Ted Whitehead


The Mayor of Casterbridge
Adaptation of Thomas Hardy's novel. At a country fair, young hay-trusser Michael Henchard quarrels with his wife Susan, and in a drunken fit decides to auction off his wife and baby to a sailor for five guineas. The next day, realising his loss, he swears not to touch liquor again for as many years as he has lived so far. Eighteen years later, Henchard has become Mayor of Casterbridge, a man well respected but not well liked. The unexpected return of his wife and daughter Elizabeth Jane sets off a turn of events that force him to face the consequences of his selfish impulses and violent temper.
Tess, la de los D'Urberville
Tess Durbeyfield es una mujer preciosa que es violada por un hombre y abandonada por otro, pero ella se niega a seguir siendo una víctima. Su lucha por soportar a pesar del abandono de su verdadero amor y su desesperado intento de alcanzar la felicidad, impulsa a Tess hacia un final trágico.
The Cloning of Joanna May
Joanna once was married to Carl May, a very rich and powerful nuclear energy magnate. They love each other, but had to divorce after Joanna was caught on an incidental love affair. Since then Carl has made Joanna's life impossible. 10 years later she's fed up with the situation and decides to visit him, only to find that once he made three copies of her
Additional Dialogue
Producida por la revista para adultos "Penthouse", un drama de muy alto contenido erótico que narra el ascenso y caída del emperador romano Calígula (12 D.C-41 D.C), sobrino e hijo adoptivo del emperador Tiberio. Sus crueles métodos para ascender al trono y su afición por todo tipo de orgías, humillaciones y demás vejaciones centran una polémica película con conocidos -y reputados- actores entre su reparto.
Under the Age
The story concerns Susie, a transgender bartender, dealing with four patrons who stumble into her place of work. Susie grows wary of the two men and the two women, the latter of which are underage, and tension begins to mount and escalate between all of the characters.