Karin Boyd

Karin Boyd

Nacimiento : 1953-01-01, Berlin, Germany


Karin Boyd


Familiengeheimnisse - Liebe, Schuld und Tod
A Year Ago in Winter
Renee Walters
Narra el drama de una familia tras el suicidio de Alexander, su hijo menor. Un año después, la madre (Corinna Harfouch) contrata al prestigioso pintor Max Hollander (Josef Bierbichler) para que haga un retrato del hijo perdido y de la hija mayor (Karoline Herfurth). A partir de ese momento empiezan a salir a la luz diversos y dolorosos problemas familiares que hasta entonces habían permanecido ocultos.
Die Sitte
Dr. Susanne Pohl
Geraubte Unschuld
Das Siegel des Todes
Haus.Frauen - Eine Collage
Juliette Martens
Un ambicioso actor de teatro (Brandauer) no duda en concentrar todos sus esfuerzos en adular el nazismo con tal de lograr el éxito en su profesión. Llega incluso a casarse con la hija de un importante prohombre del régimen para poder medrar.
Arno Prinz von Wolkenstein oder Kader entscheiden alles
Frau Hecht
Coded Message for the Boss
Wolf Brandin is in his mid-twenties and lives with his wife and child in East Berlin at the end of the 1950s. In West Berlin, the student of electrical engineering is recruited by the American secret service CIA. But Brandin immediately notifies the State Security of the German Democratic Republic and from then on lives a dangerous life as a double agent. When Brandin reaches the breaking point, his marriage starts to unravel because Brandin is not allowed to tell his family about his double life.
Geschlossene Gesellschaft
Three couples want to spend a short break together. Some have a traffic accident, the others are prevented professionally. So the designer Robert and the youth helper Ellen are forced to spend the days in a remote farmhouse alone with her young son. The previously suppressed marriage crisis breaks open. Allegations, confessions, charges, self-accusations are in the room. Painfully, they come to the realization that only their own happiness is responsible for their happiness. With the old landlord, each of them finds himself. In the end, Robert and Ellen want to try a new beginning.
Oh, diese Tante
Angela Keto
Heinz is a well-stocked veterinarian in Klückow and his Jana in quite firm, although not always present hands. And now - as Aunt Alma is slowly getting rid of the concern for her beloved nephew - Dr. Kröpelin finally got his chance: he makes a marriage proposal to Alma. She would not be averse if it had not been his "bloodthirsty" hobby, the hunt. A get-together on the high seat is still not a desirable prospect for Alma. But the more she refuses, the tighter Kröpelin bites into his intention to marry her anyway, whatever the cost.
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