Gary Lionelli


Taken Hostage
Unfolding like a political thriller, Taken Hostage tells the story of the Iran hostage crisis, when 52 American diplomats, Marines and civilians were held hostage at the American Embassy in Tehran on November 4, 1979. For the next 444 days, the world watched as the United States received a daily barrage of humiliation, vitriol and hatred from a country that had long been one of our closest allies. Told through the candid, personal testimony of those whose lives were upended by the action, the crisis would transform both the U.S. and Iran and forever upend the focus and direction of American foreign policy.
Caída en picado: El caso contra Boeing
Los investigadores revelan cómo la supuesta prioridad de las ganancias de Boeing sobre la seguridad podría haber contribuido a dos accidentes catastróficos con meses de diferencia.
Mr. Saturday Night
La historia no contada de Robert Stigwood, el empresario detrás de "Saturday Night Fever" y su banda sonora disco que batió récords.
Citizen Hearst
Explore the life of William Randolph Hearst, the pioneering media mogul and inspiration for Orson Welles’ "Citizen Kane." Wielding unprecedented power, Hearst forever transformed the media’s role in American life and politics.
A Choice of Weapons: Inspired by Gordon Parks
Original Music Composer
Este documental narra la carrera estelar del hombre renacentista Gordon Parks desde el fotógrafo del personal de la revista LIFE, pasando por su desarrollo artístico fotografiando a los estadounidenses comunes, hasta su evolución como novelista y cineasta innovador.
The Soul of America
Original Music Composer
El escritor, periodista, historiador y biógrafo presidencial ganador del Premio Pulitzer John Meacham ofrece sus conocimientos oportunos e invaluables sobre el momento político e histórico actual del país al examinar su pasado. Basado en su bestseller de 2018 del mismo nombre.
El Arma Perfecta
Original Music Composer
Explore el auge del ciberconflicto como la principal forma en que las naciones compiten y se sabotean entre sí. A medida que aumenta el temor sobre cómo los posibles ataques cibernéticos afectarán las elecciones de 2020 en los EE. UU., La película presenta entrevistas con los principales funcionarios militares, de inteligencia y políticos e incluye informes sobre el terreno desde el frente de las guerras cibernéticas.
"McCarthy" chronicles the rise and fall of Joseph McCarthy, the Wisconsin senator who came to power after a stunning victory in an election no one thought he could win. Once in office, he declared that there was a vast conspiracy threatening America — emanating not from a rival superpower, but from within. Free of restraint or oversight, he conducted a crusade against those he accused of being enemies of the state, a chilling campaign marked by groundless accusations, bullying intimidation, grandiose showmanship and cruel victimization. With lawyer Roy Cohn at his side, he belittled critics, spinning a web of lies and distortions while spreading fear and confusion. After years in the headlines, he was brought down by his own excesses and overreach. But his name lives on linked to the modern-day witch hunt we call “McCarthyism.”
Slay the Dragon
Influye en las elecciones y influye en los resultados: la manipulación de los derechos humanos se ha convertido en un tema político candente y en un símbolo de todo lo que está roto en el proceso electoral estadounidense. Pero hay quienes están en primera línea luchando por cambiar el sistema.
The Circus
Original Music Composer
Drawing upon a vast and richly visual archive and featuring a host of performers, historians and aficionados, this four-hour mini-series follows the rise and fall of the gigantic, traveling tented railroad circus and brings to life an era when Circus Day would shut down a town and its stars were among the most famous people in the country.
Original Music Composer
Las cineastas ganadoras de un Oscar, Deborah Oppenheimer y Mark Jonathan Harris se reúnen para un vistazo revelador de primera mano al sistema de cuidado de crianza como se ve a través de los ojos de quienes mejor lo conocen. Con un acceso extraordinario al funcionamiento interno del Departamento de Servicios para Niños y Familias del Condado de Los Ángeles (DCFS), Oppenheimer y Harris van más allá de los encabezados y estereotipos sensacionales para tener una visión sin precedentes de un mundo a menudo incomprendido y algunos de los mitos más perdurables, sobre el cuidado de crianza y los involucrados en el sistema.
