E. Lloyd Sheldon

Nacimiento : 1886-05-27,

Muerte : 1957-01-24


Horizontes salvajes
Una mujer que ha permanecido en una isla desierta desde que sus padres fueran asesinados por una manada de furiosos elefantes, es rescatada y llevada de nuevo a San Francisco, donde tiene que reclamar su herencia.
International Lady
Tim Hanley, an American agent, posing as a lawyer with the United States Embassy in London, and Reggie Oliver, a Scotland Yard detective, posing as a music critic are both keeping their eye on Carla Nillson, a famous singer, whom they suspect of espionage. They all meet in London, then in Lisbon, and eventually in New York City, where Carla sings on the radio.
La princesa de la selva
Durante un safari en Malasia con su prometida, un tigre ataca a Powell y los guías nativos huyen, dándole por muerto. El tigre es la mascota de Ulah, una hermosa joven que creció en la selva. Se lo lleva a su cueva, le cura y se enamora de él. Cuando Powell vuelve a su campamento, ella le sigue. Su prometida se pone celosa, a los nativos no les gusta Ulah ni su tigre, y empiezan las complicaciones...
13 Hours by Air
Womanizer and airline pilot Jack Gordon must fly the world's fastest airliner from New York to California while dealing with dangerous jewel thieves on the run from the law.
La Vía Láctea
Burleigh Sullivan (Lloyd) es un tímido lechero que, sin saber muy bien como, noquea a un campeón de boxeo en una pelea. El manager del boxeador decide construir la reputación del lechero en una serie fija de combates y más tarde hacer que el campeón le gane y reconquiste así su título.
Candidata a millonaria
Regi Allen trabaja como manicurista en un hotel de lujo y su sueño es casarse con un millonario para dejar de trabajar. Uno de sus clientes es un adinerado paralítico que podría responder a sus expectativas. Sin embargo, en su camino se cruza Theodore Drew III, un playboy arruinado que igualmente trata de casarse con una mujer rica que solucione sus problemas económicos.
La última avanzada
Un bravo oficial británico, Michael Andrews (Grant), es capturado por un grupo de kurdos rebeldes. Uno de sus captores resulta ser John Stevenson (Rains), un inglés que lleva años viviendo en el desierto. Tras liberar a Andrews, Stevenson le revela sus intenciones: salvar a los armenios, aliados de los ingleses, de la muerte a manos de las fuerzas turcas. Su plan consiste en trasladar a un lugar seguro a toda la población armenia atravesando el desierto. Andrews le acompaña en el viaje y no tarda en interesarse por Lya (Burke), la sensual esposa del jefe de la tribu Armenia.
La llave de cristal
Cuando Paul Madvig, un político de éxito que lucha contra sus rivales para apoderarse de la ciudad, se ve implicado en un asesinato, Ed Beaumont, su amigo y mano derecha, debe decidir de qué lado está.
Double Door
A domineering money-bags whose suppressed incestuous urges go into overdrive when her half-brother brings a new bride home to the family’s gloomy Fifth Avenue mansion. The title refers to a secret soundproofed chamber that the villainess uses to entrap her enemies.
La muerte de vacaciones
La muerte decide tomarse unos días de vacaciones y convivir con un grupo de personas para ver lo que se siente siendo un ser mortal y comprender por qué la gente le teme tanto.
Search for Beauty
Three con artists dupe two Olympians into serving as editors of a new health and beauty magazine which is only a front for salacious stories and pictures.
Cradle Song
In a deeply cloistered convent, nun Dorothea Wieck (Mädchen in Uniform) raises a foundling to be Evelyn Venable. But at 17, what if, guided by a kindly doctor, she sees the world and finds love?
El asesino diabólico
Associate Producer
Un zoólogo, millonario, deportista y celoso hasta la locura utiliza los animales del zoológico para eliminar a los pseudo pretendientes y no tanto de su esposa. La primera víctima aparece con los labios sellados para que «no bese nunca más a otra mujer casada».
Las calles de la ciudad
Estados Unidos, Ley Seca (1920-1933). El padrastro de una bonita chica pertenece a una banda de traficantes de alcohol. Ella está enamorada de un atractivo joven que trabaja en una caseta de feria de tiro al blanco y desea casarse con él, pero como no tienen dinero, se le ocurre la idea de introducir a su novio en los negocios de su padrastro, sin saber que se trata de una banda criminal. A causa de una jugarreta de su padrastro, la chica acabará en la cárcel. Y, mientras, el novio ingresa en la banda.
