Robert R. Cargill


La historia del mundo en 2 horas
En este especial te contaremos 14 mil millones de años de historia, a través de un viaje rápido de 120 minutos, desde el principio del tiempo hasta la actualidad, haciendo escala para explorar los puntos de inflexión, momentos históricos y las extraordinarias conexiones entre el pasado lejano y nuestra vida cotidiana. Esta es una nueva forma de ver la historia del universo, el planeta Tierra y la humanidad: el surgimiento de la vida, el avance del hombre y el crecimiento de la civilización.
Indiana Jones y la búsqueda final
Throughout history there have been legendary artifacts that have captured the imagination of adventurers everywhere. While belief in their existence seems to fly in the face of reason and science, there have been those who have devoted their lives to their discovery. One man has looked for some of these remarkable treasures. He is Indiana Jones--professor of archeology and an adventurer who has uncovered some of the world's greatest mysteries. But Dr. Jones is just a fictitious character and it's widely assumed that the artifacts he searched for were also figments of a writer's imagination. But were they?