John McCain: Por quién doblan las campanas
Una mirada a la vida de John McCain, desde su época de soldado en Vietnam hasta sus tres décadas como senador de Estados Unidos.
John McCain: Por quién doblan las campanas
Una mirada a la vida de John McCain, desde su época de soldado en Vietnam hasta sus tres décadas como senador de Estados Unidos.
Into the Amazon
A documentary re-telling of the remarkable and dangerous journey taken by President Theodore Roosevelt and legendary Brazilian explorer Cândido Rondon into the heart of the South American rainforest to chart an unexplored tributary of the Amazon.
O.J.: Made in America
Original Music Composer
Documental en cinco partes que recoge el ascenso y caída del popular jugador de fútbol americano O.J. Simpson, desde sus inicios en San Francisco hasta su llegada a la NFL y su vida personal posterior a su carrera deportiva, incluyendo el famoso juicio de 1995 por el supuesto asesinato de su ex-mujer, Nicole, y su amigo Ron Goldman. (FILMAFFINITY)
Bonnie & Clyde
Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow embark on a two-year crime spree during the Great Depression and become known as the most famous criminal couple in U.S. history. In reality, as this film reveals, Bonnie and Clyde grew up in the slums of West Dallas and had little in common with their glamorous media images.
Music Director
First responders, journalists, shop owners, those inside the pressure-packed control center of Con Edison on West End Avenue, and other New Yorkers tell about what happened when the lights went out on July 13, 1977.
Klansville U.S.A.
Original Music Composer
Investigates the reasons North Carolina, long seen as the most progressive state in the South, became home to the largest Klan organization in the country, with more members than all the other Southern states combined, during the 1960s.
Los últimos días en Vietnam
Original Music Composer
En los últimos días de la guerra de Vietnam a algunos oficiales americanos les surge un dilema moral: seguir órdenes y evacuar sólo a compatriotas o salvar a los vietnamitas con quienes han convivido.
Una Nación Canina: Relatos De Miedo, Pérdida Y Traición
Original Music Composer
.Americans have had a long love affair with dogs, with many of us referring to our canine companions as best friends, significant others, soul mates, even children. But lost amidst all the pampering and pedestaling are hard and often tragic truths surrounding dog ownership, care and commerce, not to mention the daunting odds continuing to face millions of unwanted shelter dogs. Divided into three parts – “Fear,” “Loss” and “Betrayal” – this 73-minute documentary is comprised of eight case studies that probe the complicated and conflicted relationship we have with canines. Collectively, the segments reveal the sobering realities behind our relationship with dogs, showing not only how far some dog lovers will go for their pets, but how far we as nation have to go in order to treat all dogs humanely.
Waiting for Armageddon
Original Music Composer
50-millonesde americanos de la comunidad evangélica de Estados Unidos están convencidos de que el futuro del mundo está predicho en la profecía bíblica - desde el rapto de la Batalla de Armagedón. Este documental explora su asombroso mundo - en sus hogares, en las conferencias, y en una gira de gran alcance de Israel.
Blind Spot
Three strangers are drawn together in search of Darcy, a man they all love who has been involved with some nasty underworld business.
My Freaky Family: Welcome to My World
It's Nadine's first day of school, a significant historical event considered by her mother to be one of many "milestone days", which must be documented with a photo.
Nick Furia, operación Manhattan
Original Music Composer
El coronel Nick Fury, militar desterrado por el gobierno norteamericano tras la Guerra Fría, es reclamado por el departamento de defensa de Estados Unidos para hacer frente a la amenaza de Hydra, cabecilla de un peligroso grupo terrorista que ha amenazado con derramar un virus mortal sobre la isla de Manhattan.
No Smoking!
Cow must save her brother Chicken after he is sent to Hell for smoking. Short film that later became the Cartoon Network show Cow & Chicken
A Smaller World
The stork delivers a baby 5 times the size of its parents.