Andrew Kam


Full Alert
Adicto al trabajo y perfeccionista, el inspector Pao se identifica con Mak, un criminal ocasional que piensa usar sus explosivos para dar un golpe de 10 millones de dólares. Pao deberá usar sus propios medios para detener a Mak y evitar graves daños colaterales.
Heart of Killer
Ultra serious Ko Lap and carefree Kung Kwan are expert assassins.It's love at first sight for Kwan when he runs into the lovely Bin Yee. And Ko Lap continues to hide his love for Sau Yu, agent for him and Kwan. Unkowingly, Ko Lap executes a contract on Yee's father.
Heart of Killer
Ultra serious Ko Lap and carefree Kung Kwan are expert assassins.It's love at first sight for Kwan when he runs into the lovely Bin Yee. And Ko Lap continues to hide his love for Sau Yu, agent for him and Kwan. Unkowingly, Ko Lap executes a contract on Yee's father.
Heart of Killer
Ultra serious Ko Lap and carefree Kung Kwan are expert assassins.It's love at first sight for Kwan when he runs into the lovely Bin Yee. And Ko Lap continues to hide his love for Sau Yu, agent for him and Kwan. Unkowingly, Ko Lap executes a contract on Yee's father.
Heart of Killer
Ultra serious Ko Lap and carefree Kung Kwan are expert assassins.It's love at first sight for Kwan when he runs into the lovely Bin Yee. And Ko Lap continues to hide his love for Sau Yu, agent for him and Kwan. Unkowingly, Ko Lap executes a contract on Yee's father.
High Voltage
Donnie Yen is back with a vengeance in this electric action thriller. The star of Fist of Fury, Hero and Highlander goes up against Hong Kong's deadliest gangsters in a no holds barred duel to the death. Donnie Yen has proven to be one of martial arts most reliable and dedicated martial arts stars. Through the years he's been the lead in his own films, as well as co-starring with the modern legends such as Jet Li and Jackie Chan.
This film is about the life of socially deprived people who lives in caged housing in Hong Kong. Given the very tough topic of social deprivation, extreme poverty and shockingly appalling living conditions, I expected "Cageman" to be very tough to watch. This turns out not to be the case. Instead, "Cageman" is a warm, positive and loving film about friendship. People in the caged housing live as harmonious as possible, supporting each other by their limited means.
Swordsman II
Ling, un joven maestro de espada, vuelve tras largos años de viajes a su antigua secta, llamada Sun Moon, pero descubre que ha sufrido muchos cambios y decide abandonala y emigrar a las montañas. Tras su marcha el líder de la secta Sun Moon, Master Wu, es capturado y torturado por Asia el Invencible quien también ha robado un manuscrito con poderes sobrenaturales y planea invadir China. Pero al practicar las escrituras del manuscrito Asia descubre que sus rasgos y gestos se hacen más femeninos hasta convertirse en una mujer. Ling emprenderá una misión para salvar a Master Wu. En el camino conocerá y se enamorará de una joven. Pero esta chica resultará ser su gran adversario. Continuación de "Swordsman" (1990). Fue la película más taquillera en China el año 1992.
Red and Black
Director of Photography
In 1941, during the Japanese occupation of mainland China, a man is infected by a Japanese vampire soldier. He manages to climb in to an underground cavern where he impales himself with a wooden stake. 25 years later, after the Mao communist Revolution, he's inadvertently ressurected by his unsuspecting son and returns long enough to infect the people's leader.
Red and Black
In 1941, during the Japanese occupation of mainland China, a man is infected by a Japanese vampire soldier. He manages to climb in to an underground cavern where he impales himself with a wooden stake. 25 years later, after the Mao communist Revolution, he's inadvertently ressurected by his unsuspecting son and returns long enough to infect the people's leader.
Un pergamino, que contiene los más preciados secretos de las artes marciales, ha sido robado al Emperador. La reacción no se hará esperar y un destacamento del ejército será enviado para recuperarlo. Blademaster, un joven experto en la materia, acaba poseyendo el pergamino por accidente. Eso le traerá un sinfín de problemas y de perseguidores: tiene un pequeño tesoro que otras escuelas, sectas y ejércitos ansían tener en sus manos. No repararán en esfuerzos. El fin justificará los medios...
Fatal Termination
A Hong Kong police officer's wife seeks revenge when a ruthless munitions smuggler kidnaps her daughter.
Amor y Muerte en Saigón
Precuela de los dos filmes anteriores, estamos en el año 1974. Un joven hongkonés, Mark, viaja a Saigón al final de la guerra de Vietnam para llevarse a su tío y primo a Hong Kong . Allí, se encuentra con una misteriosa mujer fatal, la adorable Kitty. Según se ve relacionado con sus turbios negocios, una trágica historia de amor se avecina.
Four war veterans join forces to wipe out an increasingly powerful drug cartel.
The Big Heat
A cop is losing the control of his right hand and cannot pull the trigger on time anymore. Before any accident happens, he decides to resign. Meanwhile his friend and informer is brutally murdered in Malaysia. Before leaving the force, he decides to find the killers with the help of his buddy, a young cop and an inspector from Kuala Lumpur.
The Enigmatic Case
An imprisoned swordsman is accused of killing three men. He probably would have already been executed for his crimes but is kept alive because he knows the whereabouts of hidden gold.