Jack Lester

Nacimiento : 1915-08-10, Enid, Oklahoma, USA

Muerte : 2004-09-18


El último unicornio
Hunter #1 / Old Farmer / Cully's Men (voice)
Cansada de estar sola en el enorme bosque, la unicornio Amalthea comienza a preguntarse si es la última de su especie y sale por el mundo a buscar a sus semejantes. En su viaje se une al mago Schmendick y a Molly Grue que la ayudarán a buscar al Toro Rojo, una criatura mística que caza y aprisiona unicornios. Para pasar desapercibida entre los hombres y salvarla del Toro, Schmendrik transforma a Amalthea en una bella joven. Los tres se encaminan al tenebroso país del rey Haggard, el hombre que controla al Toro Rojo...
Die Sister, Die!
A man hires a nurse to care for his ailing but nasty and shrewish sister. What he really intends to do, however, is to convince the nurse to join him in a plot to kill her.
El increíble transplante bicéfalo
El Doctor Girard en un científico de renombre que lleva años experimentando en animales la posibilidad de realizar transplantes de cabezas. Además de con su mujer, convive con un vigilante de seguridad y el hijo de éste, Danny, un chico físicamente desarrollado pero que tiene la mentalidad de un niño. Un buen día, al doctor Girard se le presenta la oportunidad de experimentar con personas, más concretamente en Danny, al que coloca una segunda cabeza. Las consecuencias no tardarán en aparecer.
Jennie: Wife/Child
Albert Peckingpaw
The story of a young girl saved from desperation by an older farmer who makes her his wife. The old man cannot fulfill his young bride's desires or keep pace with her youth. What is a girl to do? Naturally, pursue the farmhand.
Man of Steel
Klondike Joe
Jeff Forbes, president of Alliance Steel, takes his wife and son Kevin on a trip to the Yukon for a hunting trip with "utterly godless" drunkard Klondike Joe. But - surprise! - Klondike Joe is no longer a drunk. Instead, he’s been "converted by this BARRY MOORE fellow," a real-life evangelist who "transformed" Joe and now starts on Jeff and Kevin. Sure enough, not only does Jeff start reading the Bible, but loses interest in the company because he’s "had a transforming experience with Jesus Christ!" Kevin, on the other hand, becomes a teenage drunk after his white-trash girlfriend Dana tries to lure him away from religion with parties and ­ gasp! - bottles of beer. But when one of Kevin’s drunken buddies puts on a dress and falls off the roof of a house, Kevin wants to take Dana to Barry’s Big Crusade.
Deadwood '76
Tennessee Thompson
A young drifter is mistaken for Billy the Kid. The concequences prove deadly.
The Two Little Bears
Phil Wade
Two little boys use a magic potion to turn themselves into bears.
La rubia y el sheriff
The Coach Driver
Un sheriff se enfrenta a dos bandas rivales. Como es británico y no conoce el Oeste, decide recibir lecciones de la dueña del salón. Comedia británica en clave de western para lucimiento de la explosiva Jayne Mansfield.
Port of Escape
Ship's Mate
Two sailors dock in London in search of a good time. But when one of them fatally stabs a man during a scuffle in a bar, the pair flee the scene, commandeer a boat and take the three women on board hostage as they try to outrun the law.
When We Are Married
Fred Dyson
The Helliwells, the Soppitts, and the Parkers, old friends gathered to celebrate their common silver anniversaries. To their dismay they learn that their marriages may not be valid. On hand are an outrageous housekeeper and a photographer. This was the second television film version of the J.B. Priestley play made by the BBC.
No Orchids for Miss Blandish
Police Capt. Brennan
Filmed in England but set in New York, No Orchids For Miss Blandish tells of a sheltered heiress who is abducted on her wedding night by a trio of cheap hoods, in what starts out as a jewel robbery and turns into a kidnapping/murder when one of them kills the bridegroom. More mayhem ensues as the three kidnappers soon end up dead.
London has become enthralled by the antics of the contemporary Robin Hood, but when a band of bad guys start framing him for their misdeeds, the hero has to catch the criminals and clear his name.