Péter Szatmári

Péter Szatmári


Péter Szatmári


Hello, My Life!
Director of Photography
A popular writer with lack of inspiration (Szabolcs Thuróczy) and his never-seen son meets unexpectedly. From there they have to deal with living with the other in joy, in emtions and with the imagination of the child, this tales goes beyond reality.
Biopoic of actor Győző Szabó's younger years struggling with his drug addiction.
A psychologist and a painter interpret the works of young autistic people at an exhibition opening. Their conversation seems to target the abstract paintings, however, their real topic is the elusive and constantly changing dynamics of their relationship. While they walk through the gallery, it becomes clear, that they have as many difficulties talking about their feelings, as the artists themselves.
The Whiskey Bandit
Adaptación de la historia real de Attila Ambrus, un “caballero del crimen”, a menudo comparado en Hungría con Sándor Rózsa, la versión de Robin Hood en el país. Attila creció en Transilvania en la década de los 80 y escapó ilegalmente a Hungría enganchado a un tren de mercancías. Vemos cómo se convierte en portero en un equipo de hockey del equipo de Budapest y conoce a su novia, Kata, de padre burgués, el cual no acepta al joven pues considera que no tiene futuro por no tener trabajo y pocas posibilidades de encontrar uno. Fue entonces cuando Attila comenzó a atracar bancos sin lastimar a nadie. Pronto se ganó la reputación de héroe popular. Este apodo viene del olor a whisky que va dejando, ya que siempre bebe antes de un atraco. En un principio era simplemente para calmar los nervios, después, para mantener su reputación.
Un hada llamada Liza
Director of Photography
Liza es una joven enfermera que cuida desde hace años de Marta, la viuda del embajador de Japón en Hungría. El único compañero de Liza es su amigo imaginario Tomy Tani, el fantasma de un cantante de pop japonés de los años 1950 que solo ella puede ver. El día de su 30 cumpleaños, Liza sale con la esperanza de encontrar a su verdadero amor... y se convierte en la principal sospechosa de una serie de asesinatos. Empieza a creerse que una maldición la ha transformado en una "fox-fairy", un demonio del folklore japonés.
A dog who saved lifes all around the world.
Director of Photography
Cuando Rebeca (Eva Green) regresa a la casa de sus abuelos, vuelve a ver a Thomas (Matt Smith), su amor de la infancia. La atracción entre ellos es tan fuerte que Thomas deja a su novia, para estar con ella, pero muere en un accidente de coche. La joven, desolada, llega a pensar en el suicidio, hasta que encuentra consuelo en la idea de la clonación. Aunque la sociedad no lo acepta, la idea de ella es dar a luz a Thomas, para traerlo de nuevo a la vida.
Narra la historia de un día en la vida de un camello. El personaje principal se mueve entre distintos entornos sociales, aunque no se trata de un largometraje sobre el mundo de la droga, sino más bien de una tragedia personal, a través de la cual trata antiguos interrogantes sobre el destino
The Hungarian version of the "The Seven Samurai" and "The Magnificent Seven".
Director of Photography
Áron is a happy child in his family. But at some point things take a different turn, and his mother starts to lose her health rapidly. As this happens, the man in charge decides what's best for Áron without consulting the young boy's opinion, and the boy finds himself thrown out of his warm home into an orphanage in the woods. He's utterly displeased by what's happening, without knowing he has yet to face much worse...
Camera Operator
One day, two unsuccessful rock musicians, Ede and Zaki, come across a competition. To commemorate the anniversary of the Institute for the Blind, they have to write a musical piece for the blind. Since there are no other candidates, they get the job. In two nights they put the piece together. However to their great disappointment, they find that they also have to teach the blind kids to perform it, if they want to get the money. Unwillingly they are submerged into the world of the blind; just like the spectator. While Zaki works on the musical in a studio, Ede starts rehearsing with the blind youths. A strange competition starts among the blind girls. They all fall in love with Ede, and the blonde Edith makes up her mind to approach him. But he fails as a director. He has no idea how to handle these people, so he soon gives up. However...
Zimmer Feri
Camera Operator
The 50 years old Ferenc rents an apartment on the Balaton beach, but it has a lot of debt on it. His plan is to make it profitable.
Director of Photography
The movie is set in the actual "Ki Mit Tud?" talent contest in 1962. In reality the contest in dance music category was won by an army brass band. "Omega" which later became one of the most successful Hungarian rock bands came out in the second place.