Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Melissa is an experienced, exemplary prison guard. But a dangerous spiral is set into motion when she transfers to a Corsican jail, where she accepts help and protection from inmate Saveriu to get her bearings. Upon his release, he contacts Melissa expecting to collect.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Douglas, un hombre golpeado por la vida y abusado de niño por su padre, encuentra su salvación en el amor de sus perros. Tratando de olvidar su traumático pasado, Douglas descubre el amor y la actuación, pero también el desencanto del ser humano.
Sound Mixer
In a crowded subway train, a woman pushes a man. They argue. Their little joust "barks loudly", but does not lack charm... Later, in the corridors of the station, the two strangers make love awkwardly in the booth of a photo booth. At last, on the surface, they will say goodbye...
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
The story homes in on Lorik, who's barely thirty years old yet who works as an enforcer for the Albanian mafia in Brussels, alongside his mentor Aleks. And when Lorik falls in love with Sema, a Fine Arts student of Turkish origins, his past comes back to haunt him: a man hailing from Lorik's village in Albania, whose father was killed by the latter's uncle, tracks down the young man and demands that his family's debt be paid for in blood, as per the Kanun tradition. In short, he asks the clan for Lorik's death.
Supervising Sound Editor
Three tales, three ages, three worlds. At the time of Ancient Egypt, a young king becomes the first black pharaoh to deserve the hand of his loved one. During the French Middle Ages, a mysterious wild boy steals from the rich to give to the poor. In 18th-century Turkey, a prince of pastries and a princess of roses escape the palace to live their love.
Arnaud, a student remaining alone in Paris during the summer, is obsessed with the wall where the names of the Parisian soldiers who died in the 1914 war are engraved. He finds himself confronted by one of these soldiers, who invites him to step out of time and to bring comfort to his loved ones.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Octubre de 2015. Los agentes de aduanas franceses se incautan de siete toneladas de cannabis en el corazón de la capital. El mismo día, Hubert Antonie, un antiguo topo con un pasado nebuloso, contacta con Stéphane Vilner, periodista de Libération. Asegura que puede demostrar la existencia de un narcotráfico de Estado liderado por Jacques Billard, figura mediática y policía francés de alto rango. Aunque al principio se muestra suspicaz, el joven periodista finalmente se sumerge en la investigación, que le lleva a los rincones más oscuros de la República.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Esther está al final de su carrera como jefa de costureras en el taller de Dior Avenue Montaigne. Un día, una mujer de 20 años, Jade, le roba el bolso en el metro. En lugar de llamar a la policía, decide hacerse cargo de Jade.
Sound Mixer
Is it possible to replicate the human brain on a computer? To connect it to machines? Research aimed at understanding the functioning of our biological brain is being matched by spectacular progress in the development of artificial intelligence.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Un joven con la cara magullada es descubierto en un aeropuerto. Dice llamarse Adrien Legrand, un niño que desapareció hace 10 años. Para su padre, Vincent, esto supone el final de una larga pesadilla y lo lleva a casa. Simultáneamente, se suceden una serie de horribles asesinatos en la región.
Mixing Engineer
La vida de Luc Germon, un famoso abogado de gran reputación, se ve trastocada cuando acepta a un nuevo cliente, Gilles Fontaine, uno de los empresarios más poderosos de Francia. A este le acusan de comprar una propiedad en circunstancias sospechosas, y deberá confiar en las habilidades de Germon para librarle del caso, pero poco a poco, los aliados empezarán a convertirse en enemigos...
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
En un tranquilo pueblo de provincias, una comunidad de Testigos de Jehová es atacada por un grupo extremista. En pleno conflicto, el mundo de Yana, la esposa del líder de la comunidad, se desmorona lentamente. La insatisfacción interior de Yana crece mientras lucha por encontrar sentido a sus deseos.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Una mujer de unos cincuenta años, trabaja como limpiadora en una urbanización de lujo cerca de la costa, donde la exhuberante vegetación tropical rodea las mansiones veraniegas y los yates privados de la élite de Río de Janeiro.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Joëlle y Kamel Mrabti son dos miembros esenciales en el gabinete del nuevo alcalde de Montfermeil, Emmanuelle Joly. Sin embargo, son una pareja que se está divorciando. Toda la plantilla del alcalde trabaja para implementar una nueva política educativa que pasa por la creación de la denominada "Montfermeil Intensive School of Languages", una Escuela de Idiomas en el que se impartirán los 62 idiomas que se hablan en las afueras de la ciudad de París. Además, también pretende ser un centro educativo para cuestiones básicas en la vida de aquellos que estudien en él. Aunque la propuesta resulta ser un éxito, los miembros de la plantilla del alcalde atraviesa algunos momentos realmente complicados.
