In the near future, as humanity prepares to set foot on Mars, Jacob Obus, an elderly musician, takes pride in slowing down time by playing instruments inspired by women's bodies, designed by his friend Arthur. A love triangle develops when Jacob and Arthur both fall in love with Avril, a young photographer. Enter Eugène Spaak, Arthur's father, an inventor and cosmologist who unveils a new theory about man's desire to reach Mars and helps Jacob find the true meaning of life and love.
After reading a bedtime story to her daughter, Alice Tremblay leaves her daughter's room and enters her own fairytale. After battling a sexy big, bad wolf and saving Red Riding Hood, she encounters Prince Ludwig who helps Alice return to her world in exchange for her teaching him how to kiss so that he can pass his final exam to become Prince Charming. Along they way they meet every familiar fairytale character, though in a decidely different form or personality.
Dominique, un brillante arquitecto, con el fin de hacer dinero rápido para volver a reabrir su compañía, encuentra trabajo en un anticuario. Pero pronto se da cuenta de que la única forma de mantener su puesto de trabajo es fingiendo ser homosexual, rompiendo poco a poco su matrimonio y agitando emociones extrañas de su madre.
Between fiction and documentary, Jacques Godbout's feature film takes a critical look at the Quebecois youth of the 1960s. Kid Sentiment, it is the adolescent who says no to tenderness because it is embarrassing. On the theme of amorous initiation, the camera becomes a witness of this lucid youth, funny, friendly to noise and eccentricity. Made with the participation of two members of the yeye singers group, the Sinners.