Un actor en paro decide aceptar un curioso trabajo, consiste en promocionar una película por las calles disfrazado de un Vengador de «comic». Mientras se pasea con el disfraz, impide un atraco y la ciudad cree que el superhéroe existe realmente.
Charles Palantine
Para sobrellevar el insomnio crónico que sufre después de su regreso de Vietnam, Travis decide trabajar como taxista nocturno. Como individuo tiene poco contacto con la gente, pero observa la violencia y desolación en la que se hunde la ciudad de Nueva York. Travis anota en su diario todas sus impresiones, hasta que un día decide pasar a la acción.
This film documents the major directions in modern American art during the first seven years of the 1960s. The keynote is that the artist has expanded his realm from the two-dimentional picture frame, climaxed by the artists of the 40s and early 50s, merged color with sculpture, and sought out modern media to express himself. This has produced the characteristic wide spectrum of interest, ideas, and products in contemporary art.
This film documents the major directions in modern American art during the first seven years of the 1960s. The keynote is that the artist has expanded his realm from the two-dimentional picture frame, climaxed by the artists of the 40s and early 50s, merged color with sculpture, and sought out modern media to express himself. This has produced the characteristic wide spectrum of interest, ideas, and products in contemporary art.