Her Wedding Night
Associate Producer
Norma Martin (Clara Bow) is an American movie star in France trying to avoid the attention of men. Going to visit a friend in Southern France, she finds herself "married" to a playboy song writer Ralph Forbes (Larry Charters) she hadn't yet met. Some of his lady friends then show up. Some very good sequences, but also some flat spots. Her "husband's" house is very Hollywood deco and some of the costumes are very good.
A vaudeville magician team is broken up when Carlee, an ex--circus performer, becomes infatuated with socialite Hilda Schmittlap. Meanwhile his vaudeville partner, Claire, has chosen a new partner, but her "heart isn't in it" because she is disconsolate over Carlee. Curious about her new act, Carlee attends a performance and sees Claire nearly killed when she fails to substitute fake bullets for real ones. Rushing to her aid, Carlee realizes how much Claire means to him.
The Wild Party
Associate Producer
Wild girls at a college pay more attention to parties than their classes. But when one party girl, Stella Ames, goes too far at a local bar and gets in trouble, her professor has to rescue her. Gossip linking the two escalates until Stella proves she is decent by shielding an innocent girl and winning the professor's respect.
The Wild Party
Wild girls at a college pay more attention to parties than their classes. But when one party girl, Stella Ames, goes too far at a local bar and gets in trouble, her professor has to rescue her. Gossip linking the two escalates until Stella proves she is decent by shielding an innocent girl and winning the professor's respect.
Sins of the Fathers
A married restaurant owner is persuaded to become a bootlegger by a beautiful young girl. When he starts making money at it, she steals it, then runs off with another man. His wife finds out what happened. Complications ensue.
The Woman from Moscow
A silent film directed by Ludwig Berger.
Loves of an Actress
Rachel becomes the leading actress in the Comédie Française through the patronage of three influential men: Baron Hartman, the wealthiest man in France; Count Vareski, a relative of Napoleon; and Dr. Durande. All three men are in love with her, but she throws them over when she falls in love with Raoul Duval....
El escuadrón de hierro
La historia de la unidad militar organizada por el futuro presidente de los Estados Unidos, Teddy Roosevelt, y sus aventuras en Cuba durante la Guerra Hispanoamericana de 1898.
Las eternas pasiones
Durante la Primera Guerra Mundial, en Francia, una mujer ve la granja de su familia convertida en campo para prisioneros alemanes por orden del gobierno francés. La convivencia con ellos hará surgir una historia de amor entre ella y uno de los prisioneros.
La ley del hampa
Película fundacional del cine de gángsters. 'Bull' Weed es un asaltante que tiene por única virtud el coraje. 'Rolls Royce' Wensel es un abogado talentoso, pero sumido en el alcoholismo y la indigencia. Una noche, tras un atraco, los dos se encuentran en medio de una calle, y la amistad nacerá entre ambos. Weed lo sacará de la miseria en la que vive, mientras que 'Rolls Royce' lo ayudará con su talento a ascender rapidamente en el mundo del hampa. Cuando se encuentran ya en la cima, aparece la figura de 'Feathers' McCoy, la novia de 'Bull', que iniciará un romance oculto con Wensel. Pronto el destino les dará una via para concretar sus pasiones, pero a la vez se inciará un conflicto entre la lealtad y el amor. (FILMAFFINITY)
Jack Powell (Charles Rogers), un joven que vive en una pequeña ciudad de Estados Unidos en 1917, está enamorado de la sofisticada Sylvia Lewis (Jobyna Ralston) y se siente irritado por las constantes atenciones de la chica de la casa de al lado, Mary Preston (Clara Bown), Sylvia está a su vez enamorada del rico heredero David Armstrong (Richard Arlen), aunque su relación se ve interrumpida cuando los dos jóvenes se alistan en el Ejército. Tras un periodo de enfrentamiento, entran en las Fuerzas Aéreas y Jack y David conocen al cadete White (Gary Cooper), quien les sirve de inspiración para sus futuros combates aéreos. Drama bélico que ha pasado a la historia por ser el primer film que ganó el Oscar a la mejor película, el año de la creación de los premios de la Academia americana (años 1927-1928).
Un pistolero de Nevada huye de la ley. Llega a un rancho donde se enamora de Todd, la hija del ranchero. Intentará redimir sus culpas ante la ley yendo tras una banda de ladrones de ganado, encabezada por Clan Dillon.
