La granja donde Hatschipuh (un gnomo) y sus amigos viven va a ser vendida porque los propietarios están en bancarrota. Los gnomos necesitan ayudar a la familia a salvar la granja.
República de Weimar (1919-1933). Una vez terminada la Primera Guerra Mundial (1914-1918), se produjeron en Alemania movimientos populares de protesta, al frente de los cuales se hallaban Rosa Luxemburgo y Karl Liebknecht, que fundaron un partido político revolucionario de carácter comunista: los espartaquistas.
An American in West Berlin finds himself caught up in murder and intrigue after his associate is killed and a diplomat's daughter is found dead in his room.
An unmarried actress in Munich becomes pregnant but decides against marrying the child's father, and eventually moves in with a more agreeable man she meets on a winter sports holiday.
The three daughters of the Dessau merchant Sellmann move with their father to Prague in 1936, where he accepted a position as director of the Böhmische Landesbank. For the three different women begins a new life, which accompanies the film over a period of ten years.