Es la noche de Navidad en Roubaix. El jefe de policía Daoud realiza la enésima patrulla por la ciudad en la que creció. Coches robados, altercados... En el cuartel, el novato Louis Coterelle trata de reunir información sobre su nuevo trabajo. Cuando se reúne con Daoud, el primer encargo de ambos consiste en investigar el brutal asesinato de una anciana. Sólo tienen a dos sospechosas: Claude y Marie, dos chicas alcohólicas y que parecen mantener una relación romántica entre sí.
Sound Mixer
Lisboa, Portugal, 1927. El escritor y periodista Fernando Pessoa acepta de su jefe el encargo de crear un eslogan publicitario para la bebida Coca-Louca; pero las conservadoras autoridades del Gobierno consideran la nueva bebida tan revolucionaria como diabólica.
Sound Mixer
El detective François Visconti es el encargado de resolver la desaparición de un adolescente. El señor Bellaile, el tutor de francés del chico, se presta a ayudar en la investigación, pero en realidad no hace más que disparar las sospechas hacia él mismo. Romain Duris y un Vincent Cassel en modo Colombo protagonizan este noir, firmado por Erick Zonca y basado en la novela de Dror Mishani.
Sound Mixer
There is one thing that Nicole, who is soon turning fifty, would have loved to be spared, is to learn that the symptoms that have been ruining her life for some time are not those of a latent menopause, but those of a real pregnancy! What a drag…
Justine, una joven de 16 años, vive en una familia donde todos son veterinarios y vegetarianos. Es una estudiante brillante y prometedora, pero al ingresar en la facultad de veterinaria descubre un mundo decadente, despiadado y peligrosamente seductor. Durante la primera semana, obsesionada por encajar con sus compañeros de clase, se aleja de los principios que le han inculcado su familia, y come carne cruda por primera vez. Las consecuencias no tardan en llegar, y la joven empezará a desvelar su verdadera naturaleza.
Sound Designer
Vicente, un adolescente, crece con el amor de su madre, María, pero ella siempre se ha negado a revelar el nombre de su padre. Un día descubre que éste es una editor parisino egoísta y cínico, Oscar Pormenor. El joven tiene un plan de venganza pero su encuentro con Joseph, un hombre algo marginal va a cambiar su vida y la de su madre.
Mixing Engineer
One evening, while her parents go out for dinner, 18-year-old Louise, alone in her hotel room at Taj Mahal Mumbai, hears strange noises out in the corridor. Within minutes, she realises that a terrorist attack is underway. Her only connection to the outside world is her cell phone, which allows her to maintain contact with her father, who is desperately trying to reach her from the other side of a city that has been plunged into chaos. Louise must spend a long night alone in the face of danger. She will never be the same again.
Sound Mixer
The Blocher Experience tells the story of Switzerland’s most controversial political leader. It also chronicles the face-to-face encounter between a film-maker and a man of power, through a year of exclusive, up-close interviews and access to his private life.
Sound Mixer
Middle-aged Jean-Marc invites the much younger Simon for dinner in his Paris apartment. After an initially warm meeting, they discover each other’s expectations, leading to an escalating tension throughout the evening…
When Nénette discovers the identity of her father in a letter, she quickly goes off in search of him. But instead of finding her father, she is met by her half-brother, Paul. Paul, a bitter man who gave up his dream to take over his father’s pharmacy business, is less than thrilled at the arrival of his ‘embarrassing’ half-sister. After refusing to take her in, he soon gets a taste of his own medicine. Under the influence of a potent drug, for one day Paul is generous, happy and sensitive. The next morning, however, once the drug has worn off, his nasty side comes back...
Sound Mixer
Marius is a divorced man in his late thirties. His five year-old daughter Sofia lives with her mother, which causes Marius a deep frustration. On the day Marius arrives to take his daughter on their annual holiday, he is told that she is ill but he doesn't believe it and insists to take her with him. The situation soon gets out of control with all the family taking part in a web of humor, violence, childish songs, police interventions and love statements.
Sound Mixer
Based on a novel that Albert Camus was working on when he died, we follow Jacques Comery as he travels back to Algeria in 1957, a place full of childhood memories. The country is split between those wanting to remain a part of France, and those demanding independence. Reminiscences of his mother, his stern grandmother and a young Arab boy come flooding back.
Sound mixer
August 1st, somewhere in the Aubonne countryside, Cécile and her ten-year-old daughter Marion have just acquired an old 1970’s Ford Taunus estate car. But the roads through the region at the heart of the north shore of Lake Geneva are much longer and strewn with pitfalls than would appear and their voyage is delayed incessantly. Perhaps, however, the way ahead will open up for Cécile and Marion once the problems have been solved. As far as the moon.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
The first in a planned series of films about radical filmmakers by film critic Nicole Brenez and filmmaker Philippe Grandrieux, It May Be That Beauty Has Strengthened Our Resolve is a portrait of Masao Adachi, who emerged during the Japanese New Wave of the 1960s as a screenwriter for Nagisa Oshima and Koji Wakamatsu, and directed a series of avant-garde films that grafted radical politics to the sexploitation genre. A 1971 visit to a Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) training camp while on the way back from Cannes resulted in Adachi's most infamous film, the agit-prop documentary Red Army/PFLP: Declaration of World War, which he co-directed with Wakamatsu. Soon after, Adachi joined a splinter cell of the Japanese Red Army in Lebanon, where he stayed from 1974 until he was deported to Japan in 1997 to serve time for passport violations.
