Krista Stadler

Krista Stadler

Nacimiento : 1942-08-15, wien


Krista Stadler


Tarta Sacher
Fanny Sawallisch
Cuando Karl conoce a la vienesa Nini, está convencido de que ella es el amor de su vida. Desafortunadamente, pierde su número de teléfono. Lo único que sabe es que Nini siempre celebra su cumpleaños en el famoso Café Sacher a las tres de la tarde. Karl decide irse de Berlín y se va a Viena a esperar a Nini todos los días en el café. Hace nuevos amigos, incluida la panadera Miriam. Con ella, Karl descubre Viena mientras busca el amor verdadero.
Dennstein & Schwarz - Rufmord
Alexandra Dennstein
The Weight of Steel Title
Trudel Hardieck
Dennstein & Schwarz - Pro bono, was sonst!
Alexandra Dennstein
El mejor padre del mundo
Prof. Sigrid Steiner
La vida hasta ahora despreocupada de un cirujano, se desmorona cuando su hermana muere y él tiene que cuidar de sus 3 hijos a partir de ahora.
Dennstein & Schwarz - Sterben macht Erben
Alexandra Dennstein
In the heirs, the friendship ends, as is well known - especially if the illegitimate scion of a count is to come unexpectedly to a million-fortune. In a bitter inheritance dispute, Paula Dennstein and Therese Schwarz are the lawyers of the parties to the dispute, who at eye level deliver a sophisticated exchange of blows and outdo each other in bluffing. While the idealistic career starter leaves no stone unturned to help her client to his rights, the lavish legal advocate of the noble family must prevent the family's reputation from getting under the wheels.
Secret of the Midwife
Marthe is a girl with a special gift: she can cure illnesses. But the time she lives in is marked by superstition and godliness. When Marthe can not help the burgrave's wife from her village, the girl has to flee. Your path crosses that of Ritter Christian, who moves eastward into the Mark Meissen with a group of Frankish settlers. In the Middle Ages an unimaginably long and arduous way. Christian has a hard time avoiding the fascination of Marthe, but their diverse backgrounds make a relationship impossible and the settlers are afraid of the weird girl.
Der Urbino-Krimi: Die Tote im Palazzo
Baronessa Estella Del Vecchio
La primavera de Christine
Viena 1945. Christine una niña acostumbrada a la guerra se tiene que hospedar junto a su familia en una acomodada casa a las afueras de Viena. Ahora tienen un techo donde cobijarse pero nada más. La gente del pueblo espera la llegada de los rusos. Todos tienen miedo, Chirstine no.
Krampus: Maldita Navidad
El espíritu de la Navidad simboliza la unión familiar y en la generosidad, pero cuando Max ve que su familia se resquebraja pierde la fe en estos valores. Esto despertará la ira del Krampus, un ser mitológico que acecha al niño y a sus parientes para atormentarles las fiestas y hacerles vivir un infierno. Para enfrentarse al Krampus y salvar la vida, Max y los suyos tendrán que dejar a un lado sus diferencias y unir sus fuerzas contra el monstruo.
Offene Zweierbeziehung
El secreto de Clarissa
Clarissa es una mujer europea que quiso rehacer su vida en África. Cuando muere, su hija descubre que viene de una familia de la alta sociedad. Ahora, su hija debe regresar al viejo continente y adaptarse a unos parientes que ni siquiera sabía que existían.
Ein Sommer in Kroatien
El aliento del cielo
Ernas Mutter
En la primavera de 1953 y después de la muerte de su padre, Erna , abandona su gran casa para trasladarse a una pequeña localidad de Vorarlberg , donde le espera una plaza de maestra en la escuela del pueblo.
Das Geheimnis der Wolfsklamm
Eleonore von Strehling
Donde vayas tu
Tilla Brown
Desde la muerte de su marido Norman Wellington, Sabrina se endeuda con el ominoso banquero de la familia, el señor Harding. Esta situación hace que pueda perder el hotel que tiene en Cornualles.
Lemming's First Case
Frau Grinzinger
Leopold Wallisch, nick-named "Lemming", was fired from the homicide department due to intrigues by his colleague Krotznig. Now he works for a small Viennese private detective agency and spies on potential adulterers. When the Latin teacher Grinzinger is murdered while under Lemming's observation, he gives himself a shove and decides to solve the case himself. "Lemming's First Case", an adaptation of the best-seller by the Austrian author Stefan Slupetzky, promises pure crime comedy.
