Gene Fowler

Nacimiento : 1890-03-08, Denver, Colorado, USA

Muerte : 1960-07-02


Locuras de Nueva York
Recreación cinematográfica de la vida de James J. Walker (Bob Hope), que a finales de los años 20 se convierte en el controvertido alcalde de Nueva York, conocido por sus chistes y bromas y por la imparable corrupción durante su mandato. Además provocó un gran escándalo por su relación con Betty Compton (Vera Miles).
Big Jack
Wallace Beery, in his final film, plays a bandit in this period drama set in Colonial America.
Gentle Annie
The Goss family live on a farm they call the dust bowl where the wind blows during the day and the coyotes howl at night. When the train is robbed, everyone thinks that Cotton and Violet were the ones that did the job, but no one has any proof. US Marshal Lloyd Richland comes into town in disguise to find the truth and he finds that the sheriff is corrupt and that the Goss family is gosh darn nice. They take in Richland and a stranded woman named Mary without any questions. Cotton believes that Sheriff Tatum shot their pa in the back, and the sheriff is now trying to plug the boys. Richland is looking for the train robbers, and at the same time is keeping an eye on Tatum and the lovely young Mary.
Somewhere I'll Find You
Los hermanos Johnny y Kirk Davis trabajan en uno de los diarios más grandes del país como corresponsales de guerra. Están unidos por una gran amistad hasta el momento en que aparece una antigua compañera de trabajo que está comprometida con Kirk.
Billy el niño
Durante un tiempo, Billy el Niño vivió pacificamente trabajando en el rancho de un civilizado y generoso colono inglés, partidario de mantener la ley y el orden sin necesidad de recurrir a la violencia. Pero, cuando el ranchero es asesinado por los pistoleros del cacique del pueblo, Billy decide vengarlo.
The Earl of Chicago
A behind the times Chicago bootlegger goes to England with his lawyer to claim his estate as the Earl of Gorley.
Some Like It Hot
Theatre Play
Nicky es un buscavidas de poca monta, con un grupo en la calle que toca jazz, hasta que el propietario del lugar les echa por no pagar el alquiler. Después, Nicky conoce a una cantante prometedora, quien le convence de hablar con el director de una emisora de radio para promocionarla.
Ali Baba Goes to Town
While visiting Hollywood a starstruck movie fan (Eddie Cantor) fantasizes about himself cast in an Arabian adventure. Director David Butler's comedy--with many songs--also features Tony Martin, Roland Young, Gypsy Rose Lee (billed as Rose Hovick), John Carradine, June Lang, Virginia Field, Charles Lane, The Peters Sisters and many big-name guest stars playing themselves.
Love Under Fire
Una mujer huye hacia España a comienzos de 1936, acusada de robar un valioso collar. Un detective de Scotland Yard la sigue la pista, la encuentra y se enamora de ella en un clima de conflicto social.
Nancy Steele Is Missing!
Tras 17 años en la cárcel, un ladrón se reencuentra con la chica a la que raptó cuando era pequeña. Ella cree que es su padre. Cuando la devuelve a su verdadero padre, encuentra trabajo y una recompensa, pero un antiguo compañero de cárcel se interpone en su camino.
Career Woman
A young woman graduates from a New York City law school, returns to her small hometown, and finds her first case is defending a childhood friend accused of murder. Director Lewis Seiler's 1936 courtroom drama stars Claire Trevor, Isabel Jewell, Michael Whalen, Gene Lockhart, Eric Linden, Charles Middleton, Edward Brophy, Kathleen Lockhart, Guinn Williams, El Brendel, Sterling Holloway, Ray Brown, Howard Hickman, Frank McGlynn Sr., Charles Waldron Sr., Spencer Charters and Eily Malyon.
White Fang
A woman and her weakling brother inherit a mine. When the brother commits suicide the guide is accused of murder.
Half Angel
Allison Long is acquitted on charges of poisoning her father but then her benefactor is poisoned. Reporter Duffy Giles has faith in her innocence.
Un mensaje a García
El teniente Andrew Rowan (autor del libro en el que se basa el film y encarnado por Wallace Beery) debe entregar urgentemente un mensaje del presidente norteamericano William McKinley al líder revolucionario Calixto García. Para ello, dicho emisario contará con la ayuda de Raphaelita Maderos, hija de un acaudalado cubano. Basada en un caso real ocurrido durante la guerra de Cuba entre Estados Unidos y España en 1898.
