Matt Willis
Nacimiento : 1913-10-16, Fredericksburg, Virginia, USA
Muerte : 1989-03-30
After a long film career, he lived a quiet, sober life, returning to his boyhood home area. In 1965 he was employed as an advertising salesman for WQVA, a radio station in Quantico Va. under the supervision of Rick Miller, Sales Manager/Sports Director. He lived with his wife and son Hunter in a beautiful house overlooking the Rappahannock River near Fredericksburg, Virginia.
Un joven es salvado de un accidente en la montaña por una criatura mitológica llamada Bigfoot. Como agradecimiento, el muchacho decide protegerlo contra unos malvados cazadores que quieren capturarlo.
Mate Toby Jarmin
Mobster Thomas Nagle and his gang take over a ship to use running guns and counterfeit money into Lisbon.
Jewel Thief Thorg
Posing as unemployed musicians, Roy Acuff and his Smoky Mountain Boys, are being helped by Ted Gibson owner of the Harmony Inn in San Antonio, Texas. Gibson is impoverished because he keeps buying his kleptomaniac Uncle Zeke out of trouble, supports his Ma, and Grandpa. He wants to marry Jean Wallace, and doesn't know that Acuff and his musicians are traveling incognito for the radio show "Who Am I Helping?" If he guesses their identity, he wins $100,000.
Little Larry Havens, whose father died in WWII, runs away from home to keep from being separated from "Shep," his father's dog. In Arizona, he is befriended by a kindly Mexican, Manuel Ortiz, who he is able to repay in time, with the aid of Sheriff "Cap" Weatherby, when Ortiz is suspected of crimes committed by local gangsters. "Shep" is instrumental in saving Ortiz from a lynching, and Larry, "Shep" and Ortiz all find a home with a couple they have befriended.
Mr. Burns - Horse Trainer
Film que combina imágenes reales y de animación para contar la historia de Jeremiah, un niño granjero con grandes sueños y todavía más grande corazón, que adopta a un travieso corderito negro llamado Danny. Mientras hace un dibujo de Danny en su cuaderno, Jeremiah sueña con ganar el premio de la Feria del Condado. Pero el camino a la feria está lleno de fuertes desafíos y el pequeño tendrá que aprender la importancia de la decisión, el amor y la responsabilidad.
Gangster (uncredited)
Two window washers who are mistaken by Nick Craig, a bookie, as the messengers he sent for to pick up $50,000. Now the person he sent them to sent two of his men to get the money back but they found out about it. So they try to mail to Craig but a mix up has the money sent somewhere else and the woman who got it spent it. Now Craig needs the money to pay off one of his clients.
Harry gets a job at a radio station as an "advice to the lovelorn" host and winds up getting involved in a young woman's marital problems.
An expedition into the deep jungle discovers a native tribe led by a tall white blonde woman.
Mort Dauson
Recently returned from WWII combat, unable to find a job, finding his sweetheart engaged to another man, and generally aware of the changes which have occurred in his hometown while he was away, a young man becomes easily talked into joining the Ku Klux Klan. Banned by the Virginia Board of Censors, and financed independently because no bank would loan money for it.
Luther Hebble
The fourth film in Columbia's "Rusty" series is a lecture against gossiping. A young army veteran comes to town, and Danny and his friends learn that he had spent time in a military stockade for an infraction of a regulation. Danny's friends spread the story all over town. The seriousness of the minor infraction grows with each telling. As a sidebar, Rusty finds a mate and becomes a father.
Claghorn gets into some financial difficulties and is forced by a machine-political gang to enter a race for state senator against his wife (Una Merkel) who appears to have a good chance to beat the political hack backed by the machine. Claghorn is in to siphon votes and ensure his wife's opponent will win and is expected to run a campaign that will defeat himself and his wife. But, he runs to win and the machine's henchies abduct him.
A hapless husband searches for buried treasure at a dude ranch; meanwhile, his wife wants a divorce and bank robbers want him dead.
Dan Prichard
In this Western, Ken Curtis, Columbia Pictures' low-budget answer to Gene Autry, romanced one of the studio's most beautiful starlets, Rita Hayworth-lookalike Dusty Anderson. She played Helen Wyatt, whose father (the rotund Guy Kibbee) loses his ranch to the hayseed singing group the Hoosier Hot Shots. Unbeknownst to Wyatt, the Hot Shots have been swindled by a couple of Eastern crooks (Ian Keith and Matt Willis) and consider themselves the lawful owners. Chased by the irascible Wyatt, the band members seek protection from aspiring singer Curt Stanton (Curtis), who they mistake for a gunslinger.
The Hammer
A group of men go on an expedition seeking sunken treasure, and wind up battling bad weather, rough seas and each other.
Ole Margarine (uncredited)
This All-Star Comedy (production number 7437, and a remake of 1940's "The Heckler" with Charley Chase) has Shemp Howard, noise-maker and heckler deluxe, hired by two gamblers to rattle a ball team while the gamblers bet on the opponents. The gamblers are more than a little bit vexed when Shemp loses his voice.
Detective Lane (Uncredited)
Soon after a young woman breaks off her engagement to a doctor, the doctor is found murdered. Suspicion falls on his ex-fiancé and a pilot with a checkered past.
Sgt. Pete Halverson
En 1943, el ejército norteamericano desembarca en Italia. Una patrulla que se ha instalado en la playa de Salerno debe atacar una granja fortificada que está en poder de los nazis. La dureza de la lucha pone al descubierto la personalidad de cada uno de los soldados.
