Alfredo Castiglioni


Shocking Africa
A Mondo documentary following the customs and rites of passage of various tribes in Africa.
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Documental dedicado a diferentes culturas ancestrales Africanas a las que el progreso amenaza, tribus como Kaksiki de Africa central, Nuba de Sudán o los Silluk. Escenas de la lucha por la supervivencia, la guerra trival, la superstición, Danzas eróticas, cultos al Falo, Rituales de deflorazión y de muerte. (FILMAFFINITY)
Adiós al último hombre
Documental dedicado a diferentes culturas ancestrales Africanas a las que el progreso amenaza, tribus como Kaksiki de Africa central, Nuba de Sudán o los Silluk. Escenas de la lucha por la supervivencia, la guerra trival, la superstición, Danzas eróticas, cultos al Falo, Rituales de deflorazión y de muerte. (FILMAFFINITY)
Mondo Magic
This film is about tribes in Africa and South America who turn toward magic as a means of survival and way of life.
Mondo Magic
This film is about tribes in Africa and South America who turn toward magic as a means of survival and way of life.
Africa Uncensored
Director of Photography
Documentary film making at its best as it narrates very exotic and esoteric rituals of the primitive peoples of Africa.
Africa Uncensored
Documentary film making at its best as it narrates very exotic and esoteric rituals of the primitive peoples of Africa.
Secret Africa
Documentary about French Equatorial Africa, including sequences on adult circumcision rites of Bariba tribe; whipping of young Peuls; a secret asylum in the jungle; new-born tattooing in Haussa tribe; Muslim Tabaski tribe's rites; blood rites.