Larry Olsen

Nacimiento : 1938-05-16, Marshalltown, Iowa, USA

Muerte : 2015-11-24


Tres amores
La película consta de tres episodios. "El amante celoso" es la historia de una bailarina (Moira Shearer) que se ve forzada a abandonar la danza a causa de una lesión cardíaca. "Mademoiselle", es una fábula fantástica sobre un niño de once años (Ricky Nelson) que se convierte en adulto por unas horas, para seducir a su institutriz (Leslie Caron). "Equilibrio" narra la tragedia de un trapecista (Kirk Douglas) que intenta animar a una mujer al borde del suicidio (Pier Angeli).
Hogar, dulce hogar
Benji Roberts
Poppy (Grant) y Anna Rose (Drake) viven felices con sus tres hijos. Pero Anna es tan maternal que desea tener más hijos; así que adoptan a dos niños: una niña de trece años y un chico analfabeto que tiene problemas para caminar. Al principio, la situación es dura, pero lucharán por sobreponerse a las adversidades.
Again Pioneers
Kenny Keeler
Citizens of Fairview are outraged when they learn children from the "Patch", a squalid migrant camp on the outskirts of town, will soon be attending Fairview's school.
Winchester 73
Boy at Rifle Shoot (uncredited)
Dos jinetes llegan a Dodge City persiguiendo a un hombre. Es el Día de la Independencia, y la gente se arremolina en torno al premio del concurso de tiro, un rifle único: el Winchester 73. Lin McAdam, uno de los forasteros, gana el concurso y consigue el rifle, pero su contrincante Dutch Henry Brown se lo roba y huye. El rifle pasa a manos de un traficante de armas, luego a un jefe indio y más tarde a un forajido. Mientras tanto, continúa la persecución.
Kill the Umpire
Johnny (uncredited)
Ex-baseball player Bill Johnson, failing at many jobs when his ball-playing days are over, reluctantly takes the advice of his father-in-law, Jonah Evans, a retired umpire, and enters an umpire-training school. Assigned to the Texas League, he does fine until the championship play-offs when a riot develops over one of his calls. The involved player is knocked unconscious in the proceedings and cannot verify that Bill made the correct call. Despite lynch mob plans to at least tar-and-feather him, Bill's family - his daughters Lucy (Gloria Henry and Susan and his wife Betty - help Bill reach the ballpark safely the next day through a series of hair-raising encounters.
Isn't It Romantic?
Three sisters find romance in post-Civil War Indiana.
Who Killed Doc Robbin?
William 'Curley' Benson
A group of people find themselves trapped in a creepy mansion, complete with secret passageways, a mad doctor and a murderous gorilla.
Niñera moderna
Larry King
Tacey y Harry King, acaban de quedarse sin niñera para sus tres traviesos chicos. Cualquier otro intento de hacerse a una nueva babysitter resulta frustrado... hasta que a Tacey (Maureen O'Hara), se le ocurre poner un anuncio en el periódico que pronto recibe respuesta de Lynn Belvedere, pero, cuando ellos esperan a una eficiente joven, llega un elegante caballero (Clifton Webb) que traerá consigo un montón de cambios y sorpresas. Entonces, este genio, hará que Harry (Robert Young) conozca los celos y otras cosas de su propia personalidad. Y entre tanto, los cotillas de Hummingbird Hill, tendrán otro espacio para inmiscuirse
William 'Curley' Benson
The students of Lakeview Elementary devise ways to torment their new teacher. Comedy.
Michael Phillips
A woman who has been married and divorced five times comes back to her small hometown, where she proceeds to complicate, and potentially destroy, the marriage of her childhood boyfriend.
Sergeant Mike
S.K. Arno
A soldier becomes quite upset when he is transferred from the highly coveted machine-gun unit to the canine corps. He begins to change his opinion when he learns that his army dog Mike was a gift from an eight-year-old whose father was killed in the war. Now the soldier becomes committed to training Mike into the best army dog there ever was.
Casanova Brown
Casanova Q. Brown, profesor de historia de una pequeña ciudad, está a punto de casarse con Magde Ferris, cuando recibe noticias de Isabel, su anterior esposa, que le comunica que es padre de un niño.
Domicilio desconocido
Youngest Schulz Boy
Un empresario artístico regresa a su Alemania natal para una visita y allí quedará sorprendido por la propaganda nazi.
Happy Land
Rusty - Age 5
An Iowa drugstore owner becomes embittered when his son is killed in World War II. The druggist believes that the boy's life was cut short before he had an opportunity to truly appreciate his existence.
The Chance of a Lifetime
Johnny Watson (Uncredited)
A mad scramble for stolen loot ensues after Boston Blackie has prisoners released for work in a wartime defence plant.