Policeman in Hogarth's Office (uncredited)
Christopher Cross es un simple cajero infelizmente casado, pero tiene un raro talento para la pintura. En cierta ocasión, conoce a una aventurera de la que se enamora y le hace creer que es un pintor de éxito. La chica y su novio, un individuo sin escrúpulos, aprovechan la ocasión para explotar al pobre hombre, que llegará incluso a cometer un desfalco en su empresa para que ella siga creyendo que es un artista de éxito.
A young woman who has been stricken with infantile paralysis gives up hope and is trying to "will herself" to die. A doctor who has been conducting experiments with patients with paralyzed nerves is convinced he can cure her.
Perry Donnelly
A drifter claims the money in an old bank account. Soon he finds himself the target of two men who turn out to be the sons of the man's old partner, who is now in prison because of a conflict with him over the money in that account.
Jeb Crocker
A naïve farm girl is duped by con men who promise her movie stardom in exchange for her savings.
Tom Walker
Honeymooners find a dead radio producer in their suite.
Lt. Hunter
Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945). Tras su muerte, el mayor Pete Sandidge (Tracy), piloto de un bombardero, se convierte en el ángel guardián de otro piloto, el capitán Ted Randall (Van Johnson), al que no sólo protegerá en las batallas, sino que también ayudará a resolver los problemas con su novia (Irene Dunne). Melodrama bélico de carácter propagandístico y elementos fantásticos.
Andreas Obry
En 1918, el terrible vampiro Armand Tesla es eliminado por Sir John Ansley, que le clava un enorme clavo de metal en el corazón. Años despues, durante los bombardeos alemanes de Londres, su tumba queda al descubierto y unos operarios que se encargan de enterrar los cadáveres víctimas de las bombas le quitan el clavo del corazón, devolviéndole a la vida.
En 1943, 'Mac' Macclain, de la marina de guerra canadiense, ha perdido su barco y muchos hombres debido a un torpedo alemán. A la espera de un nuevo barco, se hace amigo de Joyce Cartwright, hermana de uno de sus oficiales muertos. Seguimos la construcción y puesta en marcha de la nueva corbeta K-255, el 'HMCS Donnacona'. ¿Y quién debería ser nuevo subalterno de Mac, sino Paul el otro hermano de Joyce, recién salido de la academia? Mac hará todo lo posible para hacer un buen oficial de Paul... si ambos sobreviven a su deber en el peligroso mar.
Sergeant on Train (uncredited)
Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945). Dakota (Terry), un soldado que está de permiso en Nueva York, visita la famosa Stage Door Canteen (título original del film), un local de Broadway donde célebres artistas entretenían a los soldados que volvían del frente. Dakota y sus amigos, Tex (Sunset Carson) y California (Lon McAllister), caen rendidos ante los encantos de Eileen (Cheryl Walker), Jean (Marjorie Riordan) y Ella Sue (Margaret Early). Artistas del calibre de Katharine Hepburn, Merle Oberon, George Raft, Johnny Weismuller, Ralph Bellamy o Harpo Marx llenan el local, en el que actúan las bandas de Xavier Cugat, Count Basie y Benny Goodman.
'One Round' Beasley
Fay Weston (Jinx Falkenburg), a radio singer of no consequence, pretends to be the daughter of a recently deceased Broadway stage star in order to hoodwink Broadway play producer in starring her in a planned-show that is a tribute to her supposed mother.
Bouncer (uncredited)
Grover y Wilbur deben encontrar un sustituto del caballo de O'Hara, muerto tras comer caramelos accidentalmente. El dúo encuentra a uno en un hipódromo y se lo llevan, ignorando que se trata de un campeón de carreras llamado "Galleta de Té".
Bart Redmond
Los ciudadanos de una aldea de Cornualles se ven atormentados durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial por un fantasma decapitado que ha embrujado una mina cercana.
Steve Bell, Tommy, Pig, Ape, and String are run of town. Steve, while hopping a freight card and trying to avoid the brakeman, is killed. The boys meet Steve's mother, Alice Bell and Tommy is given a job in the storage garage which she owns jointly with Mack Steward. Steve's brother Don Bell is working with some gangsters by tipping them off on valuable merchandise that can be hijacked. Pig, Ape and String overhear Don's plans to use Tommy as the fall guy in the next hijacking.
Link Wyman
Columbia's Spirit of Stanford is built around the talents of a real-life college football star, in this instance all-American quarterback Frankie Albert.
Henchman Red Larson
Cash Quinlan, owner of the Hauling Company, is the leader behind a gang of raiders who have been robbing stagecoaches between Mesquite and Deadwood. He hopes by doing so to drive his competitors out of business so that he can get the railroad franchise for himself.....
Poker Player (uncredited)
En Alaska, durante la Fiebre del Oro, un buscador es asediado por un empresario que tiene la ley de su lado. Pronto hace su aparición una cantante de cabaret que se convierte en objetivo amoroso de ambos.
Joker at Bar in San Francisco
Tom Craig (John Wayne) llega a Sacramento (California) con el fin de establecer allí una farmacia. Pero la ciudad está dominada por Britt Dawson (Albert Dekker), y muy pronto estallará la guerra entre ambos.
Soldier with Daisy (uncredited)
Two Army sergeants disrupt a bar, a party and an Army-Navy dance.
El tímido marinero Casey Kirby se convierte de repente en un lobo de mar cuando es fotografiado al lado de una actriz famosa. Sus compañeros entonces hacen una apuesta, para ver si es capaz de conquistar a una fría cantante de night-club conocida como la Condesa.
Miles Tonkin
La historia de un cazador (Andrews) que encuentra a un fugitivo (Brennan) y su hija (Baxter) viviendo en un pantano en Georgia. Él se enamora de la chica y trata de convencer al fugitivo para que vuelva al pueblo.