el "magnetismo animal", la hipnosis, la sugestión... Su principal éxito es la curación de una pianista ciega con la que el doctor inicia una relación; pero la comunidad médica utilizará esa relación para expulsar a Mesmer del país y destruir su polémica carrera.
The Pregnant Papa
In the small village of Rátót, every male is called Béla. When a woman gives birth to her child, she names him Józsi...
A fantasztikus nagynéni
Rendőr Gergő
Kaviár és lencse
Kalabaliken i Bender
The famous Swedish Karoliner army has suffered its biggest defeat ever at Poltava in 1709. The Swedish king Karl XII is waiting in the small village of Bender for the Turkish sulton to help him defeat his arch enemy, the czar of Russia, Peter the Great. But the Turks think he's an expensive guest and want him out of Turkey. However, he refuses. The sultan then decides to send Karl XII a princess to marry him, to get him out of the country (a bride for a bribe). The two Swedish soldiers Lagercrona and Kruus are to escort the princess. They experience many different adventures on their way to Bender, namely because other Swedish soldiers and agents try to stop them from ever reaching the village, because they don't want Karl XII to leave Turkey. After their long adventure to get there and a few misunderstandings, the famous "kalabalik" of Bender, where the Turks decide to drive Karl XII out of Turkey by force, begins.
Három szabó legények
The Stationmaster Meets His Match
A Piócás
The story of Bendegúz, the teenage boy who never succeeds in anything and about whom everybody's first though is "I wish you had been hanged when you were born!" drops out of school and becomes a cowboy. He works for the Stationmaster whose cows he has to graze by the railway. Despite his goodwill and kindheartedness he always manages to spoil everything he touches. No matter his wit, he gets into humiliating situations and regularly fights with the Ugly Witch (the Stationmaster's mother-in-law). However his good spirit and cheerfulness never leave him.
Angi Vera
Member of the Management
Angi Vera, as a promising young woman, gets invited to a Communist training center to undergo the next level of indoctrination into Party life. She begins to realize how people get ahead in the Party: by saying things they don't mean but think are politically correct; by becoming friends with Party dignitaries, even if you don't like them; by being seen as a dedicated worker (as opposed to actually being a dedicated worker).
Rab ember fiai
Juhos Lajos
Bowler Hat and Red Nose
Members of the Wild Goose patrol decide to find the little monkeys stolen from the Zoo. They try to make up for what the unruly adults messed up. They keep bumping into the disguised damned ice-cream vendor, the intriguing Bagaméri, who would like to get the reward set for the finder of the monkeys.
A Very Moral Night
Coachman Gruber
A brothel in a small Hungarian town becomes the home of a medical student after his favorite working girls find out he's out of rent money. Trouble brews as they learn his mother is coming for a visit and they must transform the house.
While awaiting his release from the Soviet detention camp he is being held in, a half-starved refugee (Andras Ambrus) finds that an error has been made and his name is not on the to-be-released list. It is then that he is forced to assume the identity of a dead man whose name is on the list. Ambrus at first refuses, but because he was an orphan and cannot produce evidence of his true identity, he has no other choice. However, when he returns to the outer world and the community he was raised in, he is greeted with suspicion. When he tries to claim his part-ownership of a farm from his adopted uncle, he is refused and beaten by farmhands the uncle sets on him.
Football of the Good Old Days
Doorman of Astoria
The film is set in Budapest, 1924. Laundryman Ede Minarik's only passion is football. His dream is to see his team, Csabagyöngye, qualify for the first division. For this goal he would be willing to sacrifice everything he has. But he has nothing, even footballers just barely. The team is just like the times. But still, "we need a team!"
The Black City
Feature film version of the 1971 series.
Dead Landscape
This Hungarian film chronicles the slow deterioration in the life of Juli, a farmer's wife. As the countryside grows ever more deserted because people are moving to towns or large collective farms, she spends more and more time alone. Despite her best efforts to appreciate her situation, her despair grows. The loneliness is briefly interrupted when she and her husband take in an old woman and care for her, but the woman dies. Shortly after her son visits, she is killed in an accident which may have been a suicide. ~ Clarke Fountain, Rovi
The Heir
Drapp Tamás, metro-driver inherits an American salami-factory worth a hundred thousand dollars from an unknown relative abroad.
Ten Thousand Days
Referee (uncredited)
The changing and turbulent history of Hungary is seen through the eyes of three men over a 30-year period in this somber drama. The three recall the highlights of their lives in flashbacks as they reminisce in the mid 1960s. The venerable trio begin their story in the 1930s, through World War II, and the decade beyond the communist invasion of 1956.
A Window on the Sky
Mrs. Fazekas and her three sons live in a tenement house in the outskirts. The eldest son, Fecó, is saving money in order to buy a washing machine for his mother, while her other two sons spend time by hanging around and playing tricks.
Egy asszony elindul
Director: Imre Jeney