Griffin Jay


Devil Bat's Daughter
Wishing to dispose of his wife, psychiatrist Dr. Elliott makes his patient Nina think that she suffers from a compulsion to kill. He drugs Nina, murders his wife and leaves evidence that points to Nina. The latter, pre-conditioned by Elliott, also thinks she is guilty.
The Mask of Diijon
A stage illusionist plots a revenge after a particularly humiliating comeback attempt.
Cry of the Werewolf
A young gypsy girl turns into a wolf to destroy her enemies.
Cry of the Werewolf
A young gypsy girl turns into a wolf to destroy her enemies.
El fantasma de la momia
La Momia busca por todas partes la última reencarnación de su amada, la princesa Ananka. Mientras tanto, el Sumo Sacerdote de la Secta instruye a uno de sus acólitos sobre la manera de resucitar a la Momia hirviendo unas hierbas milenarias.
El fantasma de la momia
La Momia busca por todas partes la última reencarnación de su amada, la princesa Ananka. Mientras tanto, el Sumo Sacerdote de la Secta instruye a uno de sus acólitos sobre la manera de resucitar a la Momia hirviendo unas hierbas milenarias.
Two-Man Submarine
Medical researchers Jerry Evans and Walt Hedges are assigned by a pharmaceutical company to work at a secret laboratory on a remote South Pacific Island in order to produce penicillium, the mold from which the magic drug penicillin is derived.
El regreso del vampiro
En 1918, el terrible vampiro Armand Tesla es eliminado por Sir John Ansley, que le clava un enorme clavo de metal en el corazón. Años despues, durante los bombardeos alemanes de Londres, su tumba queda al descubierto y unos operarios que se encargan de enterrar los cadáveres víctimas de las bombas le quitan el clavo del corazón, devolviéndole a la vida.
Captive Wild Woman
Cuando Beth lleva a su hermana para que sea asistida quirúrgicamente, conoce al misterioso doctor Walters, quien efectúa extraños experimentos con animales. El prometido de Beth es Fred, un domador de fieras. En una visita casual del doctor, éste conoce a Fred… y también a una preciosa gorila, Cheela, a quien secuestrará para perpetrar experimentos con ella: primero le hace una transfusión con la sangre de la hermana de Beth, consiguiendo que adquiera apariencia levemente humana, y después le trasplanta el cerebro de una enfermera entrometida, convirtiéndose en la bellísima Paula Dupree... Primera entrega de la "trilogía de Paula Dupree, la mujer simio", formada por Captive Wild Woman (1943), Jungle Woman (1944) y The Jungle Captive (1945).
Don Winslow of the Coast Guard
Don Winslow (titular hero of the serial "Don Winslow of the Navy") is reassigned to the United States Coast Guard, to guard the coast against saboteurs and sneak attacks.
La tumba de la momia
Un fanático instruido por un adorador egipcio utiliza el secreto para revivir a la momia para que cumplimente su venganza.
Two FBI agents are sent to investigate sabotage at a lumber camp.
Junior G-Men of the Air
A group of street kids battle a terrorist gang led by a Japanese spy.
Top Sergeant
An army sergeant recognises a young recruit as the man responsible for his brother's death, while attempting a robbery.
The Kid from Kansas
Competition among fruit growers takes a nasty turn when the main buyer offers unrealistically low prices for their crops.
Men of the Timberland
Tim MacGregor, unscrupulous lumber operator, obtains by bribery a contract to cut a vast quantity of timber from land owned by Kay Handley, rich débutante. When Dick O'Hara, forestry inspector, demands a postponement, MacGrgeor refuses and sends his henchman, Jean Collet, to obtain the services of the famous "bull-of-the-woods" Andy Jensen and his partner "Lucky." Kay arrives and gives her permission to cut the timber, defying Dick. Dick, with his two assistants, Withers and "Tex," begins a survey of the timber stand. When Dick and Tex finally reveal MacGrgeor as a crook, Collet is sent to kill "Tex" and obtain the reports. A fight ensues and "Lucky" is killed by one of Collet's flying knives. Kay then admits that Dick is right and helps him trap Collet. Dick and Andy force a confession from Collet and MacGregor is exposed.
La mano de la momia
Un grupo de escépticos arqueólogos, que desprecian las leyendas y supersticiones populares, buscando la tumba perdida de una princesa egipcia, se encuentra con el guardián del sepulcro: una milenaria momia dispuesta a matarlos a todos.
La mano de la momia
Un grupo de escépticos arqueólogos, que desprecian las leyendas y supersticiones populares, buscando la tumba perdida de una princesa egipcia, se encuentra con el guardián del sepulcro: una milenaria momia dispuesta a matarlos a todos.
Bank Alarm
A federal agent learns the gangsters he's been investigating have kidnapped his sister.
Too Tough to Kill
A no-nonsense engineer is hired to oversee construction of the Whitney Tunnel, a project that has been plagued by a series of mysterious--and often fatal--accidents.
The Hawk
Jay Price's dying mother tells him his real name is Jack King and gives him a locket as proof. At the King ranch he loses the locket which is found by the foreman. Hoping to regain his proof, he hires on as a ranch hand knowing the foreman is the outlaw known as the Hawk. But trying to prevent the Hawk from rustling cattle, he is captured by the Hawk's men.
Air Hawks
A small, independent air delivery service is menaced by a mad scientist with a death ray machine that blows up planes in mid-flight.
Queen of the Jungle
A 12-chapter serial built around stock footage from a 1922 silent serial, "The Jungle Goddess",young David Worth and Joan Lawrence are children with a group of explorers that are seeking African radium deposits. They are playing in the basket of the party's air balloon when the bag takes off with Joan aboard, last seen sailing over the back-lot jungle. This puts a chill on the expedition and all hands return to whence they came. The end of chapter 1, "Lost in the Clouds", finds Marilyn's balloon being shot down by the flaming arrows of a native tribe. Chapter 2,"Radium Rays", reveals that Joan survived her descent and the tribe named "the child from the sky" as their queen and priestess.A flash forward of about 18 years finds that the now-adult David has returned to Africa to search for his long-lost childhood friend.He hits the trail and is quickly captured by the tribesmen and is brought to their sadistic ruler,who turns out to be a now-grown Joan. Unaware of his or her own true ...
Queen of the Jungle
A 12-chapter serial built around stock footage from a 1922 silent serial, "The Jungle Goddess",young David Worth and Joan Lawrence are children with a group of explorers that are seeking African radium deposits. They are playing in the basket of the party's air balloon when the bag takes off with Joan aboard, last seen sailing over the back-lot jungle. This puts a chill on the expedition and all hands return to whence they came. The end of chapter 1, "Lost in the Clouds", finds Marilyn's balloon being shot down by the flaming arrows of a native tribe. Chapter 2,"Radium Rays", reveals that Joan survived her descent and the tribe named "the child from the sky" as their queen and priestess.A flash forward of about 18 years finds that the now-adult David has returned to Africa to search for his long-lost childhood friend.He hits the trail and is quickly captured by the tribesmen and is brought to their sadistic ruler,who turns out to be a now-grown Joan. Unaware of his or her own true ...
Three Little Pigskins
The stooges are mistaken by a gangster for the "Three Horsemen of Boulder Dam", famous football players. Hired to play for his team, they blow the big game and get it in the end. Lucille Ball has a nice part as a gun moll.