James Cotter


Torn: A Shock Youmentary
John Brushfield
Accused of a brutal murder by the people in their village, Oliver Isaacs and James Dean-Hughes set out to prove their innocence and catch the ferocious beast that they claim is actually responsible for the death of Oliver's fiancé, Stacey Charles. A small entourage including a documentary crew tag along on their nightly hunting trips but an escalating body count and rising tensions amongst the group look certain to destroy the fellowship even before they can locate the beast referred to by local legend as 'The Devonshire Devil'. "TORN: a SHOCK YOUmentary" is the product of the documentary film crew's findings. It is the tragic and terrifying story of how the lives of James and Oliver are torn apart by 'The Devonshire Devil'.
Kennedy's Suicide Bomber
Police Forensic Scientist
In 1960, a lone assassin planned a deadly attempt on the life of President-Elect John F Kennedy. With a Buick packed with dynamite, nothing was going to stop Kennedy's Suicide Bomber.
Sirenas: La nueva evidencia
Ship's Captain
¿Existen realmente las sirenas? ¿Cómo han logrado vivir escondidas de los ojos humanos? ¿Están los gobiernos ocultando investigaciones al respecto? El periodista Jon Frankel intentará dar respuesta a todos estas preguntas a través de la participación de científicos y expertos que deberán postularse en esta cuestión apoyándose en material documental, pruebas audiovisuales y testimonios que pretenden demostrar que existe una realidad que nada tiene que ver con aquel cuento infantil.
The End Is Night
Un corto en clave de comedia sobre el fin del mundo.