Jacob Reynolds

Jacob Reynolds

Nacimiento : 1983-05-13, San Pietroburgo, Russia


Jacob Reynolds
Jacob Reynolds


A tall, skinny boy obsessed with traffic cones, a lesbian Adam and Eve, a wise bearded man, and the self-proclaimed King of the Sea all wander about the surreal landscape of GLAMARUS, watched over by a man who lives in a television set.
The Aggression Scale
Cuando el jefe de la mafia Bellavance (Ray Wise) descubre que faltan $ 500.000 de su dinero, envía cuatro sicarios fuertemente armados para enviar un mensaje "fuerte y sucio" a las familias de los presuntos ladrones. Pero cuando los asesinos invaden una de las casas, se encontrarán con Owen (Ryan Hartwig) el hijo de la familia quién sufre de serios problemas emocionales. Owen tiene un historial de comportamiento violento, sabe cómo fabricar trampas letales y puede compararse en su nivel de agresión.
Two Years
Two brothers, one of whom suffers from a traumatic brain injury, struggle to survive on their own.
Two Years
Two brothers, one of whom suffers from a traumatic brain injury, struggle to survive on their own.
The Blind
Marcus and Kate moved to a residential neighborhood in New England. He is a frustrated architect, she is a young housewife who has discontinued her studies. The daily newspaper of a crisis is strictly narrated among the immutable spaces of the bourgeois suburbs: houses, gardens, shopping centers.
The Sounds of the Underground
Executive Producer
A documentary about the lives and experiences of four groups of subway performers revealing how these artists are perceived by society.
The Sounds of the Underground
A documentary about the lives and experiences of four groups of subway performers revealing how these artists are perceived by society.
Loren Cass
The Suicide Kid
Adolescents come to terms with their lives after the rebellions of 1996 St. Petersburg.
Life on the Ledge
Brian Leib, a thirty-two year old, ritualistic neurotic recluse who lives with his paranoid parents, only leaves his house to see his psychiatrist. His days are kept as simple as the loaf of bread he makes every morning; the first slice his breakfast, the last slice his dessert--this gives him a "sense of closure for the day." On the verge of jumping he finds a tumor on his neck. Through this new found bad news he gets the strength to talk to Claire, another patient of his psychiatrist's. Claire, a beautiful stripper with a badly stained childhood lets her male guard down and lets Brian in. In order to protect Claire, Brian gets involved with a motley crew of gangsters, faces his fears and gains the will to live... but is it too late?
Entre el amor y el juego
Wheeler's Nephew
Billy Chapel es una estrella del béisbol que ha jugado en los Tigres de Detroit durante veinte años. Cuando menos se lo espera, el club le anuncia sus planes de traspasarlo a otro equipo. Por si esto fuera poco, su mujer está punto de abandonarlo.
Getting to Know You
Lamar Pike, Jr.
A chance encounter alters a teenage girl's perception of herself and her outlook on life.
Safe Men (Dos torpes en apuros)
Sam y Eddie (Sam Rockwell, Steve Zahn) son dos cantantes mediocres, a los que un mafioso de poca monta (Giamatti) confunde con los mejores ladrones de cajas fuertes de la ciudad.
Un grupo de jóvenes marginales pasan sus días flirteando con la delincuencia y las drogas en Xenia, Ohio, un pueblo devastado por un tornado años atrás y que sigue viviendo en la miseria que este hecho provocó. Estos jóvenes viven como desechos sociales, como los restos del tornado.
El balneario de Battle Creek
Young George Kellogg
El excéntrico doctor John Harvey Kellog (A. Hopkins), un defensor acérrimo de la vida natural, regenta un lujoso balneario en Battle Creek.
December Ends
Skyler Rudin
Después de la muerte de Chris (Josh Janowicz) éste tiene que cuidar de sí mismo y de su padre alcohólico (Bill Buell).