Los hijos del divorcio
Un hombre no quiere casarse con la mujer que ama pues teme que el matrimonio acabe en divorcio, al igual que le pasó a sus padres.
Los hijos del divorcio
Un hombre no quiere casarse con la mujer que ama pues teme que el matrimonio acabe en divorcio, al igual que le pasó a sus padres.
Arizona Bound
Dave Saulter, a rambling young cowboy drifts into a small western town the day a big gold shipment is leaving by stagecoach. Two different people plan to rob the stagecoach...Buck O'Hara, the driver who is very trusted, and a stranger, Texas Jack. Dave gets involved and is accused of being one of the robbers.
En el departamento de almacenes Waltham, la humilde dependienta Betty Lou se desmaya sobre Cyrus Waltham Junior, distinguido señorito, hijo del propietario. Betty tiene "ello" (atractivo sexual) en abundancia, pero conseguir llamar la atención de Cyrus no es una empresa sencilla. Finalmente, sus ardientes y pasionales miradas comienzan a hacer efecto. Por supuesto, desconociendo haber intervenido. ¿Pueden una mujer que ama los perritos calientes de Coney Island y un hombre que cena en el Ritz llegar a juntar sus caminos alguna vez?
Hotel Imperial
During World War I, an Austrian officer is trapped behind the Russian lines. He tries to sneak through to his own lines, but is forced to take refuge in a small hotel, where he is hidden by the establishment's chambermaid. The two fall in love, but a Russian general makes the hotel his headquarters and sets his sights on the maid. In addition, the Austrian must find out the identity of a spy who is feeding the Russians military information that could lead to the destruction of the Austrian army.
Aloma of the South Seas
A young South Seas native boy is sent to the U.S. for his education. He returns to his island after his father dies to try to stop a revolution.
Law of the Lawless
Sahande, a Tartar girl placed on the block to be sold, is bought by Costa, a Gypsy chief who outbids Sahande's fiancé, Sender. Costa marries the infuriated Sahande but agrees to give her 10 days in which either to return his love or have Sender fight him.
The Glimpses of the Moon
The film is based upon the 1922 Edith Wharton novel The Glimpses of the Moon.
Tess en el país de las tempestades
Un grupo de indigentes vive en las faldas de unas colinas en cuya cima habita una familia adinerada liderada por su patriarca Elias Graves. El magnate Graves piensa que las familias de gente pobre deben ser trasladados a otro lugar y constantemente está planeando su expulsión Entre los desafortunados, vive una muchacha llamada Tess. (filmaffinit-y)
Tess en el país de las tempestades
Scenario Writer
Un grupo de indigentes vive en las faldas de unas colinas en cuya cima habita una familia adinerada liderada por su patriarca Elias Graves. El magnate Graves piensa que las familias de gente pobre deben ser trasladados a otro lugar y constantemente está planeando su expulsión Entre los desafortunados, vive una muchacha llamada Tess. (filmaffinit-y)
Dawn of the East
Countess Natalya is a glamorous refugee from the Bolshevik revolution. Supporting herself and her ailing sister by dancing in a Shanghai dive, she's is talked into a marriage with a wealthy Chinese gentleman. She has been led to believe that this marriage of convenience is not binding, thus she sees no reason not to marry American diplomat Kenneth Harlan once she's arrived in the States.
Dawn of the East
Countess Natalya is a glamorous refugee from the Bolshevik revolution. Supporting herself and her ailing sister by dancing in a Shanghai dive, she's is talked into a marriage with a wealthy Chinese gentleman. She has been led to believe that this marriage of convenience is not binding, thus she sees no reason not to marry American diplomat Kenneth Harlan once she's arrived in the States.
The Primal Law
silent cowboy western starring Dustin Farnum as a rancher whose partner is killed by rustlers. He takes in his partner's young son, and begins to sell his ranch, but the boy finds oil on the land.
The Challenge of the Law
A Canadian Mountie pursues an outlaw across the border into the America...
Bride 13
A gang of Tripolitan pirates swooped down and kidnapped 13 wealthy brides, whom they held for ransom.
If I Were King
J. Gordon Edwards silent adventure melodrama about a famous poet who is allowed to rule France for a week!
The White Moll
Scenario Writer
Desperate because a wealthy man has reduced her father to thievery, Rhoda agrees to rob the poor box of the church, although she finds the act abhorrent.
