José Pulido


Las coronelas
Two young women 'forced' to masquerade as soldiers in military troop.
México nunca duerme
La abuela irritada está molesta cuando su nieta no está en casa a las 9 pm el sábado por la noche, así que se une a un gángster para recorrer las discotecas de la Ciudad de México buscándola.
Ten Days To Tulara
Mexican captain
Director George Sherman's 1958 western about gold thieves in Mexico stars Sterling Hayden, Grace Raynor and Rodolfo Hoyos.
La marca del cuervo
Masked avenger on horseback, one of a series.
Plazos traicioneros
A down in his luck film director falls in love with an attractive waitress and decides to launch her as a big singing star. Once the goal is reached, the girl runs away and becomes involved with a gangster who leads her into prostitution.
Las tres pelonas
Pseudo-historical drama about a semi-civilian who decides to run guns across the border for Villa's troops.
La cama de piedra
Un matrimonio dedicado al espectáculo pone en práctica una fantasía en la cual son amantes secretos.
La marca de Satanás
Cowboy avenger vs the supernatural.
Bajo la influencia del miedo
Gang leader sets one of his flunkies up to take the fall for a certain job; after he does his jail time, the guy goes gunning for the people who set him up. Also some stuff about fixed boxing matches.
La carga de los rurales
Lawmen and their captured gunrunners take refuge at a deserted mission to fend off attacking Indians. Western.
La pequeña enemiga
Doctor-husband-father tries to juggle home life and mistress.
La mujer X
Una madre es separada injustamente de su hijo y tratará de encontrarlo. Las circunstancias de cuando lo reencuentra, la obligarán a cometer un asesinato. Ya en juicio su hijo se encarga de la defensa, sin embargo ella no quiere exponerle el motivo que la orilló a tomar dicha decisión. (FILMAFFINITY)
El tesoro de la muerte
Series western, Masked Avenger on horseback.
El enmascarado de plata
No tiene nada que ver con el “Santo, el enmascarado de plata” que todos conocemos, se jugaba durante todo su metraje con la verdadera identidad del héroe, que en este caso se llamaba “El Médico”. Pues bien, durante “El enmascarado de plata” veremos como dos reporteros no pararan de aparecer justo después de que “El Médico” haya realizado alguna proeza y haya salido de escena, colocándolos como los dos únicos sospechosos de ser el hombre que se oculta tras la máscara.
La perversa
Detective de policía
La llamaban la perversa porque jugaba con el corazón de los hombres y se reía de cuantos caían a sus plantas, suplicándole una limosna de amor, su bello rostro ocultaba un alma cruel, y en el chispeante fulgor de sus ojos negros, se reflejaba algo como una burla sangrienta.
El último round
Shady promoter hires a new boy for his boxing stable, but the young champ won't go along with his boss'es scams and machinations.
Había una vez un marido
Debido a una confusión, Rafael se cree culpable de la muerte de Teresa. Su esposa Lilia junto con su hermano buscan a los verdaderos culpables.
Cuando los hijos pecan
Bad girl makes lives miserable.
El enamorado
Martin retired from his job as a hero because of his marriage to Rosario, a beautiful and ambitious girl who passed through the workshop where he works. However, Martin has to return in principle to help a friend from robbers.
Ahí viene Martín Corona
Martín Corona, jugador y mujeriego, defiende a los desvalidos, los pobres y los necesitados. Tendrá que defender a una chica española y a su servidor de las garras del maloso del pueblo. No solo tendrá que luchar contra el maloso, sino contra el orgullo de la chica que en principio cree que él es el personaje malo y desconfía de él. Ella muy orgullosa pretendía ponerlo a sus pies, pero había un problema, Martín Corona se debía más a su pueblo que a nadie y ella no estaba dispuesta a arriesgar perderlo, por lo que antes de casarse con él, le hizo jurar que no intervendría en problemas de otros.
Salón de belleza
Employees and clients at Merle's Beauty Stuff have illicit romances and cheating husbands and that kind of thing. Meanwhile, the cop that directs traffic outside gets an opportunity to become a movie star.
Retorno al quinto patio
After getting out of prison, Ramon Vallarta tries to put his life back together, establishing himself in a new career and reconciling himself with his former sweetheart. Also other stuff. Sequel to Quinto Patio.
Que idiotas son los hombres
After divorcing her cheating husband, a newly single still and beautiful woman, (played by Actress Rosa Carmina), travels to Acapulco. She soon becomes the center of attention and spoiled for choice when she finds herself wooed by no less than four handsome suitors, three of whom are very wealthy and prominent men. Initially torn between her head and her heart, but mindful of past mistakes, Carmina's character chooses love over money and picks a humble and hard-working waiter. Directed by Juan Orol, (Carmina's soon-to-be ex-husband in real-life), this drama features the long, drawn-out scenes and shadowy film noir techniques which he became well- known for.
Amor perdido
Songwriter + nice girl vs. mobsterdudes at the cabaret.
Una gallega baila mambo
Doña Cándida es una viuda gallega que vive en México, y tiene engañados a sus familiares en España para que ellos sigan enviándole la pensión de su marido, el marqués Fabián de Castro, siendo que éste falleció hace muchos años, con el fin de vivir cómodamente junto a su hija Carmina. Para que simule ser su difunto esposo, Cándida contrata eventualmente a "El Bofes", un camionero mexicano que ha comenzado a trabajar frente a su casa, donde han instalado la ruidosa y molesta terminal de camiones.
