Leung Suk-Wah


The Twin Bracelets
Two teenage girls make a pledge to each other to be as "man and wife" in a small Chinese fishing town. The notions of women's rights or sexual freedom are absent in their oppressive minority culture, and when one becomes happily married to a stranger, the other is cruelly betrothed to the abusive son of a wealthy family. Seeking to free herself from a lifetime of abuse, Hui-hua desperately looks for a way out. ----by J L (New York City)
Starry Is the Night
As Cai Mei, a single 40 year old woman and a social worker starts a relationship with a teen-ager Tian-Ah, she remembers her relationship when she was young with her professor, a married man older than her.
Un mañana mejor
Ho y Mark pertenecen a la mafia y Kit, el hermano pequeño de Ho, es policía. Después de realizar un trato que sale terriblemente mal, Ho es detenido por la policía y Kit queda totalmente perplejo al conocer su verdadera identidad. Tres años después, Ho sale de prisión y se encuentra con un hermano que no quiere saber nada de él y un jefe de la mafia que quiere volver a hundirlo. Por suerte, Mark Lee está para ayudarlo.