Soldado profesional
En un imaginario reino europeo, sus gobernantes en la sombra contratan al soldado de fortuna Michael Donovan para que secuestre a su príncipe heredero. Sin embargo, cuando Michael descubre que la intención de los que le han pagado consiste en asesinar al joven, se convertirá en su aliado, y juntos acabarán con los malvados conspiradores al trono.
La llamada de la selva
Jack Thornton, un buscador de oro, compra un magnífico San Bernardo al que llama Buck. Los problemas surgen cuando Buck muerde a Smith, otro buscador de oro, que quiere matarlo para vengarse. Jack y Smith llegan a un acuerdo que consiste en hacer una carrera de trineos, cuyo vencedor se quedará con Buck.
The Mighty Barnum
Theatre Play
20th Century Fox's highly fabricated film biography of circus showman P. T. Barnum stars Wallace Beery (as Barnum), Virginia Bruce (as Jenny Lind), Janet Beecher and Adolphe Menjou. Released in 1934.
The Mighty Barnum
20th Century Fox's highly fabricated film biography of circus showman P. T. Barnum stars Wallace Beery (as Barnum), Virginia Bruce (as Jenny Lind), Janet Beecher and Adolphe Menjou. Released in 1934.
Shoot the Works
Theatre Play
Jack Oakie stars as seedy sideshow barker Nicky, who uses everyone he meets to get ahead. Nicky isn't even above exploiting his singing sweetheart Lily (Dorothy Dell) to suit his purposes, but this time it is he who ends up the loser -- at least until he gets wise to himself.
La comedia de la vida
Oscar Jaffe (John Barrymore) es un dramaturgo y director teatral de Broadway que goza de gran prestigio, pero que tiene un carácter insoportable. En uno de los castings conoce a una joven actriz llamada Mildred (Carole Lombard), a la que escoge como protagonista de su obra. La rebautiza con el nombre de Lily Garland, que resulta mucho más comercial y llamativo. El estreno es un éxito de crítica y público, y la actriz se convierte en una estrella de Hollywood.
The Way to Love
Francois, a cheerful Parisian bohemian, wants more than anything to be a tour guide in his beloved city. While working the streets, Francois meets Madeleine, who works at a circus.
Hollywood al desnudo
Mary Evans es una camarera cuya amistad con Max Carey, un director de cine alcohólico, le permite relacionarse con peces gordos. De esta manera llama la atención del millonario Lonny Borden, un productor de Hollywood cansado de la vida de la costa este y de ser un segundón de Max. (FILMAFFINITY)
State's Attorney
Corrupt alcoholic attorney Tom Cardigan is one of the best lawyers around, commanding the courtroom like a stage and often winning his cases. Mobster Valentine Powers, who employs Cardigan and put him through school, asks him to represent a woman, June Perry, accused of prostitution. Cardigan agrees. But he never expected to fall for her, which is problematic since he's angling to become governor and will need the right kind of wife.
State's Attorney
Corrupt alcoholic attorney Tom Cardigan is one of the best lawyers around, commanding the courtroom like a stage and often winning his cases. Mobster Valentine Powers, who employs Cardigan and put him through school, asks him to represent a woman, June Perry, accused of prostitution. Cardigan agrees. But he never expected to fall for her, which is problematic since he's angling to become governor and will need the right kind of wife.
The Roadhouse Murder
After he stumbles across a murder, a young reporter devises an elaborate scene to keep his newspaper stories about the crime front-page news. Eric Linden, Dorothy Jordan, Bruce Cabot, Roscoe Ates, Roscoe Karns and Purnell Pratt star in this 1932 thriller, directed by J. Walter Ruben.
Union Depot
Theatre Play
Among the travelers of varied backgrounds that meet and interact on one night at Union Depot, a metropolitan train station, are Chick and his friend Scrap Iron, both newly released from prison after serving time for vagrancy. Hungry and desperate for a break, Chick fortuitously comes across across a valise abandoned by a drunken traveler. In it he finds a shaving kit and a suit of clothes with a bankroll, which help transform the affable tramp into a dashing gent. After buying himself a meal, Chick seeks some female companionship among the many hustlers who walk the station. He propositions Ruth Collins, a stranded, out-of-work showgirl and takes her to the station's hotel.