Branko Jerinić


King Petar the First
Stepa Stepanović
The story of the Serbian army, led by the King Peter, through the World War I.
A Stowaway on the Ship of Fools
The story takes place in the Belgrade mental hospital on Guberevac during the WWI, where notable Serbian writer Petar Kočić spends his last years of life. The safety of mental hospital in a war-torn Belgrade is disrupted when the deputy military governor in occupied Belgrade, Kosta Herman, finds out that Kočić is in the hospital and decides to settle old scores with him.
Serbia in the Great War
Lazar Paču
Brief history of Serbian history from the World War I
The main character returns from the prison with a desire to build a normal relationship with his, now, adult daughter who didn't have a father for a long period of her life. When he comes home sees that the daughter ran away from home and that his wife is cheating on him with a friend who also moved into the apartment. Armed with a sarcastic sense of humor he accepts all that and starts searching for his daughter, whom, by the way, does not want to be found.
The Kingdom of Serbia
A documentary re-enactment of the last few hundred years in Serbian history.
An antiwar movie about living-dead soldiers waiting for morning to go home.
Conditional Freedom
Action-comedy that follows the Secret Service, runaway generals, admirals, and patriotic organizations, ICTY inductees, accidental and deliberate actors where price is, basically, all simulations of reality, virtual world where people can move without a face, with imaginary professions, actions and intentions, perverse game devoid of logic and sense relocated.
Fundido a negro
En 1948, Orson Welles llega a Roma para protagonizar una película. Su carrera no atraviesa un buen momento y todavía no se ha recuperado de su divorcio de Rita Hayworth. Únicamente Lea, una esquiva actriz, parece darle nuevos ánimos. De repente, un actor muere en sus brazos mientras le susurra unas palabras al oído. La policía intenta demostrar que se trata de un suicidio, pero a Orson esta teoría no le convence.
Six Days in June
A young man finds a way to spend his last few days of freedom before joining the army. Set in eastern Bosnia in summer of 1968.