Eric Clavering

Nacimiento : 1901-03-15, London, England, UK

Muerte : 1989-06-10


Sudden Fury
Station Attendant
Fred is a psychotic entrepreneur who hopes to convince his wife Janet to invest in a shady land deal. The wife refuses, and the couple continue their heated argument while driving through the Ontario backwoods. When their car crashes, Janet is seriously injured, but Fred leaves the scene, hoping that his wife won't last the night.
Domingo sangriento
Después de atracar un banco local, tres gamberros encuentran refugio en la casa de un granjero (Ernest Borgnine). Pero éste no será tan fácil de controlar como ellos esperaban.
To Kill A Clown
A young hippie couple rent a secluded cabin on the beach in an attempt to re-connect with each other and save their marriage. Unfortunately, the man they rented the cabin from is a military-brat sociopath with two dogs more vicious than his temper.
A woman believes she is beginning to lose her mind when she begins seeing ghosts and spirits.
El viaje increible
Bert Oakes
La historia de tres mascotas, un gato y dos perros, que pierden a sus dueños cuando todos están de vacaciones. ¿Podrán encontrar su camino a casa?
Farewell Oak Street
This documentary presents a before-and-after picture of people in a large-scale public housing project in Toronto. Due to a housing shortage, they were forced to live in squalid, dingy flats and ramshackle dwellings on a crowded street in Regent Park North; now they have access to new, modern housing developments designed to offer them privacy, light and space.
Much Too Shy
Robert Latimer
Un manitas y un artista aficionado se mete en problemas cuando se agregan cuerpos femeninos desnudos a las cabezas que ha dibujado de damas prominentes y se venden como anuncios de jabón.
Suspected Person
After a $50,000 heist in New York, two of the suspected robbers walk free from the courtroom and they waste no time in heading to London in search of the missing loot. This means bad news for their former accomplice Jim Raynor, who has the money hidden away not least because they're not the only ones on his tail; Scotland Yard is also on the case...
The Missing Million
Rex Walton, millionaire man-about-town, mysteriously disappears on the eve of his wedding after an attempt at blackmail by infamous criminal The Panda. His plucky sister Joan aids the police in their investigations, but Rex’s disappearance sets in motion a chain of violent and incomprehensible events when blackmail turns to murder...
Jorge Manteca
Mr. Durrant
George amplía su repertorio en roles duales. Se persuade a un cantante y actor fracasado (George Formby) para que se haga pasar por un extravagante cantante de ópera latina (también Formby, pero con el pelo rizado engrasado y un lápiz) a quien se parece mucho y está teniendo problemas con su gestión. No está entre los mejores papeles de Formby, ya que perdió parte de su lado cómico una vez que se mudó a Columbia Pictures, una decisión de la que se arrepintió. Esta fue la primera de siete películas que hizo para Columbia. Lo más destacado es la canción que canta en un pub: 'The Barmaid at the Rose and Crown'.
Tower of Terror
Wartime Germany: Marie, a concentration camp escapee on the run from the Nazis, narrowly escapes drowing when she is rescued by Wolfe Kristan a half-mad lighthouse keeper. Brought aboard the lighthouse itself, she begins to fall in love with the assistant keeper who, unknown to her, is a British spy. As the couple become more intimate, Kristan's jealously finally pushes him over the brink and into full-blown madness...
Los invasores
Unos soldados alemanes, cuyo submarino ha sido hundido frente a las costas canadienses, tratan de llegar a los EEUU, todavía territorio neutral. El grupo sufrirá todo tipo de visicitudes en su desesperada huida e irá sembrando el pánico por todas partes.
The Patient Vanishes
Action and excitement beckon as popular sleuth Mick Cardby goes on the trail of a missing girl, and finds himself in the clutches of a gang of blackmailers.
Las vacaciones del Santo
Reporter at door
El Santo, tratando de alejarse de todo viaja a Suiza de vacaciones, pero será sólo un espejismo ya que Templar encuentra una pequeña caja de música que contiene un secreto muy valioso. El problema para Simon aún está por llegar, detrás de la caja anda una peligrosa organización de espías.
It's war time London and the Crazy Gang (Flanagan & Allen, Nervo & Knox, Naughton & Gold) are doing their bit for the war effort by running a fish and chip stall using their platoon's barrage balloon for advertising. Their Sgt Major is not happy about this and orders them to take the balloon down, but a freak heavy wind accidentally carries the gang away to Nazi Germany. They are captured and placed in a detention camp where they meet an elderly prisoner named Jerry, who possess a map for the location of a secret weapon which will win the war! Fortunately Teddy Knox's impersonation of Hitler lands him the spot of pretending to be the Fuhrer at a gala dinner and the gang are allowed out of the camp. However the Nazis have other ideas for their substitute leader.
Sailors Three
Three sailors get drunk while on shore leave and end up on the wrong ship. When they realise their mistake they scramble off it and onto their warship, HMS Ferocious. However, they soon realise that the vessel they have boarded is not the Ferocious but a German battleship.
Neutral Port
A British merchant ship is torpedoed by a German U-Boat and takes shelter in a neutral port. The Captain then strikes back at the German enemy.
The Frozen Limits
La loca banda se une a la fiebre del oro de 1898. Por desgracia, es 1939 y es un poco tarde.
Where's That Fire
Hank Sullivan
Un desventurado equipo de bomberos recibe el ultimátum: apagar un fuego con éxito o ser despedido. Fallan miserablemente, y su antiguo camión de bomberos es robado por criminales que intentan robar las joyas de la corona de la Torre de Londres.
An out-of-work reporter wins a horse in a dice game. The horse turns out to be a champion runner. His girlfriend helps him get the horse into professional racing, but they get mixed up with gamblers.
Undercover Men
For showing cowardice during a holdup, bank teller Bob Hunter is fired. He joins the Mounties and is assigned to look for those robbers. To have him work undercover, the Inspector's scheme is to have Bob supposedly kicked out of the Mounties.