A Fallen Idol
The Hawaiian Princess Laone's love for Keith Parrish is thwarted by social pressure. After being persuaded to refuse Mr. Parrish's proposal she attempts suicide, but is rescued by her lover. After Parrish leaves town to take care of his father, Princess Laone is told he has abandoned her, and she departs for Hawaii on board the yacht of the dastardly wealthy playboy Stephen Brainard. Princess Laone is forced into having sex with Brainard by being threatened with gang rape by his crew.
False Gods
False Gods (1919)
Marriages Are Made
Cyrus Baird is trying to force his daughter to marry Ethelbert Granger, wealthy but effeminate. She meets and falls in love with James Morton, nephew of Baird's pet enemy. Ethelbert takes the Bairds to cruise in the houseboat of Max Rupholdt, who has a mine layer concealed in the innocent looking craft. Morton, suspected of disloyalty, penetrates Max's secret and rescues the girl just before the fleeing spy meets extermination through one of his own mines.
When a Woman Sins
Scenario Writer
Lilian is engaged to an older man in poor health when she meets his son Michael, whom she falls for. Due to a misunderstanding between the two, Lilian leaves after her fiance's death. Years later, Lilian becomes known around town for her "loose morals," but what happens when she runs into Michael again?
All Woman
Scenario Writer
Susan Sweeney inherits a country hotel. When she arrives to take possession, she discovers it to be not the palatial resort she believed, but a run-down inn with an attached saloon. As she struggles to make something of her new operation, she becomes involved in the life and difficulties of her new community....
The Forbidden Path
Mary Lynde (Theda Bara) is an innocent girl who has grown up in New York's Greenwich Village. One of the artists there, Felix Benavente (Sidney Mason), uses her as model when he paints a portrait of the Madonna for a church. His friend Robert Sinclair (Hugh Thompson) corrupts Mary so that her father (Walter Law) casts her from his home. She goes to live with Sinclair in his mountain lodge, but after the birth of a child, he callously casts her aside. Subsequently, her baby dies and she sinks to the depths of despair.
The Honeymoon
Immediately after Susan Lane becomes Mrs. Richard Greer, she grows jealous when she sees her husband talking to Marion Starr, one of her bridesmaids. Susan's brother Phil wishes to marry Marion, but is entangled with actress Maizie Middleton. Consequently, Dick Greer agrees to see Maizie, whose troupe is playing Niagara, and attempts to buy her off.
A Branded Soul
Conchita Cordova sings in the cathedral choir in her village of San Miguelito near the Rio Grande. Millionaire oil man John Rannie, whose oil fields have displaced the peasants, desires Conchita, and when he learns that her fiance, Juan Mendoza, has been employed by Adolf Wylie, a German spy, Rannie threatens to expose Juan unless Conchita gives herself to him.
The Web of Desire
When his wife Grace inherits her father's stock, John Miller, the president of the Western Power and Development Company, becomes a millionaire and moves to New York with his family. Beset by business problems, Miller pays little attention to his wife, and Grace, feeling neglected, takes up with a bohemian set. Among her new acquaintances she meets Stuart Mordant, the attorney for Thomas Hurd, a business rival of Miller's. Grace seeks refuge from loneliness in Mordant, who makes a bargain with Hurd to gain control of her husband's company for half a million dollars.
Serama, the consort of Lucifer, is driven from Paradise by the Archangel Michael, who commands Conscience to enter human souls to judge and punish them. In the main story, society girl Ruth Somers, a reincarnation of Serama, prepares to marry Cecil Brooke, the wealthiest man of her set. Her guardian, Dr. Norton, an incarnation of Lucifer, constantly accompanies her. Ruth is summoned to the Court of Conscience, where the witnesses, Lust, Avarice, Hate, Revenge and Vanity, testify about Ruth's history of seducing and abandoning men. This behavior resulted in the suicide of Madge, the lover of Ned Langley, whom Ruth enthralled and promised to marry, and also the deaths of two rivals for her love. Ruth is ordered back to earth to learn her sentence. When Ned interrupts the wedding, Ruth scorns him and he shoots himself. After Brooke leaves her, the Court dooms Ruth to live with the torment of remembrance. Ruth sends Norton away, and then kneels and repents.
The Weakness of Man
David Spencer (Holbrook Blinn) is a basically good man, but like all men he has a few character flaws. Alas, these flaws deepen into weaknesses, leading to disaster for Spencer and his lady love Janice Lane (Eleanor Woodruff).