Valentina Pugachova

Valentina Pugachova


Valentina Pugachova


Russian Symphony
The protagonist finds out that some children were left behind in a sinking school, and is slowly driven mad as he tries to save them. A parable on the theme of the Last Judgment, numerous catastrophic events reveal a certain ambiguity in their origins, accompanied by the terrible suspicion that the things going on are some kind of a performance or theatrical production.
Dogs' Feast
On a holiday eve, everyone, especially one tired and chilly, does so need at least one living soul at one's side: it is bad to meet a holiday alone with oneself. Thus, on a New Year's Eve, the main characters meet, — a meeting of two solitudes. Chance brought two persons of disorderly lives together in a railway terminal.... kindling the hope for a normal, pure human life, the kind others have...
Presumption of Innocence
The Strogovs
In the Siberian taiga village of Wolf's Burrows, the Strogov family lives — Matvey with his wife Anna and his parents. Through the fate of this peasant family, a picture of the life of the Siberian region during major historical events — the Russo-Japanese War, the 1905 Revolution, the October Revolution of 1917 and the Civil War is outlined.
Сержант милиции
In the Town of S.
A portrait of a Russian community in the late 19th century based on Chekhov's stories, featuring the author as observer and narrator.
Poyezd miloserdiya
Dva voskresenya
Длинный день
Свет в окне
The Night Guest
Тугой узел
Katia Zelentsova
Primavera en la calle Zarechnaya
Una sofisticada joven, idealista profesora de literatura rusa, llega a una ciudad provincial e industrial para dar clases a los jóvenes trabajadores de una fábrica de fundición de metal. Uno de sus alumnos más populares, arrogante y capaz de conseguir a cualquier chica, se enamora de ella, cuyos ideales chocan con los de él.