La trampa del amor
Rosemarie Mertens
Diana busca empleo y consigue una entrevista para ser la niñera de unos niños sin madre. Al llegar a la casa descubre que el padre es un hombre que ya conoce y con quien hay una fuerte atracción.
El secreto del lago
Agnes Leitner
El propietario de un hotel situado al borde de un gran lago vive profundamente amargado desde que su novia desapareciera en extrañas circunstancias hace más de 20 años. Pero cuando un día sale en televisión una joven con un parecido extraordinario decide contratarla. Su presencia aumenta su enfermiza obsesión por recuperar su amor perdido. (FILMAFFINITY)
Esencia de amor
Helga Gruber
Los Weidemann tienen una fábrica de perfumes pero el negocio va mal y confían ciegamente en Marie, una joven con un don para las fragancias, para lanzar una nueva esencia que salve la empresa. Pero Marie se enamora de Bernard, el heredero de la familia que posee el banco que deniega continuamente los créditos a los Weidemann.
Da wo es noch Treue gibt
Sennerin Edeltraut
Alma Samelson
Berlin during the Nazi reign: Young music student Ursula is a talented musician and a fervent admirer of the "Führer". When she is asked to assist renowned composer Broch, who was ordered to compose a cantata for Hitler′s 50th birthday, it first seems like a dream fulfilled. Over the time, Broch and Ursula fall in love, and her relationship with the former communist gradually changes Ursula′s perspective on the realities of Nazi Germany. But falling in love with a Nazi means a huge moral conflict for Broch.
Mein Mörder
Fröhlich Geschieden
Lawyer Fröhlich has specialised in divorce cases and has become a star in this field. Along the way, he also divorced his own marriage. But his daughter and former wife are an integral part of his life, as is his marriage-mad father.
Fröhlich Geschieden
Fr. Sommer
Lawyer Fröhlich has specialised in divorce cases and has become a star in this field. Along the way, he also divorced his own marriage. But his daughter and former wife are an integral part of his life, as is his marriage-mad father.
Tödliche Wende
Carola Thomsen
The Strauss Dynasty
Olgas Mutter
Höchste Eisenbahn
Herzogin von Friedland
Erinnerung - ein Film mit Oskar Kokoschka
Lotte Franzos / Njuta Kallin
Steig aus deinem Luftballon
film producer
Tommi Fischer, a newly divorced copywriter is looking for a replacement mother for his son. When he falls for the emancipated costume designer Evelyn he soon finds himself in the undesired role of a stay-at-home dad.
Lieber Karl
A coming-of-age drama about an unhappy teenager who is repressed by his conservative and ambitious family
Der Zerrissene
Madame Schleyer
Bis aufs Blut
Die Geschichte einer Vielgeliebten
Rosamunde is a suburban girl and works as a model in Vienna. The men around her are not only fascinated by her beauty. It's also her lust for life and her unassuming, spontaneous manner which knocks them out. Dr. Zoller, a journalist, as well as Silberer and a young aristocrat are drawn to her. Because of her vain efforts not to hurt any of her admirers and to please all of them, Rosamunde breaks down under the pressure.
After Midnight
The Political drama shows the denunciation and persecution of the 19-year-old Sanne in the Nazi state. After she falls in love with her cousin, Sanne is betrayed by her jealous aunt to the Gestapo.
Lena Rais
Lena Rais
The Vulnerables
Die Verwundbaren takes the behaviour patterns in a crowd of 20 to 35-year-olds in Vienna as its theme, broaching the issue of love between men at a time when homosexual acts where a punishable offence (until 1971) in Austria. Tichat can be described as one of the few Austrian directors whose work carries distinctive features of dealing with cinematic modernity, in particular with the nouvelle vague. Die Verwundbaren was to remain Tichat's only feature film.