José Peña


Así amaron nuestros padres
Elderly roue interferes in the love life of a young woman because she's secretly his daughter. Remake of En Tiempos De Don Porfirio.
Cri Cri el Grillito Cantor
Don Elpidio
Biography of the famous composer of children's music Gabilondo Soler. Starts from his childhood, when he worked as a pastor and grandmother tried to teach him to play the piano. Later he went to the city to study music theory and began writing his first songs.
El analfabeto
Don Diego, boticario
Inocencio Prieto y Calvo es un mozo analfabeto que recibe una carta en la que se le comunica que ha heredado una gran fortuna de un tío suyo que acaba de fallecer. Sin embargo, Inocencio no se enterará del contenido de la carta hasta que aprenda a leer y escribir.
Sacerdote (uncredited)
En México, a principios del siglo XX, el humilde cura Nazarín comparte su pobreza con los necesitados que habitan alrededor del mesón de Chanfa. Después de proteger a una prostituta que provoca el incendio del mesón, Nazarín se ve obligado a abandonar el lugar. A lo largo de su camino, sus acciones, determinadas por su concepto de la caridad cristiana, provocarán una serie de conflictos.
El gran espectáculo
Carmen es una bella gitana, a la que su familia le ha asignado un hombre con el que casarse. Pero ella no quiere verse obligada a estar con un hombre al que no quiere y decide huir para no enfrentarse a la situación. Esta huida será el camino hacia su triunfo.
Ensayo de un crimen
Esteban (uncredited)
Archibaldo de la Cruz ha visto en su infancia morir a su institutriz, alcanzada por una bala perdida, mientras él se escondía en el ropero de su madre. Ya adulto, la muerte de varias mujeres cercanas a él hacen que Archibaldo crea que es un asesino. Su único argumento es que él deseó todas esas muertes y que las mujeres terminaron siendo asesinadas. Interrogado por un juez, Archibaldo desvela su vida y las razones por las que piensa que debe ser juzgado. Desde su particular punto de vista, él es el verdadero culpable de todos esos crímenes.
Cuando lloran los valientes
A farmer is in love during revolutionary times.
Escándalo de estrellas
The story of the adventures and entanglements of the son of a famous film producer who is forced to study law.
Escándalo de estrellas
The story of the adventures and entanglements of the son of a famous film producer who is forced to study law.
Los hijos mandan
Based on the Spanish play "El caudal de los hijos" by José López Pinillos. Francisca, the daughter of a provincial gentleman in Valencia, falls in love with Miguel, a young sculptor. When Miguel leaves for Paris to complete his studies, the lovers promise to wait for each other. During Miguel's absence, however, the Duke of Montesino calls on Francisca's father and asks for her hand in marriage. Her father, pressed for money because of gambling debts, agrees to the match.
Mis dos amores
Manuel Paniagua
Rita Santiago's father, Don Antonio, stubbornly refuses to give permission for her to marry Julio Bertolin, a struggling medical student, because he wants his daughter to marry a rich Brazilian. Because of this, Julio leaves medical school and determines to gain wealth and position for himself by becoming a singer.
Castillos en el aire
Feliciano Roncallo
After winning a trip to Hollywood, office typist Lolita Álvarez (Cristina Téllez) travels to the city of dreams on an ocean liner in the company of her aunt Gertrudis (Pilar Arcos). During the trip, she meets and falls for banker Alberto Guzmán (Rafael Alcayde), mistaking him for a prince while she herself pretends to be a well-travelled socialite. The film features a flamenco-inspired tap dancing scene performed by dancer Edith Davis.
Castillos en el aire
The Secretary
After winning a trip to Hollywood, office typist Lolita Álvarez (Cristina Téllez) travels to the city of dreams on an ocean liner in the company of her aunt Gertrudis (Pilar Arcos). During the trip, she meets and falls for banker Alberto Guzmán (Rafael Alcayde), mistaking him for a prince while she herself pretends to be a well-travelled socialite. The film features a flamenco-inspired tap dancing scene performed by dancer Edith Davis.
No matarás
Antonio Guerra is an unemployed Spanish immigrant in the USA. His brother and mother in Spain haven't heard about him for many years or even receive a letter. But one day, his brother receives a letter from him, telling that things are going well. But the reality is other. Antonio is passing a hard time in New Yor City, suffering the Years of Depression as many out of workers. One day, Antonio meets a nice Cuban seller, who invites him to eat at his poor house. The seller advices Antonio to visit a man, who has contacts and could help him to find a job. Nevertheless, Antonio is send with the leader of a group of gangsters, dedicated to the illegal traffic of alcohol. Antonio is offered a work of dealer, but he won't do anything out of the law.
El Crimen de Media Noche
Doctor McNeill
A newly hired police chief vows to clean up a notoriously corrupt police department. When he is murdered, investigators find that there is no shortage of suspects, most of them being fellow cops. Alternate language version of MIDNIGHT PHANTOM (1935)
Piernas de Seda
Cuando el cantante Frank Alton llega tarde al trabajo en una estación de radio en Nueva York, Conroy, el gerente, lo despide. Sin Frank en el programa, Ninón Silk Stockings, el patrocinador del programa, comienza a perder ventas. El presidente de la compañía, John Baxter, y su aburrida hija Lolita, se consternan al saber que Frank ha comenzado a trabajar para su competidor, Bon Soir Stockings. Después de enterarse de que Frank está robando a sus clientes, Lolita convence a su padre y sus asociados, que no creen que las mujeres puedan hacer el trabajo de "hombres", para que le permitan vender medias.
Angelina, o El honor de un brigadier
Madrid, España, 1880. Angelina, hija del pomposo general de brigada Marcial, es tentada por el mujeriego Germán, que le pide que huyan juntos, justo después de que su novio, Rodolfo, le pida que haga exactamente lo mismo con él.
Charros, gauchos y manolas
The magazine "Paintings of the People" initiates a contest to select the best watercolor painting of ethnic peoples and customs. A hungry bohemian painter invokes his muse to help him to produce the winning painting, and when he experiments with scenes set in Mexico, Argentina and Spain, his paintings come to life. In Xochimilco, Mexico, a young bachelor has a drunken dream that his girl friend is performing Josephine Baker's famous banana dance in a Parisian nightclub. In Buenos Aires, an Italian and a Galician are rivals for the affections of a Creole girl. At the other side of the Hispanic world, a Sevillian girl tells of her tragic romance with a matador, who obstinately continues to appear in the ring despite having been injured.