Los pobres van al cielo
When their parents die, brother and sister run away rather than go to an orphanage. Childless elderly couple adopts them, the neighborhood priest takes an interest in their sad story, and it goes on from there...
El amor no es negocio
Brother and sister bumpkins move to the big city, where they fall into the orbit of a gigolo-pimp type.
Historical drama, romantic triangle plus war/espionage intrigue during the Maximillian vs Juarez conflict of the 1860s.
Cuatro contra el mundo
Antonio Gil
This dazed Mexican-melodrama-cum-boozer-heist-noir cuts a dark swath over a border nominally dominated by the hardboiled likes of Chandler and Hammett. Employing many of the classic tropes of Mexican noir (blood-tainted money, hothouse betrayals, the entrapped yearnings of dark hearts), we follow the slow demise of a gang who hole up in an attic in the wake of a fatal robbery. Galindo liberally dashes in lashes of the smokiest amour mort, gradually whittling it down to an ill-fated if rapturous coupling of gangster’s moll and underling. Starring Leticia Palma and Víctor Parra.
Amor salvaje
Julio López
Alma deja Panamá para irse a vivir con su tía Antonia y con Manuel, su esposo. Allí conoce a Julio, que trata de enamorarla.
Cuando el alba llegue
Bad guy who runs a ritzy nightclub is trying to keep his younger brother out of the gutter and get him into a professional career. Unknowingly, he takes up with his brother's fiancee. Also other complications.
El charro del arrabal
Pancho Dominguez, apodado el charro del arrabal.
La santa del barrio
Wicked old lady arranges to sell the virginity of a young neighbor. Her boyfriend gets upset over this.
La carne manda
Childhood friends move up the economic ladder from slumrat to middle class comfort, but the marriage between two of them is threatened by a bad woman from a nightclub.
El amor de mi bohío
Luis del Valle
El Amor de M Bohio, which translates to "The Love of My Hut" (or shack ) and it comes from the lyrics o a popular love ballad of the same name. It is Director Juan Orol's tale of a violent love triangle where two farm hands out to prove who is the most macho, and thereby win the affections of a woman. This tragic love story takes place on a tropical plantation located just outside of Havana, where its workers are housed in small, thatched-roof "bohios". The two rival suitors are driven by passion for the girl they both love, and soon engage in a series of challenges designed to help this young woman choose the right guy in the end. These competitions start out to include simple and benign activities at first, like dancing, singing and dueling guitars, or betting on the winning bird at a cock-fight, However, they soon escalate to more violent activities, like public brawls, and saber dueling, which set life changing events into motion for everyone.
Orphan girl grows up, meets the wrong man and falls into disgrace.
Gángsters contra charros
Pancho Domínguez
El gángster Johnny Carmenta se tiene que enfrentar a Pancho Domínguez, el charro del arrabal, quien ha impuesto su ley en la ciudad. La rumbera Rosa transita del gángster al charro, encendiendo la ya de por sí enconada rivalidad entre ambos.
Song of Mexico
Ramon Carranza
Actress Carol Adams retires from the theater when she becomes engaged to businessman Gregory Davis, but is increasingly frustrated by Greg's unwavering devotion to his business. Tired of being ignored, Carol leaves her engagement ring with Greg's secretary, Sarah Anderson, and flies to Mexico City to repair her broken heart and visit her friends, Anita and Arturo Martinez. On the plane, Carol meets Ramon Carranza, a handsome singer and movie star who is wildly popular in Mexico.
Gran Hotel
Anunciador restaurante (uncredited)
Cantinflas empieza esta pelicula Trabajando como camarero y provocando el mas absoluto desastre a su paso y acaba consiguiendo el puesto de botones en un lujoso hotel gracias a la recomendacion de su novia.
No matarás
Un profesor es acusado de la muerte de un hombre y su abogado relata la verdad de los hechos ocurridos. (FILMAFFINITY)
Ave sin nido
Husband, sterile wife, fertile mistress, daughter.
El Jorobado
Historical drama/swashbuckler: Spain during the Inquisition.
María Eugenia
Antes de casarse con María Eugenia, el hacendado Carlos se ausenta a visitar a su madrina para romper la promesa de casarse con su hija. La madrina está muriendo, Carlos calla y todo toma un rumbo inesperado.
El baisano Jalil
Aristocráticos pero sin dinero, los Veradada tienen que recurrir a los préstamos del comerciante libanés Jalil, cuyo hijo Selim, sufre los desprecios de Marta, la despilfarradora hija de los Veradada. Al ser invitados a la hacienda de don Guillermo, Jalil, su esposa Suan y Selim son objeto de burlas y desprecios. Finalmente, la trabajadora familia libanesa pone en su lugar a los ridículos familiares de don Guillermo.
Jesusita en Chihuahua
Ranchera comedy.
El misterioso señor Marquina
Ladron de etiqueta pelicula rene corona
Eterna mártir
A dedicated wife and mother takes the blame for embezzling money that was actually stolen by her husband in order to buy medicine and a doctor's care for the couple's seriously ill infant son. Consequently, the well-meaning woman is willingly sentenced to years in prison for a crime she did not commit-all because she believes her son will fare better if the bond between father and son remains intact. Upon her release, she soon discovers that no good deed goes unpunished. Her once loving husband has remarried a woman that her son calls Mother, After just a brief glimpse of her loved ones, she simply leaves without saying a word. Many years later, she becomes a patient at her son's busy medical practice just so that she can keep an eye on his progress in secret. In a cruel twist of fate, it is only after he diagnoses her as being terminally ill does does she reveal her true identity. The poor woman subsequently learns that her former father-in-law lied about her initial release from ...