Sound Mixer
Una joven actriz portuguesa habla Portugués perfectamente a pesar de nunca haber estado en el país. Llega a Lisboa por primera vez justo antes de que se empezara a filmar una película.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
A young mother Nina and her son Enzo find themselves sleeping on the streets of Paris. Eventually there lifestyle leads them to Versailles.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Thiago lives with his family on an isolated farm in the arid backlands of Minas Gerais, Brazil. As the story unfolds and Thiago is forced to confront separations and betrayal within the home, Thiago begins, little by little, to see and understand a place that he had never been able to before, thus slowly letting go of his innocence.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
París, 1979-1980. Pascal retrasa a conciencia el momento de comenzar su tesina de filosofía. Su amiga Christine no comprende su desfachatez. Sarah canta en un grupo barroco y vive de y para su arte. Manuel, su pareja, hace lo posible por apoyarla. En el mundillo del barroco, un trío muy influyente prepara una importante grabación de Monteverdi, bajo la dirección del “Innombrable”, el músico del trío, persona cruel y arrogante. Sarah prepara con ahínco la partitura de canto del “Lamento de la ninfa” El disco sale y obtiene gran éxito. Pascal lo recibe de regalo de Navidad de Christine y queda fascinado por la voz de Sarah. Sarah reanuda sus sesiones musicales con el “Innombrable” pero termina por abandonar al ver que la sigue maltratando y humillando. Pascal se va sumiendo en un estado de melancolía tal que su novia no lo soporta y acaba dejándole.
Sound Designer
Filme denso e incómodo que transcurre en un Este de Europa que parece la antesala del infierno, más concretamente la ciudad de Sofía, presentada como un lugar de pesadilla asolado por la corrupción y la pornografía. Allí se desplaza Seymour, un joven americano, quien se obsesiona con una hermosa prostituta, hasta el punto de viajar por ella al interior de un mundo erótico, perverso y decadente. Su realizador considera La vie nouvelle una versión moderna del mito de Orfeo, en la que el cuerpo humano es analizado con el detallismo de un documental.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Río de Janeiro, años treinta. João dos Santos era pobre, hijo adoptivo, negro y homosexual confeso. Su ficha policial sumaba tres mil peleas y tres homicidios. Decía que no peleaba, se defendía.
Le médecin
Françoise breaks up with Jacques after living with him for fifteen years. She's left alone with their three children, a lovely home, and her nursing job at a hospital. Françoise quickly refuses to assume responsibility for this new situation beyond her control. She starts going out, living by night… hanging out in new places, ready for chance encounters.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Pierre vive felizmente con su madre, está a punto de casarse con su bella prometida y ha alcanzado un gran éxito como escritor. Una noche, sin embargo, conoce a una misteriosa muchacha que deambula por el bosque y que le hace una sorprendente revelación que cambiará su vida. (FILMAFFINITY)
Sound Mixer
Edouard, unemployed computer technician, invites Diana, a young student from England, to spend a weekend in the Noire Mountain. At dusk, they arrive at Gilbert’s place. A former 60’s activist who lives in the forest, Gilbert has decided to drop everything and to offer Edouard his house. Edouard accepts the offer, tries to convince Diana to stay, and discovers that, perhaps, Gilbert is his father…
An exploration of the life and ideas of Jacques Derrida (1930-2004).
Sound Mixer
A young Parisian must make major decisions about pregnancy, a job and her boyfriend.
Sound Mixer
In this French comedy, the young adult children of working-class Arab immigrants living in the projects of suburban Paris endeavor to find a suitable cultural identity. The story centers on four young men in their 20s: Farida, who tries to live according to family traditions; his rebellious sister Souad, who wants to be as Westernized as possible and works at a fast-food outlet; her ex-boyfriend, Jean Luc, who wants to be an immigrant lawyer; and his friend Moussa. The film is comprised of brief incidents from their lives.
Sound Mixer
Chronicles of a male homosexual drug addict in 1980's in voice-over with long take scenes from Rome, television snippets of news of Gulf War and commercials.
Boom Operator
Ariel es un chico judío francés que viaja a Israel, se hace agente del Mossad, y se encuentra con que su primera misión es robar secretos nucleares… franceses.
Un étudiant en médecine
A medical intern finds himself drawn into a world of international intrigue after discovering a shrunken human head in his luggage.