Gary McKeehan


La verdadera naturaleza del amor
El canadiense Arcand, director de "El declive del imperio americano" (The Decline of the American Empire, 1986) continúa su radiografía de las relaciones personales con una particular visión caleidoscópica de variaciones sexuales y amores no correspondidos. David, un camarero gay, antiguo niño prodigio de la tele, sueña con ser actor. Vive con Candy, una mujer hastiada de los hombres, pero pronto se les unen Kane, un adolescente enamorado de David, y Jerri, una lesbiana locamente enamorada de Candy.
Heritage Minutes: Rural Teacher
Trustee #3
Teacher Kate Henderson sways school trustees to embrace new methods, and the event is represented in the famous painting by Robert Harris: A Meeting of the School Trustees.
Cromosoma 3
Mike Trellan
El psiquiatra Hal Raglen (Oliver Reed) inventa una terapia especial para tratar psicópatas que consiste en la somatización de los trastornos mentales del enfermo. Cuando somete a una mujer a este proceso de curación, contra lo previsto, se desata la furia de la paciente.
The Italian Machine
This TV play, written and directed David Cronenberg, explores one of his enduring themes: obsessive relationships with technology. A group of bike fanatics determine to get their hands on a Ducati 900 Desmo SuperSport owned by a rich guy, by any means necessary.
Point of No Return
In this sci-fi thriller, authorities begin looking into a series of violent deaths. Their investigation leads them into the arcane worlds of UFOs and nuclear research.
Charges that the Reverend 'Red' Reddick is exploiting his youth club members leads to an explosive confrontation.