Danica Ristovski


Danica Ristovski is a Serbian actress. She is a wife of actor Lazar Ristovski.


King Petar the First
The story of the Serbian army, led by the King Peter, through the World War I.
Neverending Past
Službenik na aerodromu (segment "II priča")
A triptych set in three different time periods about fathers who find themselves in borderline situations in which one is forced to make a decision among several contradictory choices.
Train Driver's Diary
Statistics show that during his professional career every railroad engineer working for railways, unintentionally kills 15 to 20 people. This is a story about the innocent mass murderers and their lives.
Emergency Exit
Gospođa Filipović
Mr. Stojanovic got his first aid kit stolen... Petar is smoking out the window of his rented room... Mr. Ivanovic has a hearing problem... Luka and Marko are getting into a fight over a football game... Mr. Filipovic is sent by his wife to buy groceries...
My Beautiful Country
A moving love story in a time of hatred: During the civil war in Kosovo, the young Serbian widow Danica falls in love with Ramiz, a Albanian soldier who, wounded in battle, seeks refuge in her home on the Serbian side of the River Ibar.
Honeymoons (Lunas de miel)
Verina majka
Con la esperanza de hallar una vida mejor, dos jóvenes parejas deciden emigrar a Europa occidental. Los albaneses Melinda y Nik van a Italia para poder vivir libremente su relación prohibida. Los serbios Vera y Marko cruzan Hungría rumbo a Austria. Marko, un violonchelista de notable talento, ha conseguido que lo acepten en la Orquesta Filarmónica de Viena. Pero al llegar a la frontera, y pese a tener los visados en regla, empiezan a tener problemas. (FILMAFFINITY)
Devil's Town
Zorka Rajić
Black comic debut film about modern Belgrade in which a group of people cross each other’s paths on the same day that Serbian tennis players play an international match at an international tennis tournament. The moral vacuum that was left after the nationalist conflicts in the area are reflected in the self-satisfied behaviour of the characters. Black comedy and ensemble film about modern Belgrade, where several people’s paths cross on the same day that several popular Serbian tennis players play a match in an important international tournament. A young girl tries her best to get her hands on new tennis equipment, a taxi driver blames the rest of the world for not being able to get on in life, a rich adolescent discovers that love is not for sale. Driven by instincts, fears and obsessions, the characters discover that reality will not fit in with their desires.
Los optimistas
Simonova žena
Película inspirada en el "Cándido" de Voltaire y dividida en cinco episodios. La acción transcurre en Serbia tras la caída de Milosevic. Primer episodio: a un pueblo arrasado por la guerra llega un hipnotizador itinerante que utiliza sus facultades para reforzar la confianza de sus habitantes. Segundo: el dueño de una próspera fundición viola a la hija de uno de sus trabajadores. Tercero: un joven que dilapida en el juego el dinero que su tío guardaba para el funeral de su padre. Cuarto: un cardiólogo visita al dueño de un matadero para tratar a su violento hijo. Quinto: un estafador conduce un autobús lleno de enfermos que buscan una curación física y espiritual. (FILMAFFINITY)
Tomorrow Morning
After twelve years spent abroad, the main character returns to his native city, where he meets his old love, friends and parents again They spend four days together and after that nothing will be the same in their lives. TOMORROW MORNING is a love drama. It speaks of a deep passion, sensuality, tenderness, jealousy, possessiveness , infidelity -conflict between irrational and rational. But, above all, it speaks of a need to bring back time, to treasure the moment of happiness and togetherness, the time of great expectations, the moment that happens once and never returns. It speaks of self rediscovery.
Sueño de una noche de invierno
Serbia, invierno de 2004. Cuando Lazar regresa a casa tras diez años de ausencia, es un hombre diferente: ha recuperado la libertad, se ha liberado de la pesada carga del pasado y ha empezado una nueva vida en otro país. Se encuentra con que su apartamento está ocupado por una mujer que ha huido de Bosnia y su hija, una niña autista de doce años. Lazar no tiene valor para echarlas a la calle. Poco a poco, estos tres seres marginados empezarán a sentirse cada vez más identificados. (FILMAFFINITY)
Caffe 'Boomerang' is one of Belgrade's many cafes. Seemingly just a backdrop for our cast of crazy characters, but in reality much more than that.
The White Suit
A sergeant officer lives a life of a loner, reads literary classics and dreams about acting. On his journey by train, he madly falls in love with a prostitute, but her pimp - another passenger on a train - is not willing to let her go, which makes their destiny tragic.
Byzantine Blue
Ivanova majka
The search for the everlasting blue paint from Byzantine church murals turn into a sensual love story in which Europe meets the Balkans.
The South Railway Battle
Autumn, 1941. Tito's partisans are ordered to attack a railway network system used by the Germans, their Bulgarian allies and local collaborators. A bloody battle ensues.